

A Reading of Gender Representation in Advertising

【作者】 彭小华

【导师】 李杰;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 文艺学, 2005, 博士


【摘要】 本文的研究对象是市场经济条件下一个显著的经济、文化、传播现象——广告及其再现性别的方式。再现(representation)是大众文化研究的一个重要议题。因为今天,人们越来越依赖通过大众传媒了解世界,了解文化,了解自己和他人。性别再现则提供了人们认识性别规范、性别角色、性别分工和性别关系的重要渠道。大众媒介被认为营造了拟态的环境,性别在这个环境中的塑造则被认为提供了人们社会化的模仿对象和建构力量。 基于对再现的上述认识,大众文化的批判者们担心拥有资本、掌控媒介者,也就是那些对再现有决定力量和控制力量者会以有利于自己的方式再现世界、再现性别,而这会对“无权的”、被动的受众-消费者不利。作为一种批判理论话语,女性主义正是在这样的观念下,从性别权利关系出发,发现和审视大众媒介如何以及为什么以“不平等的”方式进行性别再现,认为媒介再现女性的方式是对女性的贬低、利用甚至侮辱。广告的性别再现尤其典型。 广告及其性别再现堪称媒介的一道靓丽景观。广告的世界是美好的,在这里,一切困难皆可轻松解决,广告中多的是美丽的女性和英俊的男性。女性主义对广告及其性别再现的解读结论令人费解:美丽不好吗?年轻不好吗?做妻子和母亲是对女性的“放逐”吗?关键的问题是,广告为什么要这样再现女性?广告何以能够通过长久地贬低女性达到让女性购买、消费其产品/服务的目的?广告发布者和女性目标传播对象是什么样的关系?他们有与女性为敌的动机吗?…… 出于对广告及其性别再现的关注和对女性主义广告及性别再现解读结论的怀疑,本文作者试图对这个显著的媒介文化现象进行深入、全面的考察。通过在广告和广告性别再现研究领域影响最大的女性主义理论及其在广告批判中的

【Abstract】 The author studies advertising and its representation of gender. Representation makes up an important topic in the study of mass culture. Today, people more and more get to know the world, understand culture and others and themselves via mass media. While gender representation stands up to be an important channel for people to understand gender norms, gender role, division of labor between genders and gender relations. Mass media are considered to construct a mimicry environment, and the construction of gender in this environment is considered to provide people model to follow and is a constructing force in their process of socialization.On the basis of the afore-mentioned understanding of representation, the critics of mass culture worry that capital-owners, mass media owners, that is, people with the power to decide and control representation, will represent the world and gender as they please, and this will hurt the many powerless and passive audience-consumers. As a critical theory, Feminism follows this concept and starts from gender power relation to discover and examine how and why mass media represent gender "unequally". Feminists criticize mass media for representing women in a belittling, even insulting way. The gender representation in advertising is especially serious.Advertisements and their gender representation composes a beautiful media scenery. The advertising world is edenic. In this world, all problems can be easily solved. In this world are full of beautiful women and handsome men. Feminists’

【关键词】 广告性别再现消费文化
【Key words】 advertisinggender representationconsumer culture
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期

