

Study on Foraging Behavior and Baiting System for Odontotermes Formosanus (Isoptera: Termitidae)

【作者】 黄求应

【导师】 雷朝亮;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 动物学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 黑翅土白蚁是危害农林植物和水库堤坝的重要害虫。本文以黑翅土白蚁为研究对象,较系统地研究了黑翅土白蚁的觅食行为,在此基础上构建和应用了高效环保型的诱杀系统,其主要研究结果如下:1.黑翅土白蚁的掘道和觅食行为研究在室内条件下,利用平面沙盘装置比较研究了黑翅土白蚁和黑胸散白蚁的掘道行为差异,并探讨了砂粒直径对黑翅土白蚁掘道速度的影响。试验观察发现,黑翅土白蚁的工蚁在沙盘中很快便开始掘道,掘道速度较快,而且是从圆心处向沙盘四周构筑辐射状的主蚁道;而黑胸散白蚁的工蚁在圆心处滞留时间较长,仅从沙盘的少数几个方向开始掘道,且掘道速度较慢。研究结果表明,黑翅土白蚁的主蚁道数和主蚁道宽度均显著大于黑胸散白蚁的,但前者的主蚁道间夹角、主蚁道分支数和蚁道相交率均显著低于后者的。研究结果还表明,黑翅土白蚁工蚁的掘道速度受到砂粒直径的显著影响,且在掘道时对砂粒大小有选择性。室内实验表明,黑翅土白蚁觅食和掘道行为试验的主蚁道数间无显著差异,但前者的主蚁道和2次蚁道的分支数均显著小于后者的。觅食行为试验表明,取食点的蚁道宽度显著大于原点的,过取食点的主蚁道数显著高于过取食点的次蚁道数。此外,近60%被发现的取食点周围拥有取食环,且平均拥有数为2。2.黑翅土白蚁诱食信息素研究超微结构观察发现,黑翅土白蚁工蚁下唇腺的腺泡呈扁圆形,相互堆积的腺泡由腺泡管相连;此外,黑翅土白蚁工、兵蚁和有翅成虫的腺泡细胞在构造上有显著差异。研究结果表明,黑翅土白蚁工蚁下唇腺水提液对工蚁有显著的诱食效果,但其下唇腺甲醇提取液和正己烷提取液对工蚁均无显著的诱食效果。研究结果还表明,兵蚁下唇腺水提液对工蚁有明显的驱避作用;而有翅成虫下唇腺水提液对工蚁既无显著的诱食效果,也无明显的驱避作用。经气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)分析,在黑翅土白蚁的工蚁下唇腺和虫体水提液中均不含对苯二酚;所测2种样品共有14种可能的诱食组分,其中丙氨酸、L-缬氨酸、尿素、4-甲氧基苯酚、3,5-二羟基甲苯、苹果酸和癸二酸等7种化合物是2种样品都含有的组分。研究结果表明,1μg/g和10μg/g对苯二酚对黑翅土白蚁工蚁无显著诱食效果,而50μg/g和100μg/g对苯二酚对工蚁却有明显的驱避作用。3.黑翅土白蚁取食和交哺行为的品级差异性利用Rubidium(Rb)作为示踪元素,测定了黑翅土白蚁在取食和交哺方面的品级差异性。取食测定试验表明,工蚁可以直接取食RbCl处理过的滤纸;3龄幼蚁具有一定的取食能力;5~6龄若蚁虽然获得了标记水平的Rb吸收值,但其取食能力很弱;而兵蚁无法取食RbCl处理过的滤纸。交哺测定试验表明,与8000μg/ml Rb传食工蚁配对的受食工蚁、兵蚁和5~6龄若蚁的Rb吸收值均显著高于与对照传食工蚁配对的受食工蚁、兵蚁和5~6龄若蚁的Rb吸收值,与8000μg/ml Rb传食工蚁配对的3龄幼蚁的Rb吸收值未显著高于与对照传食工蚁配对的3龄幼蚁的Rb吸收值。此外,本研究中4个交哺组合的传递效率均较低。4.黑翅土白蚁诱杀系统的构建毒力测定结果表明,0.025μg/ml~0.4μg/ml氟虫腈和吡虫啉分别在药后3 d和5 d对黑翅土白蚁表现出明显的毒杀效果,氟虫腈和吡虫啉药后1 d的LC50分别为药后5 d的509倍和63.8倍,2种药剂对黑翅土白蚁的毒杀效果均比较缓慢。驱避作用试验表明,50μg/ml氟虫腈对黑翅土白蚁无明显的驱避作用,而50μg/ml吡虫啉对黑翅土白蚁表现出了明显的驱避作用。氟虫腈在黑翅土白蚁中的传递性试验表明,5.0μg/g氟虫腈毒沙对应的受毒工蚁死亡率显著高于0μg/g、1.0μg/g和10.0μg/g氟虫腈毒沙的。当传毒工蚁在1.0μg/g氟虫腈毒沙中染毒1 h、6 h和12 h时,仅6 h对应的受毒工蚁死亡率在各观测时间均显著高于对照的。当在1.0μg/g氟虫腈毒沙中的传毒白蚁数为5、15和20头时,在6 d、9 d和12 d后,仅15和20头传毒白蚁数对应的受毒工蚁死亡率显著高于对照的。此外,传毒工蚁不能将致死剂量的氟虫腈传递给受毒兵蚁和幼蚁。黑翅土白蚁的食物选择性试验表明:在6种纯饵料中,小米粉的被食率、泥被面积及泥被覆盖率均最高,其泥被出现时间仅长于松木粉的,但两者间无显著差异。在5种添加物中,15%香菇、10%松花粉、10%白砂糖、15%蜂蜜都能显著提高小米粉对黑翅土白蚁的诱食效果,其中又以10%白砂糖的增效作用最明显。野外试验表明,小米粉+10%白砂糖诱饵对黑翅土白蚁的诱食效果优于小米粉诱饵的。因此,小米粉+10%白砂糖适合作为黑翅土白蚁毒饵中的饵料组分。比较了8种供试防霉剂对小米粉的防霉效果,结果表明:2‰山梨酸钾和0.75‰百菌清对小米粉的防霉效果较好,两者都能使野外试验坑中的小米粉样品8 d后不发霉。室内试验表明,2‰山梨酸钾不影响黑翅土白蚁对小米粉的取食量;而0.75‰百菌清显著降低了黑翅土白蚁对小米粉的取食量。野外试验进一步表明,投饵8 d后,小米粉诱饵、小米粉+2‰山梨酸钾诱饵、小米粉+0.75‰百菌清诱饵的发霉率分别为100%、20%和30%,而三者的被食率分别为27.67%、53.70%和19.15%。可见,2‰山梨酸钾适合作为白蚁诱饵的防霉剂。利用手工成型器进行的白蚁诱饵剂成型工艺试验表明,饵料粒度是影响诱饵剂成型状况的主要因子。甘蔗粉诱饵剂的最佳成型条件是:甘蔗粉粒度为细水平,粘着剂用量为10%,挤压时间为5 s,用水量为200%;而松木屑诱饵剂的最佳成型条件是:松木屑粒度为细水平,粘着剂用量为10%,挤压时间为5 s,用水量为100%。参考手工成型器筛选出的最佳成型条件,在自行改装的电动成型机中可生产出成型状况良好的白蚁诱饵剂。5.黑翅土白蚁诱杀系统的应用毒剂用量确定试验表明,0.008%氟虫腈诱饵条会引起黑翅土白蚁工蚁的快速死亡,而0.002%和0.004%氟虫腈诱饵条不会引起工蚁的快速死亡,且两者的被食量基本相等,因此确定野外施药技术试验中使用0.004%氟虫腈白蚁诱饵条。野外施药技术试验表明,地面蚁路法和枯枝内藏法对应小区的氟虫腈诱饵条被食总量高于诱杀坑法、地表暴露法、树干粘贴法对应小区的。施药结束后1个月,地面蚁路法和枯枝内藏法对应小区的树木蚁害率分别比药前减少了53.57%和43.24%,且地面无新鲜白蚁泥被;而诱杀坑法、地表暴露法和树干粘贴法对应小区的树木蚁害率分别比药前增加了16.66%、17.65%和2.5%,且地面均布满了新鲜白蚁泥被。施药结束后7个月,地面蚁路法和枯枝内藏法对应小区的2个黑翅土白蚁巢体均死亡;而诱杀坑法、地表暴露法和树干粘贴法对应小区的3个黑翅土白蚁巢体均正常。采用“三次标记—再捕法”估计了4个黑翅土白蚁巢体的觅食种群数量和觅食范围;利用白蚁监测管中的工蚁数量和马粪纸被食量评价了每个黑翅土白蚁巢体的觅食活性,并测定了每个试验点所消耗的氟虫腈诱饵管中纸质诱饵的重量。结果表明,消耗3 mg~5 mg氟虫腈便可抑制觅食种群数量为4.0×105~7.0×105的黑翅土白蚁巢体的觅食活性。

