

Land Administration System Focusing on the Protection of Property Rights

【作者】 孙弘宇

【导师】 尤建新; 单胜道;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 今年,是土地管理法颁布、城乡地政统一管理和“十分珍惜、合理利用土地和切实保护耕地”基本国策提出二十周年。在过去的二十周年间,尽管我国已经实行了世界上最严格的耕地保护制度,但耕地仍然大量流失,违法用地的现象仍屡禁不止,即使国土资源管理的政策一再严厉、体制一再调整也不能扭转。通过对世界各国(地区)土地制度特别是土地管理制度的考察,通过比较各国(地区)的土地管理模式,文章指出:为什么发达的市场经济国家不存在像我国这样庞大的土地管理机构、这样严格的土地管理措施,却很少有违法批地用地情况的发生?究其根源,在于土地产权制度;具体到土地管理工作,则与我国当前的土地管理模式有很大的关系。 对我国土地管理模式有多种解释,如计划管理模式,条块结合的管理模式,资源与资产结合的管理模式,行政管理模式等等,都有一定的局限性。文章研究发现,我国土地管理的法律制度、目标、体制、内容、业务流程都紧紧围绕耕地保护而设置,将之归结为以耕地保护为核心的土地管理模式更为准确。文章利用系统理论、委托代理理论和公共管理理论等从几个方面分析了这种模式的弊端和不足,对在该模式下耕地流失、土地管理失灵现象进行了系统分析。 针对上述问题,文章研究认为,政府与其直接保护耕地,不如切实保护土地产权,让权利人自己去保护土地,包括耕地,更为有效。文章首次提出了以产权保护为核心的土地管理模式。 产权范畴、交易费用理论和科斯定律是掌握产权理论的基础,文章在此基础上阐明了产权保护的概念、原则和意义,指出产权的国家保护是最节约的一种保护形式,有效的产权保护是经济增长的关键,同时由于“诺斯悖论”的存在,产权人的自我保护也是必不可少。文章分析了我国产权(国家)保护的现状,阐明了实施产权保护在中国的特殊意义。 文章将产权保护的概念引入土地管理工作,系统分析了产权保护和土地管理的关系。首先,通过产权保护可以有效地解决耕地保护问题。第二,通过产权保护有助于实现土地管理工作由政府“管理”向市场“交易”的转换。第三,土地管理模式的转变同时也有利于土地产权制度建设。文章同时分析了我国土地产权制度建设的现状及存在的问题,并提出建议。 现代产权理论包括制度变迁理论为土地管理模式的变迁提供了理论依据,土地制度变迁的系统动力源于制度不均衡所诱发的获利机会。本文以此为基础构建了以产权保护为核心的土地管理系统。这个系统,以产权保护为基础,以公共参与为保证,以土地登记系统和动态监测系统为支撑,以交易为动力,以规划和公共管制为前提,以市场化原则和信息手段改造了传统的土地管理模式,实现了诱致性制度变迁和强制性制度变迁的统一。这样一种安排,是一种交易费用最低的

【Abstract】 It has been 20 years since China government enacted land administration law as well as integrated administration of the urban-rural land and issued basic state policy ’Absolutely Treasuring, Protecting and Rationally Utilizing land’. During the past 20 years, despite the strictest protection system of cultivated land in China, more and more severe land administration polities and continuous system adjustation, the area of cultivated land is decreasing and lawless land occupation could not be stopped. Through researches on land system, especially land administration system in many countries and comparison among various land administration modes, this thesis argues that these problems don’t exist in the advanced market economies and the main reasons essentially lie in the land property rightss and land administration modes.There are many different definitions about land administration mode in China such as the planning administration mode, combined resources and assets together mode, administrative management and so on, but their effects are limited.Laws and principles, objectives, systems, contents and operation processes of land administration in China have a close relationship with the clutivated land protection. Therefore, it is more accurate if they are concluded into the land administration mode focusing on clutivated land protection. According to System Theory, Principal-Agent Theory, Public Administration Theory, the disadvantages and shortages of this mode are discussed in several aspects and clutivated land decrease as well as land administration failure under the mode are systematic analyzed. Author first puts forward land administrive mode focusing on property rights protection in this thesis.Due to the problems above, the thesis argues that government would rather protect the land property rights than directly protect cultivated land, that is, it is more effective to make the landowner protect his own land, including cultivated land.The concept, principle and meaning of property rights protection are illuminated based on Property Rights Confine, Transaction Cost Theory and Coase theory which are precondition for mastery of Property Rights theory. The thesis also points out that: National protection of property rights is the most economical way; Effective property rights protection is the key for economic growth; Self-protection is necessary due to the ’North Paradox. Meanwhile, the current situation of property rights protection is

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期

