The Research on Resource-based City of Qing Dynasty
【作者】 刘吕红;
【导师】 何一民;
【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 中国近现代史, 2006, 博士
【摘要】 资源型城市是指依托资源开发而兴建或者发展起来的城市,其产生和发展过程与资源蕴藏及开采规模紧密相连。我国资源型城市在长期发展过程中形成的“路径依赖”严重制约着资源型城市进一步发展,从历史角度研究资源型城市的演进有利于认识和解决资源型城市所面临的各种困难。 由于资料稀少和研究理论受限,目前学术界对清代资源型城市缺乏整体、全面、深入的研究。本文用时近两年,对清代资源型城市的演进进行了梳理。研究中,以历史唯物史观为指导,采用理论规范和实证分析相结合、文献研究和实地考察并用的方法,对清代资源型城市展开宏观与微观相结合的研究。借助学术界已有成果,结合清代社会背景,建构研究框架,依据代表性资源型城市的史实,从资源型城市资源开发、城市类型、城市结构等角度探讨清代资源型城市的演进过程,比较全面地把握清代资源型城市的概貌,进一步揭示出资源型城市演进的内在规律。 在清代资源型城市研究中,本文首先进行了与清代资源型城市研究相关的基本理论建构。通过对资源开发层次的探讨,初步揭示清代资源型城市的形成路径。清代资源型城市形成路径之一为从资源开发到城市形成,代表有自贡、博山、个旧等;形成路径之二为城市资源性特征不断增强而转化为资源型城市,代表为佛山等;形成路径之三为城市产生和资源开发同时演进而为资源型城市,代表为唐山等。在概念的考察中,主要阐释了清代资源型城市的内涵,与此同时,进一步提出,清代社会的转型特征决定着清代资源型城市又可分为传统资源型城市和近代新兴资源型城市两种基本类型。在此基础上,文章对清代资源型城市的研究理论和方法进行了说明,从而为整个论文创建了研究的基本平台。
【Abstract】 Resource—based city, whose birth and development are closely related with the resources and exploiting scale of resources, refers to the city engenders or develops on base of exploiting resources. The resource—based cities in China are seriously restricted by the route which has formed in the long developing process of all types of resource—based cities. Thus, the study from historical point of view is available for us to understand and solve all kinds of difficulties that resource—based cities are facing.At present, the research on the resource—based cities of Qing dynasty is not thorough and comprehensive in general. It is difficult to form a academic system of resource—based cities, which may limit the study on cities of Qing dynasty to some extent. Guided by Marxist historical materialism, the study is made from both micro and macro point of view, by the combination of theory investigation and substantial evidence analyzing and using both documentary investigation and on-the-spot one. In detail, research structure closely related with the social background. Based on the facts at that time, we try to grasp an all—around overview of resource—based cities in Qing dynasty and further reveal the essence of the gradual process of resource—based cities.On the study of related questions of researching on resource—based cities of Qing Dynasty, we mainly investigate the basic theory structure of this thesis. The formed route of resource—based cities in this dynasty developed from exploiting resource to resource—based cities, and the typical ones as Zigong, Boshan, Gejiu and so on. Foshan followed the route which develops from continuous increase of
【Key words】 Qing Dynasty; resource—based cities; the types of the cities; the spatial structure of these cities;