【Abstract】 Odontotermes formosanus (Shiraki) is an important pest of agronomic crops, plantations and forestry, and badly destroys earthen dikes and dams in China. The foraging behavior of O. formosanus was studied totally in the thesis. Furthermore, the high effective and environmentally friendly baiting system against O. formosanus was constructed and applied. The major results are summarized as following: 1. Study on the tunneling and foraging behavior of O. formosanusIn the laboratory, the differences of tunneling behavior between O. formosanus and Reticulitermes chinensis were studied by the planar sand plate. Furthermore, the effect of sand diameter on the tunneling rate of O. formosanus was also studied. We found that the worker of O. formosanus in the origin quickly started to tunnel in higher speed, and the radiate primary tunnels were constructed around the sand plate. However, the workers of R. chinensis resorted in the origin for a longer time, and the non-radiate primary tunnels were constructed in lower speed in the sand plate. The results showed that the number and width of primary tunnels of O. formosanus was significantly more than that of R. chinensis, but the angle between two primary tunnels, branching number of primary tunnels and intersecting ratio of tunnels were significantly less than those of R. chinensis. In addition, the results showed that the tunneling rate of O. formosanus was affected significantly by sand diameter, and there was choice for sand size during the tunneling behavior in O. formosanus.In the laboratory, the results showed that there was no significant difference for the number of primary tunnels between the two behaviors, but the branching numbers of primary and secondary tunnels of the foraging behavior were significantly less than those of the tunneling behavior. The results of the foraging behavior test showed that the tunnel width about feeding site was significantly bigger than that about origin. In addition, number of primary tunnels across feeding sites was significantly more than that of subaltern tunnels across feeding sites. Furthermore, there were 2 feeding loops around 60 % of feeding sites found by foraging workers.2. Study on phagostimulating pheromone in O. formosanusWe observed that cumulate acini forming labial gland were oblate in the shape, which were joined by acinar ducts. In addition, there was significant difference in the structures of acinar cells of labial gland among workers, soldiers and alates in O. formosanus. The results showed that there was significant phagostimulating effect on workers for distilled water extracts of worker’s labial glands in O. formosanus, but there was no significant phagostimulating effect on workers for methanol and hexane extracts of worker’s labial glands in O. formosanus. Moreover, the results showed that there was significant repellent effect on workers for distilled water extracts of soldier’s labial glands in O. formosanus, and there was neither significant phagostimulating effect nor significant repellent effect on workers for alate’s labial glands in O. formosanus.By GC-MS, the results showed that there was no hydroquinone in the distilled water extracts of labial glands and bodies of workers. Furthermore, there were 14 possible phagostimulationg components in the two samples by GC-MS, in which 7 components were contained by the above two samples together, including alanine, L-valine, urea, 4-methoxyphenol, 3,5-dihydroxytoluene, malic acid and sebacic acid. In addition, there was no significant phagostimulating effect on workers of O. formosanus for 1μg/g and 10μg/g hydroquinone; however, there was significant repellent effect on workers of O. formosanus for 50μg/g and 100μg/g hydroquinone.3. Study