

Research on Spatial Analysis Methods of Urban Earthquake Disaster Simulation

【作者】 陈天恩

【导师】 冯启民;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 环境工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,快速发展的空间分析技术为研究城市地震灾害提供了新的工具和手段。将该项具有良好应用前景的技术与城市震灾预测研究相结合,对城市中可能发生的地震灾害场景进行模拟,可以为提高城市综合抗震防灾能力和地震应急救灾决策提供重要的支持信息。本文的主要工作就是研究空间分析技术如何应用于城市震灾模拟,从信息空间表达、空间分析、空间解释的角度探讨适用于研究城市震灾的空间分析方法。本文的主要工作和创新点表现在:1、建立了基于栅格分析技术的地震作用空间分析模型。对城市中分布范围较广的生命线系统、群体建筑物等进行震灾模拟时,往往不能忽略输入地震作用的空间衰减变化。如何在震灾模拟时输入这种空间变化的地震作用是一个没有得到很好解决的问题。本文提出的地震作用空间分析模型为解决这一问题提供了新的方法,这是一套利用空间分析技术确定城市遭受的地震作用的模型,它通过空间分析方法模拟设定地震作用及其影响场,并考虑场地条件对地震作用的影响,目的是获得城市震灾模拟所需的定量化地震作用输入。该模型包括两个部分:设定地震栅格分析模型和场地条件栅格分析模型。前者考虑设定地震震源特性和传播规律,用于获得均匀变化的地震动参数空间分布;后者用于分析获取场地条件信息,以便在震灾模拟时对均匀变化的地震动输入基于场地条件做出调整。2、提出一种基于TM/ETM+遥感影像的城市社区建筑物震灾模拟方法城市中大量的建筑物是城市震灾模拟研究中重要的研究对象。目前基于电子地图的建筑物震灾模拟研究面临着基础数据时效无法保证、精度达不到要求、更新困难等问题,这些问题直接导致了震灾模拟结果可信度降低。为了解决这些问题,本文首次将TM/ETM+遥感影像图,以及基于TM/ETM+影像图的建筑物空间分布栅格创建技术运用到城市震灾模拟研究中,相比目前工作中大量使用的城市建筑物电子地图数据,基于遥感影像的建筑物分布栅格完全避免了数据准确性和时效性,尤其是更新困难等问题,而且遥感影像的获取成本较为低廉。为了在基于遥感影像的建筑物分布栅格上进行震灾研究,本文还建立了一套基于遥感影像和栅格分析技术进行城市群体建筑物地震灾害模拟的方法。相对传统方法而言,该方法一方面可以充分利用遥感影像图来快速获取最新的城市建筑物空间分布数据;另一方面,通过使用栅格分析技术,可以定量考虑影响群体建筑物震灾的各类因素。3、提出一种基于空间分析技术的城市供水系统震灾模拟,及城市供水失效区模拟方法本文针对城市供水系统的震灾及功能失效问题展开了空间分析方法的研究。首先建立了供水系统网络分析模型,并基于该模型完成了复杂供水系统正常运行状态下的水力分析;接着基于栅格分析方法,给出了一套完整的供水系统单元震灾空间分析方法;在水力分析和单元震灾分析结果的基础上,本文建立了供水系统受损状态的水力分析方法,进行了供水系统功能失效分析,得出以管段功能失效程度为标志的供水系统功能失效分析结果;最后,本文提供了确定城市中供水系统管段供水区域的空间分析方法,结合供水系统功能失效分析结果,给出了城市供水失效区空间分布结果。4、设计并实现了一套基于空间分析技术的城市震灾模拟软件由于城市震灾模拟过程中运用了大量的包括GIS技术、空间信息分析技术、遥感影像处理技术、空间数据库技术在内的各种信息技术;涉及了城市建筑物、各类生命线系统的震灾预测技术;

【Abstract】 The fast developing SIT (Spatial Information Technologies) has provided new tools for the research on urban earthquake disasters in recent years. As a prospect one among these tools, SIA (Spatial Information Analyst) can be integrated into the models of urban earthquake disaster assessment. Such models can be used to simulate the urban earthquake disaster scenario which can provide important information for enhancing anti-seismic capabilities of a city and improving the efficiency of seismic count-emergency.This paper mainly focuses on how to integrate SIA into the urban earthquake disaster simulation. Herein, the spatial analysis methods for urban earthquake disasters are concretely discussed from the angel of spatial information expression, analysis and explanation.In terms of seismic hazard simulations of some wildly spreading urban systems, such as lifeline systems and building groups, the difference of inputting seismic action in spatial distribution should be considered. But how to input earthquake motion parameters discriminatively based on the spatial attenuation of seismic action is still unsolved by now. Therefore, a new model, called seismic action spatial analysis (SASA) model, is proposed to quantitatively determine the inputs of seismic action. In SASA model, the effect and incidence of assumed earthquake is simulated by using spatial analysis techniques and the effect of site conditions is also taken into account. In general SASA model involves two parts: raster analysis for assumed earthquake and raster analysis for site condition. The former is to simulate the even spatial distribution of earthquake motion on the basis of the hypocenter characteristics and the attenuation relations. The latter is to acquire and analyze the spatial information about site conditions for the adjustment of seismic action inputs.Wildly-spread Buildings in the city are the most important objects in urban earthquake disaster simulation. It is customary to use electronic maps, which store related information about urban buildings, as the basic data sources of seismic hazard simulation. but some problems existing in urban building electronic maps, such as the inconvenience of data updating, the deficiency of data precision etc., seriously depress the reliability of simulation results. As a better solution, the latest TM/ETM+ images and the technique of creating spatial raster are firstly introduced into the urban seismic disaster evaluation. Comparing with traditional electronic maps, using RS images as data sources completely overcomes all the problems mentioned above and cuts down the cost especially for large-scale maps. On this condition, this paper describes the way of creating building information raster based on TM images, and discusses the spatial analysis methods for urban buildings earthquake disaster simulation based on raster-type building data. It is effective to get the latest data about spatial distributions of urban buildings by using RS images and convenient to consider all the factors that affect earthquake disasters of building groups.


