

Study of the Triangulation Method from Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Images

【作者】 庞蕾

【导师】 张继贤; 黄国满;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 大地测量学与测量工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 机载SAR影像具有高分辨率、全天时以及全天候的成像特点,对于多云雾地区的大比例尺地面测绘应用而言,有着传统光学影像不可比拟的技术优势。而开展机载SAR影像空中三角测量原理及技术方法的研究,是完成大面积地面测绘任务时降低地面控制点的个数、SAR影像大面积镶嵌任务以及GCP网的加密等测绘需求所必备的关键技术之一。 本文针对高分辨率机载SAR影像,基于其成像机理分析,研究适用于机载SAR空中三角测量的数学模型及其精确参数误差模型,并经过试验验证,在稀无控制点条件下,实现了测绘区域内部控制点加密方法,形成了针对机载SAR测绘制图应用的空三加密的方法体系。主要包括以下几个方面的内容: 1.研究了与测绘应用相关的机载SAR影像的成像特点,及其基本空间定位原理。 2.基于SAR成像及其测绘机理分析,建立了机载SAR影像立体定位精确参数误差模型,并研究了各个成像参数、飞行轨道参数以及各种误差参数对地面三维定位影响的灵敏度大小,及参数模型的应用分析。 3.研究并验证了稀少GCPs支持下,机载合成孔径雷达影像空三加密的数学模型、区域网构网方案、区域网平差方案、LDL平差方程组解算算法以及相应的软件实现方法。 4.研究了在差分GPS技术的支持下,结合高分辨率机载SAR影像像点以及地面物点之间的构像方程,进行稀无控制点条件下机载SAR影像空中三角测量的原理及其数学模型、以及相应的实验验证。 5.分析了影响机载SAR影像空中三角测量精度结果的几个问题,并通过实验证明了相关因素的影响大小。

【Abstract】 For the special mapping area with cloudy or foggy weather, airborne SAR images usually have the technology advantages because of its imaging characteristics such as high-resolution, full-time and full weather, which is very difficult for the traditional optical remote sensing images. And, the research results on the principle and technique methods of airborne SAR images triangulation are the key facts, for the mapping requirements, to reduce the numbers of Ground Control Points (GCPs), fulfill a vast area SAR images mosaic mission and obtain a dense GCP net.Against to high-resolution airborne SAR images, this paper based on the analysis of imaging principles to research the mathematical model fitting with airborne SAR images triangulation, and the corresponding accurate parameters error model. Whereafter, under the condition of sparse or without GCPs, it testified and realized the method to make a dense GCPs net in a mapping area by the test results, and, formed a series of methods of airborne SAR images triangulation for the application of surveying and mapping.It mostly includes the contents as follows:1. It researched on the airborne SAR imaging characteristics relative to the mapping application, and the principles of space positioning for SAR images.2. Based on the analysis of SAR imaging and its principles of mapping, it established an accurate parameters error model of stereo positioning from airborne SAR images, and researched the sensitivities to the ground 3D positioning for all of the imaging parameters, flight trajectory parameters and other error parameters, and analyzed the corresponding application of parameters error model.3. Under the condition of sparse GCPs, it researched and testified the mathematical model for airborne SAR images, and the relative methods of block configuration, block adjustment method, LDL algorithm for computing