on feeding and trophallaxis in O. formosanus, using rubidium chlorideDifferences in feeding and trophallaxis among castes of O. formosanus were analyzed using Rubidium (Rb)as a tracer. In the feeding study, workers fed directly on Rb-treated filter paper, and 3rd-instar larvae held the limited feeding ability. Though 5th- and 6th-instar nymphs acquired the marked level of Rb, the feeding ability of the caste was poor. However, Soldiers did not feed on Rb-treated filter paper. In the trophallaxis study, Rb content of worker, soldier and 5th- and 6th-instar nymphal recipients paired with Rb-fed worker donors was significantly higher than that of them paired with control donors respectively. But, Rb content of 3rd-instar larval recipient paired with Rb-fed worker donors wasn’t significantly higher than that of it paired with control donors. Moreover, transfer efficiency from the 4 trophallactic combinations was all low.4. Constructing baiting system against O. formosanusThe toxicity results showed that 0.025μg/ml~.4μg/ml fipronil and imidacloprid achieved obvious insecticidal efficacy after O. formosanus were treated for 3 d and 5 d respectively. LC50 of fipronil and imidacloprid for 1 d after treatment were 509 times and 63.8 times as that for 5 d after treatment respectively, indicating that the efficacy of the two pesticides against O. formosanus was slow. The repellent test showed that 50μg/ml fipronil had no obvious repellent effect against O. formosanus, but 50μg/ml imidacloprid had obvious repellent effect.The results of the test on transfer of fipronil among nestmates of O. formosanus showed that mean recipient mortality for 5.0μg/g was significantly than that for 0, 1 or 10μg/g. When donors were treated with 1μg/g fipronil for 1, 6 or 12 h, only mean recipient mortality for 6 h of exposure duration was significantly greater than that of the control during the total test. In addition, mean recipient mortality was evaluated after exposure of 5, 15 or 20 donors to 1μg/g fipronil for 3 h, and the results showed that mean recipient mortality for both 15 and 20 donors were significantly greater than that for the control at 6, 9, and 12 d. Finally, the results indicated that donor workers could not transfer a lethal concentration of fipronil to soldier or larval recipients.The results of the food choice test on O. formosanus showed that in the six diets, the consumption rate, mud sheet area and mud sheet covering rate of the millet powder were maximal. The mud sheet appearing time of the millet powder was only longer than that of the pine powder, but difference between the two diets was not significant. Among the five additives, except for 15% Auricularia auricula, 15% Lentinula edodes, 10% masson pine pollen, 10% white sugar and 15% honey could observably improve the phagostimulating effect of the millet powder on O. formosanus, and the synergistic effect of 10% white sugar was the most distinct in them. The results of the field trial showed that the phagostimulating effect of the baits made of the millet powder+10% white sugar on O. formosanus was better than that of the baits made of the millet powder. To sum up, the millet powder+10% white sugar can be as the diet ingredient of the bait against O. formosanus.Antiseptic effects of 8 mould inhibitors on the millet powder as the preferred diet of O. formosanus were compared. The better mould inhibitors were 0.2% potassium sorbate and 0.075% chlorolthalonil 8 days after treatment in the field. Laboratory experiments showed that 0.2% potassium sorbate had no significant effect on the consumption of the millet powder by O. formosanus, but 0.075% chlorolthalonil significantly reduced the consumption of the millet powder by O. formosanus. Further field results showed that the rate of the bait mould in the CK and bait plus 0.2% potassium sorbate or plus 0.075% chlorolthalonil was 100%, 20% and 30%, respectively, and the rate of bait consumption was 27.67%, 53.70% and 19.15%, respectively, 8 days after the baits were applied. So, 0.2% potassium sorbate can be as mould inhibitor for termite baits.The shaping craft of the termite bait was studied by the handmade molding instrument, and the results showed that bait granularity was the major factor influencing molding status of baits. The best shaping craft of the termite bait of the cane powder was: the thin cane powder, 10% adhesive, 5 s of crush time and 200% water; while the best shaping craft of the termite bait of the pine fritter was: the thin pine fritter, 10% adhesive, 5 s of crush time and 100% water. Termite baits with good molding can be produced by the refitted molding machine, referring to the best molding condition for the handmade molding instrument.5. Application of baiting system against O. formosanusThe results of the field test on decision of toxicant dosage showed that 0.008% fipronil baits induced foraging workers of O. formosanus to die quickly. But 0.002% and 0.004% fipronil baits did not induced foraging workers of O. formosanus to die quickly, and they had the same consumption. So, 0.004% fipronil baits would be used in the test about employing technique of termite baits in the field. Furthermore, the results in the field showed that in the two trial sections of the ground termite gallery means and deadwood-hiding means, the total consumption of fipronil baits was higher than that in the three trial sections of the trapping pit means, means of exposure on the earth’s surface and trunk-sticking means. 1 month after the end of applying baits, in the two trial sections of the ground termite gallery means and deadwood-hiding means, the damaged rate of trees reduced 53.57% and 43.24% than that before the treatment respectively, and there were no fresh termite mud sheets in the ground; however, in the three trial sections of the trapping pit means, means of exposure on the earth’s surface and trunk-sticking means, the damaged rate of trees increased 16.66%, 17.65% and 2.5% than that before the treatment respectively, and there were many fresh termite mud sheets in the ground. 7 months after the end of applying baits, in the two trial sections of the ground termite gallery means and deadwood-hiding means, the 2 nests of O. formosanus were dead; whereas, in the three trial sections of the trapping pit means, means of exposure on the earth’s surface and trunk-sticking means, the 3 nests of O. formosanus were healthy.Triple mark-capture was used to estimate foraging populations and to delineate foraging territories of 4 O. formosanus colonies. Termite activity was monitored by number of termite workers and straw board consumption in underground monitoring stations. Consumptions of bait matrix and fipronil in bait tubes were estimated for each testing site. The results showed that approximately 3~5 mg of fipronil could suppress foraging populations of O. formosanus containing 0.4~0.7 million foragers per colony.


