

On the Development of Enterprise-wide Risk Management of Insurance Enterprises

【作者】 曾忠东

【导师】 李天德;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 政治经济学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 当前全面风险管理(Enterprises-wide Risk Management,ERM)浪潮正在国际金融业中兴起。ERM以其崭新的风险管理理念,为金融机构管理风险、获得价值提供了新的有效的解决方案。作为集合与分散风险的专业金融机构,保险企业不仅要承担和转化被保险人的风险,同时还有防范和化解自身的风险,这使得保险企业的风险管理难度更大。目前许多国际保险企业都在积极推行ERM这一新的风险管理方法并取得了很大的成效。因此,顺应国际趋势,积极投入保险企业ERM的研究,特别是仔细分析发达国家保险企业全面风险管理的过程、方法及其经验,对于全球金融乃至经济的稳定与健康发展具有重大的现实意义与理论价值;同时,对于进一步深入探索我国保险企业的风险管理具有重大的理论意义和实践价值。从目前我国保险业发展现状看,虽然实施全面风险管理的条件还不成熟,但是不必因噎废食,全面风险管理是时代发展的必然要求,中国的保险企业有必要从世界的、动态的角度去全面理解我们所面临的风险,总结他国经验,充分利用我国保险企业的“后发优势”,寻求不同于传统方法的新的风险管理方法,为我国保险企业的可持续发展提供决策的思路。本文探讨了国际保险业全面风险管理的理论与实践,并就全面风险管理理论在我国保险企业的运用进行了一些探索。 全文由导论和正文组成,共七章,分为三个部分。 第一部分是理论研究,对风险管理的基本概念和基本理论,进行了比较深入的详细分析,为本文写作奠定理论基础,由第一、二两章组成。论文第一章对风险以及风险管理的有关概念进行了再认识,探讨了风险、金融风险和保险企业风险的本质属性、特征及分类,比较了“传统风险观”与“现代风险观”

【Abstract】 Currently, the tide of ERM rises in the international financial industries. With a brand-new risk management principle, ERM has provided a new effective solution for management risk and acquisition values of the financial institutions. Many international financial institutions are all promoting ERM and have obtained accomplishment greatly. Therefore, the research and study on ERM launched by the insurance enterprises in developed countries is of great significance in stability and healthy development of finance and economy worldwide, and furthermore, in deep exploration of the Chinese insurance institutions practically and theoretically.This article is composed of seven chapters and divided into three sections.The first section is the theoretical study, which contains the first 2 chapters. In chapter 1 ,the author compares the concepts between traditional risk & modern risk and traditional risk management & Enterprises-wide risk management. Then, it presents the characteristics of ERM. The author holds that our insurance industry should equip itself with the new notion of risk and insist in "double-side" risk management, that is to say, pay attention to "upside risk" while focusing on "downside risk". Chapter 2 makes an overall introduction of financial risk management theory, and comments on leading ideas integrated with the theoretical evolution on anterior financial risk management, modern risk management and new risk management. This chapter indicates that ERM cannot but a trend in the contemporary development, after the investigation and analysis of the theoretical

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期

