

Research on the Competitiveness of International Shipping Enterprises

【作者】 章雁

【导师】 金光华;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 技术经济与管理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 国际航运是一个高风险、高投入、跨国竞争、垄断性强的行业,随着世界经济一体化、海运自由化进程的日益加快,国际航运企业之间的竞争更为激烈。发达海运国家与发展中海运国家都面临着如何更多地争夺或分享全球航贸资源、如何积极适应于不断发展的国际航运市场形势的重大战略问题。处于国际航运市场竞争中的航运企业,为了谋生存求发展,根本出路在于提升其自身竞争力。国际航运企业竞争力,是一国形成国际航运产业竞争力的必然基础,并对该国的国家竞争力产生重要的影响。我国正经历着由航运大国向航运强国转变的关键历史时期,深入研究国际航运企业的竞争力成为了一项重要而迫切的课题,具有重要的理论研究价值和现实指导意义。论文主要通过规范研究与实证研究相结合、定性描述与定量分析相配合,综合运用竞争力经济学、航运经济学、统计学、数学、管理学等相关领域的学科理论与方法,分别从国际航运企业竞争力的系统机理、竞争力的评价指标与评价方法、竞争力的动态管理等三个方面,构建了一条从理论到实践、从抽象到具体、从静态到动态的研究逻辑体系,以期丰富国际航运企业竞争力的理论研究与决策方法体系。论文共分七章,其中第1章“绪论”部分,主要介绍了国际航运企业竞争力研究的背景、研究目标、研究方法及研究价值,并明确了整篇论文的研究框架;第2章“文献综述及有待深入研究的问题”,该部分对国内外企业竞争力的理论与评价研究做了回顾,进而再对国内外关于航运企业竞争力的理论与评价研究做了评述,针对研究的现状指出了论文将要展开深入研究的方向;围绕上述两章所勾勒了研究主线,分别展开之后章节的论述。第3章“国际航运企业竞争力的系统理论研究”,界定了国际航运企业竞争力的内涵,主要分析了其构成机理,提出了企业能力结构边界,针对不同航运市场结构分析了企业竞争力边界的属性(弱式竞争力边界、半强式竞争力边界、强式竞争力边界),运用系统论的方法分别研究了国际航运企业竞争力系统的混沌结构、耗散结构及自组织结构,构建了企业竞争力的静态与动态模型,将SWOT分析运用于我国国际航运企业竞争力的发展环境,从激励与创新角度指出了企业竞争力的动力机制。第4章“国际航运企业竞争力的评价研究”,提出了国际航运企业竞争力评价的FIP模式,建立了相应的评价指标体系,并明确了指标的性质及算法,结合客观赋权法(熵权法与加权平方和法)与主观赋权法(模糊综合评价法),采用了企业竞争力的组合评价方法。第5章“国际航运企业竞争力的实证研究”,采集了世界运力排名前15位的班轮公司的竞争力指标数据,运用第4章的评价方法,实施企业竞争力的具体评价。第6章“国际航运企业竞争力的动态管理研究”,建立了国际航运企业竞争力的预测模型,重点论述了国际航运战略联盟的组合竞争力、战略目标及其机理,提出了纵向竞争力与横向竞争力矢量图,阐述了联盟伙伴的选择标准、决策指标体系及决策方法,从企业竞争力的视角提出了国际航运兼并的博弈模型,探讨了基于实物期权的国际航运分阶段投资决策,最后研究了国际航运企业的动态竞争战略。第7章“总结与展望”,对本文的主要研究工作及成果予以总结,并指出了尚存的不足及今后深化研究的方向。论文的主要创新之处体现在以下方面:(1)系统地进行了国际航运企业竞争力的理论研究,构建了国际航运企业竞争力的系统理论研究体系;(2)提出了国际航运企业竞争力评价的FIP模式,科学地建立了企业竞争力的评价指标体系;(3)采用组合评价的方式,确定了国际航运企业竞争力的评价方法,并通过实证分析,进行了运用研究;(4)系统地研究了国际航运企业竞争力的动态管理,丰富了国际航运企业竞争力的战略管理。

