

Researches on the Feng Literary Family in Linqu

【作者】 张秉国

【导师】 项楚;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 中国古代文学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 冯氏世家是明清时期诞生于山东临朐的一个文学世家。从明中叶至清初,冯氏一族人才辈出,数代科举,以文学和事功显名于时。本文所论述的冯氏家族,从明中期冯裕起,至清前期冯协一止,共历七世。其中,冯裕、冯惟敏父子在文坛上有较大影响,而冯琦、冯溥也对其所处的文坛有一定影响。一个家族数代文人辈出,这是一种较为罕见的现象。 冯氏故籍为临朐。明初,太祖在辽东设广宁卫,诏令山东三户出一丁戍辽,临朐的冯思忠从此戍辽为军籍。中经三代:冯福通、冯春、冯振,直到冯裕进入仕途,方复还故籍。冯裕虽复籍临朐,但致仕后一直寄居于郡城益都,四子中惟健、惟敏回临朐定居,惟重、惟讷则居益都。后来子孙繁衍,或居益都,或居临朐,故冯氏又占籍益都。 本文提及的冯氏世家成员达28人,在上编第一章中有或详或略的介绍。冯裕、冯惟健、冯惟重、冯惟敏、冯惟讷、冯子履、冯子咸、冯琦、冯瑗、冯珣、冯溥、冯协一等人较为重要。其中,冯裕父子五人和冯琦、冯溥是这一文学世家的代表人物。本文是以上述人物为代表,勾勒了这一家族在明清二百年间走过的风雨历程。全文分上下两编,上编分六章,第一章将冯氏世家的生平事功纳入明中期、晚明、清初三个时段的历史中,可与下编的年表相互参照。 从第二章起,论文从多个角度对这一文学世家进行考察,力图以小见大,反映出他们身后的历史背景。所以,论文介绍了从明中期到清初二百年间社会思潮的嬗变,以及冯氏家族与之产生的交流碰撞;然后探讨了地域文化背景对这一家族的熏染。冯氏家族的交往圈子也形成了一种独特的文化氛围,他们不

【Abstract】 The Feng family is a literary family emerged in Linqu, Shandong province during Ming and Qing dynasty. From mid-Ming to pre-Qing, the family produced many talented persons, and several generations past the imperial exams. They were famous for their literature and achievements. The family that this paper deals with began with Feng Yu, living in mid-Ming dynasty and ended in Feng Xieyi during Qing dynasty, lasting seven generations. Among them, Feng Yu as well as FengWeimin, his son, was more literarily influential. Besides, their descendants, Feng Qi, Feng Pu, etc. also had a certain effect in the then literary history. It is rather to see a family like Feng’s last for generations.The Feng family’s primitive native town is Linqu. At the initial stage of Ming dynasty, Ming Taizu set up Guang Ningwei in Liaodong province, and edict that there are one man have to go to guard Liaodong. Feng Sizhong, a young man living in Linqu, went to Guang Ningwei and became a military register. Through three generations, Feng Futong, Feng Chun, Feng Zhen, until Feng Yu started his official career the family hadn’t went back Linqu. After resigning his post, Feng Yu temporary lived in Yido, the state. Among his four sons, WeiJiang and WeiMin went back Linqu, WeiZhong and WeiNa lived in Yido. From then on, their descendants multiplied greatly, some lived in Yido whereas some lived in Linqu. So Yido also became their native town.The member of the family this paper mentions is totally 28. They are introduced

【关键词】 冯氏世家理学文学冯惟敏
【Key words】 the Feng familyLixueliteratureFeng Weimin
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期

