Applications and Research on Flow Injection-Spectrophotometric Method for Environmental Analysis
【作者】 龚正君;
【导师】 张新申;
【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 皮革化学与工程, 2006, 博士
【摘要】 环境的严重污染,环境污染物的大量排放,使得保护环境必然成为当代环境工作者刻不容缓的职责,这也是国民经济持续发展的要求。许多环境问题直接或间接与化学物质有关,所以环境化学工作者都要面对这些问题:环境中有什么潜在有毒物质?它们来自何方?进入环境后有什么变化?可能造成什么危害?我们应当采取什么措施防止或减少这些有毒物质对环境的冲击?因此环境分析工作者就要利用各种分析手段提供合适的分析方法、阐明污染物质的组成、结构、状态以及含量,弄清问题的源缘,进而对紧迫情况及早提出预报与警告。环境分析化学是环境化学的一个重要组成部分,是开展环境科学研究不可缺少的基础,同时它也是分析化学的一个新分支,它主要研究环境污染物质的组成、结构、状态以及含量等。从某种意义上讲,环境科学的发展依赖于环境分析化学的发展,环境分析化学具有以下特点:(1)涉及范围广。涉及大气、溪流、湖泊、江河、海洋、土壤陆地系统、乃至生物圈等;(2)对象复杂。CA登录的化学品数目已逾1800万种,估计进入环境的已有10万种。(3)定量分析。除要求常规指标,如化学耗氧量(COD)、生物耗氧量(BOD)、溶解氧(DO)等例行测定项目外,还要求具体物种的痕量甚至超痕量分析,而后两者又显得越来越重要;(4)普遍性、实用性强。包括化工、钢铁、信息、交通、能源等各行各业均有关,有时要求十分迫切。流动注射的出现使分析研究人员兴奋不已,流动注射分析技术在常规体积样品预处理的自动化、微型化和在线分析方面引起了革命性的变化,不仅极大
【Abstract】 A lot of environmental pollutants were dischanged into environment without any pretreatment and environment was polluted heavily. So the first duty of environmentalists is how to protect environment from pollution. Nowdays environmental protection is a basic demand of the development of the national economy. Many environmental problems are related to chemical materials directly or indirectly, so the environmentalists how to face the following problems firstly: What kind of noxious substances exist in the environment? Where do they come from? What changes will be after they enter the environment? What harm do they cause? What measures should we take to avoid or decrease the influence of chemical products on the environment? In this field, the environmental analysis should play a leading role. So environmental analysts should find appropriate analytic methods to clarify the component, structure, state and concentration of the pollutants, and make clear the source of the pollution. So the emergencies could be early predicted and warned.Environmental Analytic Chemistry is a branch of Environmental Chemistry and the necessary basis of environmental scientific research. It is also a new branch of Analytic Chemistry, it focuses on the research of component, structure, state and concentration of pollutants. To some extent, the development of Environmental Science depends on the development of Environmental Analytic Chemistry. Environmental Analytic Chemistry has the following characteristics: