

【作者】 张松

【导师】 李国杰;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(计算技术研究所) , 计算机体系结构, 1999, 博士

【摘要】 服务质量(Quality of Service,QoS)是最近一个时期内发展较快的研究领域,但长时间以来QoS的研究范围仅局限于网络本身的特性,忽视了用户的控制和影响作用。 本文的研究动机来源于计算机技术和网络通信技术的发展,以及在技术发展刺激下用户需求和应用类型的多样化趋势。在这种趋势下,一方面计算机网络的最终用户从被动地利用网络完成自己的应用需求,转变为要求网络为实现各自的应用需求提供足够的支持,希望计算机网络具有满足需求的整体特性;另一方面大量的网络多媒体应用不断出现,多媒体信息本身的特点要求网络传输具有某些可配置的特性,具有支持QoS的能力。因此在以用户为中心的端到端的基础上研究QoS,综合考虑多种因素满足用户的要求是非常必要的。 本文的研究目标是建立一种新的能够适应异构网络环境的保证端到端QoS的框架结构,充分考虑以用户为中心的观点,使得应用程序、端系统和网络节点能够主动地相互协调,适应网络状态的变化。 本文进行的主要研究工作和创新主要包括两部分: 一、本文将移动agent的概念引入到QoS框架研究中,提出了基于mobile agent的QoS自适应框架----MA-QoS(Mobile Agent based Quality ofService)。 本文认为提供QoS服务必须紧密结合用户所请求服务的具体情况,才能真正达到目的,因此提出了MA-QoS框架,并对其关键问题进行了深入的研究。主要创新包括:①、MA-QoS的框架结构。MA-QoS是一个立体结构,包括服务平面、管理平面和实施平面三个平面,分别代表服务提供过程、服务的管理和服务的具体实现过程。其中服务平面分为3个层面:面向用户的服务/应用层、agent层和agent运行环境层。由于利用agent动态扩展系统内各节点的功能,使其能够主动地根据应用需求对每个连接的QoS进行局部协调和维护,更加灵活快速满足用户需要。②、提出了面向用户的服务体系。在MA-QoS框架中,提出将提供满足用户需求的QoS功能赋予服务提供者,服务提供者形成了用户和网络之间的桥梁,负责弥合网络功能和用户需求之间的差异,提供单独的网络节点难以完成的功能。面向用户的服务体系(Service Architecture)包括多个服务提供者;每个服务提供者都有自己相应的服务域(Service Domain),服务域中

【Abstract】 The notion of quality of service (QoS) has been evolved rapidly over the past few years. For a long time, the term QoS referred to certain characteristics of network performance outside the control or influence of the end user. Recently there are great advance in the field of QoS research, due mainly to the emergence of high-speed network and high performance multimedia-ready PCs and wide spread of the Internet, which put heavy demand on more flexible user/application-oriented QoS architecture.The above technological change and the need to provide the QoS assurance according to end-user’s satisfaction motivate this thesis. The aim of the thesis is to contribute toward the development of a general end-to-end quality of service architecture which is suitable for different network environment and can actively adapt to the status change in end-to-end system by negotiate between service-provider, application, end system and network automatically.To address this aim, the mobile-agent-based quality of service architecture (MA-QoS) is proposed. By introducing mobile agent into QoS research field, MA-QoS is a cube structure, it includes three planes: service plane, management plane and implementation plane. And in service plane, three layers are introduced: user-oriented service/application layer agent layer and agent execution environment layer. Using mobile agent, users can describe their QoS requirement in their familiar way, and MA-QoS can dynamically distribute proper QoS control function to proper network node or end system, and mobile agent actively perform local and global adaptation, improving the ability to satisfy the user’s requirement. Also in MA-QoS, users can describe their QoS requirement in their familiar wayThis thesis also put forward an user-oriented service architecture incorporated with MA-QoS Service architecture is also a layered structure, including several service provider, every service provider has its own service domain, users in a service domain can be divided into several user field, service provider supply service facility for every user field. In MA-QoS architecture, the duty to provide user-satisfactory service is lie on the service provider, it is a