【Abstract】 International shipping business-line has the attributes of high-risk, huge-investment, transnational-competition and strong-monopoly. With the increasing development of world economy-unify and shipping-liberalization, the competition between international shipping companies becomes more and more severity. Developed and developing shipping countries are both confronted with the situation that is how to dispute or share the world-shipping resources and how to adapt to the changes in international shipping market. The shipping enterprises in the condition of international shipping market competition, it is important to improve self-competitiveness, for making a living and development. International shipping companies’ competitiveness is the basic for a country to form international shipping field competitiveness, and create key impact for a country’s international competitiveness. Our country is experiencing key historical period from shipping big country to shipping great power, deeply researching international shipping companies competitiveness has become an important and stringent subject, and has important theory research value and realism direction meaning.The thesis mainly adopts the combination between criterion research and demonstration research, the cooperation between qualitative description and quantitative analysis, comprehensively using theory and method in related fields, such as competitive economics, shipping economics, statistics, maths, management and etc. The thesis establishes a research logical system from theory to practice, from abstract to concrete, from static state to dynamic state, in the aspect of system mechanism of international shipping companies’ competitiveness, evaluation index and evaluation method of competitiveness, dynamic state management, in order to enrich the system of international shipping companies’ competitiveness thesis research and decision-making method.The thesis contains seven chapters, chapter 1: Introduction, mainly introduces research background, research target, research method and research value of international shipping companies’ competitiveness, meanwhile, determines the research frame; chapter 2: Literature summarization and the problems waiting for deeply research, this part looks back the theory and evaluation of companies’ competitiveness at home and abroad, further, comments and describes the theory and evaluation of shipping companies’ competitiveness. Aiming at the research actuality, the thesis points that the direction of research should be deeply outspreading. The above two chapters draw the main outline of research, the following discussion is on the bases of these two.Chapter 3: Systematic theory research of international shipping companies’ competitiveness, provides the definition of international shipping companies’ competitiveness, mainly analyzes its mechanism, puts forward companies’ capability structure boundary, aiming at different shipping market structure, analyzes the attribute of companies’ competitiveness boundary (weakness competitiveness boundary, semi-strength competitiveness boundary, strength competitiveness boundary), using systematic methodology, researches chaos structure, dissipation structure and organizing structure of international shipping companies’ competitiveness, establishes static state and dynamic model of companies’ competitiveness, puts SWOT analysis into use in the developing condition of our country’s international shipping companies’ competitiveness, in the perspective of incentive and innovation, points out the drive mechanism of companies competitiveness.Chapter4: Research on the evaluation of international shipping companies’ competitiveness, this section puts forward the FIP model of international shipping companies’ competitiveness, establishes corresponding evaluation index system, defines the attributes and calculations of indexes, combines impersonality method and subjective method, and adopts combination evaluation method of companies’ competitiveness.Chapter5: Positive research on international shipping companies’ competitiveness, the part collects competitiveness index data of liner ship that ranks the top 15 of international carrier power, adopts the evaluation method established in chapter 4, and implements the concrete evaluation.Chapter6: Research on dynamic management in competitiveness of international shipping enterprises, the part establishes the competitiveness -forecast model, elaborates the combined competitiveness of shipping-alliance and its strategic objective and mechanism, put forwards vertical and horizontal competitiveness, elaborates the decision method to select alliance partners, provides the game model for international shipping merge, discusses multi-stage investment decision based on real options and dynamic competitive strategies.Chapter 7: Summarizations and prospects, the part summarizes the main research work and results, and points out the weakness and further research direction.The main innovation shows the following aspects:(1) The thesis systematically conducts the theory research of international shipping companies’ competitiveness, establishes the systematical theory research system of international shipping companies’ competitiveness.(2) The thesis puts forward the FIP model of international shipping companies’ evaluation, scientifically establishes the evaluation index system of companies’ competitiveness.(3) The thesis adopts the evaluation method of international shipping companies’ competitiveness, and conducts mobilization research by means of positive analysis.(4) The thesis systematically researches the dynamic management of international shipping companies’ competitiveness, enriches the strategic management of international shipping companies’ competitiveness.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】F551
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1092

