

Formation Mechanism and Developments Research of the Shipbuilding Industry Cluster Based on the Symbiosis Theory

【作者】 陶永宏

【导师】 冯俊文;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 产业集群已经成为国际上最重要的经济现象,成为各国优势产业发展的主流模式。在世界范围已形成了研究产业集群的高潮。船舶工业产业集中度高,区域集聚明显,产业集群开始显现,因此,有必要开展对船舶产业集群的研究。 论文从介绍产业集群研究的基础理论和分析船舶产业的特点入手,界定了船舶产业集群的有关概念,分析了船舶产业集群的基本类型和主要特征,剖析了船舶产业集群的结构,并从宏观、中观和微观层次综合分析了船舶产业集群形成的条件。 论文以共生理论为主要理论依据,从共生的视角研究了船舶产业集群的形成机理和共生发展问题。具体而言,分析了船舶产业集群的共生系统和共生结构,解析了船舶产业集群的共生关系,研究了船舶产业集群的共生模式,进行了共生的均衡条件和基于Logistic模型的稳定性分析。探讨了由共生组织发展模式、共生行为发展模式、共生发展选择模式、以及生命周期四个要素共同决定的船舶产业集群共生发展模式。 船舶产业集群的形成和发展实质上是集群外企业不断迁入和新企业不断投资入群的过程。论文分别从纵向产业链关系和横向企业合作竞争关系入手,进行了企业入群的博弈分析,得出了有关结论。同时,对船舶产业集群的发展演变进行了定性和定量描述,建立了定量化界定船舶产业集群生命周期的数学模型。 论文通过对长三角船舶产业发展现状的分析,采用定量和定性相结合的方法,对长三角区域和泰州市进行了船舶产业集群的实证研究,证明了船舶产业集群存在的状态、以及共生性形成机理,指出了船舶产业集群所处的发展阶段。 最后,论文从船舶产业集群共生性发展角度对长三角船舶产业的发展进行了思考,提出了基于产业集群的长三角船舶产业发展对策。 以船舶产业集群为研究对象,以共生理论为主要理论依据,论文全面系统地探讨了船舶产业集群结构、特征和类型,研究了船舶产业集群形成机制、发展模式、发展演变等核心问题,进行了船舶产业集群实证研究并提出相关政策建议。本论文的研究对丰富我国产业集群研究理论体系、拓展我国产业集群研究领域、促进船舶产业的发展具有一定的理论意义和现实意义。

【Abstract】 The industry cluster has become one of the most important economic phenomena in the world and an essential mode of the advantageous industries of all countries. The study of industry cluster has reached its climax in the world. It is necessary to start the research of the shipbuilding industry cluster since the shipbuilding industry is being concentrated in some regions with its industry cluster emerging.First the paper introduces the basic cluster theory and the characteristics of shipbuilding industry. Secondly it gives definitions of the relevant concepts of shipbuilding industry cluster and analyzes the basic types and major characteristics and structures of the shipbuilding industry cluster. Finally it makes a comprehensive analysis of the conditions of the formation of the shipbuilding industry from macro-medium -micro angles.Based on the symbiosis theory, the paper studies the formation mechanism and the symbiosis of the development and structures of the shipbuilding industry cluster. It analyzes the symbiosis system and the symbiosis structures of the shipbuilding industry cluster, the symbiosis relation and mode of the shipbuilding industry cluster. It studies the balanced condition of the symbiosis and stability based on the Logistic model.In fact the formation and development of the shipbuilding industry cluster is a process of outside and new business enterprises investing in this industry continuously. In terms of the vertical industry chain relation and the competition relation among horizontal enterprises, it analyzes the enterprise entry into this industry based on the game theory. Meanwhile, it makes a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the evolution of the shipbuilding industry cluster and establishes a mathematical model of the life cycle of the shipbuilding industry cluster.The paper analyzes the status of shipbuilding industry cluster in the Yangtze River Delta. It carries out a positive research into the shipbuilding industry cluster in the Yangtze River Delta and Taizhou city by means of a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to demonstrate the existence and symbiotic formation mechanism of the shipbuilding industry clusters and its development stage. Finally the paper suggests some plans to develop the shipbuilding industry in the Yangtze

  • 【分类号】F407.474;F224
  • 【被引频次】55
  • 【下载频次】2620

