

A Study of the Evolution of Value Orientation of New Period Literary Theories

【作者】 刘亚斌

【导师】 冯宪光;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 文艺学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 当代文艺学研究在译介西方文论、古典文论的现代转换以及马克思主义文艺理论等方面都取得了积极的理论成果,却忽视了对其自身的研究。由于新世纪到来这一特殊历史时期,学术界从80年代便开始在解放思想、突破政治对文学的束缚,即实现我国文论现代化的时代性要求下对20世纪以来的文论进行了回溯性研究,尤其是晚清与“五四”这两个历史时段的文论成为研究热潮,究其原因,乃在于可以从开端与起源的发生学意义上来探究20世纪中国文论的现代性问题。新世纪伊始,对当代文论自身的回溯性研究得到了改观。站在新世纪的起点上,程光炜、王一川、旷新年等学者纷纷对新时期文论文学进行深层次的规律探索。去年,中国中外文艺理论学会等单位又在长沙召开了以“新时期文学理论的回顾与展望”为主题的全国性学术会议,初步确立了新时期文论科学性、现代性和中国特色等三大特征。我们认为,新时期文论所体现出来的种种特征以及所取得的积极成果恰恰是新世纪文论研究的现实起点,新时期文论研究是不可忽视的:在新世纪视野下对其进行科学有效的整理归纳,有着重要的价值与意义。 本论文就是在这一历史与学术背景下对新时期文论价值取向的发展历程进行研究的。新时期文论价值取向风风雨雨将近30年。期间,有过创新的喜悦,有过不足的缺憾,也有过失败的茫然。无论如何,任何研究都应该立足于自身本位,以本土文论的文化身份,参与全球性的文论对话,体现出自身文论的民族特色。从这个意义上说,新时期文论价值取向在某种程度上又成为新世纪新时段的又一种不可忽视的新的传统理论资源。在文论研究走进新世纪、面向新世纪未来之际,就不应该忽视新时期文论价值取向历程中所产生的积极成果,

【Abstract】 The current studies of Literary Theories have efficiently acquired some theoretical achievements in translating and introducing western literary theories, in transforming Chinese classical literary theories into modern equivalents, in investigating Marxist literary theories and in some other aspects. Nevertheless, the study of the discipline itself has been neglected. Confronted by the impending advent of a new century, the academia, by request of emancipating the mind and unlashing literature from political restrictions, i.e. modernizing our literary theories, started in the 1980s to undertake retrospective examinations on previous 20th -century literary theories, among which, theories constructed in late Qing Dynasty and May Fourth period have been hot topics, by reason that researches on the problem of modernizing our literary theories are feasible in a genesis view. The beginning of this century saw some changes in the retrospective examinations on previous literary theories. On the starting point of a new century, scholars like Cheng Guangwei, Wang Yichuan and Kuang Xinnian etc. turned to make deep researches on the rules of New Period literary theories. Last year, a national conference hosted mainly by China Academic Association of Chinese and International Literary Theories in the city of Changsha, Hunan Province concentrated on the topic of "The Retrospect and Prospect of New Period Literary Theories", and generally characterized New Period literary theories as being "scientific, modern and with Chinese characteristics." We argue that the characteristics and achievements of New Period literary theories are just the starting

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期

