

Characterization of Three Neutral Alleles (f5, f6 from Dular, S5 from 02428) Conferring Wide-compatibility and Fine-mapping of f5-Du

【作者】 王功伟

【导师】 张启发; 何予卿;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 生物化学与分子生物学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 广亲和品种是一类与籼稻和粳稻杂交杂种F1代均表现正常可育的一类特殊种质资源。以前的研究表明,Dualr和02428是广亲和品种,并已鉴定出许多位点对籼粳杂种育性有显著效应。在本研究中分别以Dualr和02428作供体,珍汕97为受体,通过连续回交及分子标记辅助选择,构建了含有f5-Du、f6-Du和S5-08的5套近等基因系,即ZS(f5-Du/f5-ZS),ZS(f6-Du/f6-ZS),ZS(S5-08/S5-ZS),ZS(f5-Du/f5-ZS,f6-Du/f6-ZS)和ZS(f5-Du/f5-ZS,S5-08/S5-ZS)。以这些近等基因系为材料,分别与籼稻测验种南京11和粳稻测验种Balilla配组,分析了f5-Du、f6-Du和S5-08的广亲和性和基因效应:并对f5-Du进行了精细定位。获得的主要研究结果如下: 1.构建的近等基因系ZS(f5-Du/f5-ZS),ZS(f6-Du/f6-ZS),ZS(S5-08/S5-ZS),ZS(f5-Du/f5-ZS,f6-Du/f6-ZS)和ZS(f5-Du/f5-ZS,S5-08/S5-ZS)的轮回亲本珍汕97的遗传背景回复率分别为98.75%,98.75%,97.92%,96.67%和96.67%;并且这些近等基因系在以前研究中检测到的其它籼粳杂种育性位点上均是轮回亲本珍汕97的纯合基因型。 2.近等基因系与籼稻测验种南京11杂交,所有杂交组合均与对照组合珍汕97×南京11一样表现为正常可育。各近等基因系自交产生的三种基因型植株均表现为正常可育,且三种基因型之间没有偏分离现象发生。因此来自广亲和品种的3个等位基因与典型籼稻对应的等位基因是完全亲和的。 3.在与粳稻Balilla杂交的亲和性测验中,对单个位点两类基因型之间的比较表明f5位点两类基因型间花粉和小穗育性均存在巨大差异,f5-Du等位基因可以将花粉育性(碘染)平均提高50%以上,小穗育性提高20%以上。由于研究组合中花粉育性太低,f6和S5位点两类基因型间小穗育性均没有显著差异。 4.含两位点的近等基因系与粳稻Balilla测交结果也表明,f5是唯一引起花粉育性差异的位点,携带f5-Du基因型的植株花粉育性极显著地高于f5-ZS基因型的植株。此外含两位点的近等基因系与粳稻Balilla测交结果也检测到f6和S5位点对小穗育性的极显著效应。在2003年的研究中f6和S5位点对小穗育性仅在f5-Du存在时有极显著效应;而在2004年的研究中不管f5-Du存在与否,均表现出对小穗育性的极显著效应,但当f5-Du存在时f6和S5位点对小穗育性的效应要大得多。同时发现f6和S5位点遗传行为完全相似。

【Abstract】 Wide-compatibility varieties (WCVs) are a special class of rice germplasm that is able to produce fertile hybrids when crossed to both indica and japonica subspecies. Previous studies determined Dular and 02428 as two WCVs, and identified a number of QTLs as having large effects on fertility of inter-subspecific hybrids. In this study, we developed five near isogenic lines (NILs) for three of the QTLs, f5, f6, and S5, by backcrossing and marker-assisted selection, using Dular and 02428 as the donors and Zhenshan 97 as the recipient. Three of the NILs each carried one introgressed allele, and 2 NILs each carried two introgressed alleles in combinations. The NILs were test-crossed to an indica tester Nanjing 11 and a japonica tester Balilla. The main results are as follows:1. The selected NILs, designated ZS(f5-Du/f5-ZS), ZS(f6-Du/f6-ZS), ZS(S5-08/S5-ZS), ZS(f5-Du/f5-ZS, f6-Du/f6-ZS) and ZS(f5-Du/f5-ZS, 55-08/S5-ZS), were respectively with 98.75%, 98.75%, 97.92%, 96.67%, and 96.67% recovery of the recurrent parent genome. In particular, these NILs were homozygous for the Zhenshan 97 alleles for markers representing all the regions known to harbor loci (or QTLs) for indica/japonica hybrid sterility, as reported in previous studies.2. When the NILs were test-crossed to indica tester Nanjing 11, all the crosses produced normal fertile hybrids as the control cross, Zhenshan 97×Nanjing 11. And all the three genotypes of the self-pollinated progenies from each of the NILs also showed normal fertility. In addition, no distorted segregations of the three genotypes were observed. Thus, all three alleles that were transferred to Zhenshan 97 from the WCVs had complete compatibility with the indica alleles.3. In the compatibility tests to japonica variety, comparison between the two genotypes for each of the three loci showed that the two genotypes at the f5 locus had the largest differences in both pollen and spikelet fertility; the f5-Du allele could increase the pollen fertility (I2-KI stainability) by more than 50% and the spikelet fertility by over 20%. While differences between the two genotypes at the other two loci (f6 and S5) were not significant.4. Test-crosses of two-locus genotypes also showed that f5 was the only locus causing statistically significant difference in pollen fertility. All the two-locus genotypes involving the f5-Du allele had much higher pollen fertility than ones having the f5-ZS allele. In addition, test-crosses of the two-locus genotypes also detected the effects of the other two

  • 【分类号】S511.2
  • 【下载频次】302

