

Study on the Mechanics of Wave Forces on the Netting Panel

【作者】 宋伟华

【导师】 梁振林;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 捕捞学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 网渔具和网箱是海洋渔业生产(海洋捕捞和海水养殖)的重要工具和设施,网衣是它们的主要构件。与其他海洋结构物一样,网衣及其构成的渔具和渔业设施在海洋中要承受风、浪、流等水文环境因子的作用,其生产效能和安全性能与所承受的水动力相关。水流作用的水动力研究可借鉴传统的渔具力学理论,而与波浪作用的研究未受到足够重视,引起波浪对水表层网渔具和海水网箱养殖设施等的作用超出了承受限度,带来了一系列的生产损失,削弱了海洋渔业向纵深发展的动力,也制约了渔具力学的进一步发展。本研究是在依据波浪理论和渔具力学理论的分析基础上,利用现代设备与技术,设计了网衣波浪水动力的水槽试验,研究了网衣在波浪中的水动力特性和波浪响应,计算得到了网衣波浪力的计算公式和处理方法,同时与实际渔用网衣的波浪试验进行对比分析,提出传统的渔具力学在网衣波浪力计算中的修正方法,并在小尺度网箱波浪力学中计算应用和实验论证,由此可推广到实际网箱及网渔具的波浪水动力计算应用,为远洋渔业和设施渔业可持续发展提供技术依据,为渔具力学的发展提供基础理论。在理论上,本文结合传统的渔具力学和海洋工程波浪力学理论,提出了网衣波浪力学的概念、成因和组成。按因次和谐方法,导出了网衣波浪力的一般公式,分析了与网衣波浪力的相关物理量,它们分别为网衣的主体尺寸(宽度和高度)、特征参数(网线粗度、网目大小和缩结装配),波浪参数(波高、波长和周期)及海域条件(水深、网衣与波向的冲角及系泊方法)。各种物理量在波浪中共同作用,形成网衣在波浪中的一些相似现象。同时网衣在波浪中有六种运动趋势:沿波向、侧向和垂向的振荡移动及绕这三个方向的振荡转动,形成复杂的迭加运动。在网衣水槽的波浪试验中,根据波浪运动的复杂性,采用了自制的传感器与应变采集仪、应变放大器、波高仪和计算机联机,组成网衣波浪水槽试验的采集系统,开发了数据采集处理软件,波浪力的测试精度达到99.91%。设计10种网衣,与HDPE框架装配成系列网衣构件,首先应用预加张力放射法来约束构件在波浪中的运动,分别按不同的波浪工况、网衣尺度和冲角分别进行波浪试验,同

【Abstract】 The netted-fishing gears are important produced tools and facilities in marine fisheries (marine catching and marine aquaculture mainly), which the main structure is the net. The netted-fishing gears with the structures are withstood by the storm events like as the other ocean engineering structures responded by the wave and current conditions, and then the perspective of durability, security and productiveness of the netted-fishing gears are correlated with the mechanics of ones under the ocean field conditions. Although current factor’s mechanics which could be used for reference of the classical fishing gear hydrodynamics have been well documented, the knowledge of wave force on the fishing gears has not received much attention in the literature. The developing motive and creative advancement of the fisheries industry has become weaken because that the potential security hidden trouble caused the wave events of the fishing gears and sea-cages have hampered the fisheries, and then fisheries economic loss have become more and more, so the insufficient knowledge of the wave force is also a hindrance of development about fishing gear hydrodynamics.In the present study, the experiment methods of the netting structures in the wave flume were designed based on the theories of the wave machines and fishing gear hydrodynamic by using the modern facilities and developing technique. The experiments were carried out under regular wave; the wave force and response on the netting structures and the wave parameter were recorded synchronously. The force on the netting panel was examined under different wave conditions, the relationships between the wave force and the parameters of the wave conditions and the net panels dimension were analyzed. The experimental formula of calculating the wave force on the netting panel was derived and the simulated result was then compared with actual


