

Study on Modeling Environment of Near Shore Area and Application in Jiaozhou Bay

【作者】 张学庆

【导师】 孙英兰;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 环境工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 近岸海域在国民经济发展中具有战略地位,开展近岸海域数值模式研究与应用具有重要的意义。本文主要目标是构建一个适合近岸海域的潮流、泥沙、生态数学模型,并将模型用在胶州湾海域解决工程环境问题。本文分两部分,第一部分为数值模型研究;第二部分为模型的应用研究。研究的主要内容和结论如下:(1)在水动力学ECOM-SI模型的基础上,耦合NPZD生态动力学模型和ECOMSED模式的泥沙输运模型和波浪模型,构建一个三维变边界潮流、泥沙、生态数学模型。模型集成了目前先进的海洋数值计算模块和计算方法,可为近岸海域环境规划与管理提供有力的计算工具。该模型成功地应用在胶州湾海域,潮流场,泥沙浓度分布、营养盐以及生物量的数值模拟结果同监测结果符合良好。(2)为满足近岸海域的需要,用欧拉-拉格朗日格式改造物质输运方程的平流项。模式应用在胶州湾海域,模拟效果良好,在近岸海域环境模型的研究上具有重要应用价值。(3)在潮流数值模拟的基础上,展开了前湾填海对海洋动力影响的研究,得到如下结论:前湾填海对胶州湾的潮波系统影响甚微,振幅和位相的变化都在1%以内。但是对于潮流和余流,在前湾和工程附近海域水动力条件变化比较大,填海后,潮流速度减小16.9%~55.7%;余流速度减小29%-70.1%。其他海域水动力变化不大,潮流的变化在1%左右,余流速度变化的绝对值在3.14%~9.16%之间。(4)计算了胶州湾的潮能通量,并从能量角度评价了前湾填海造地对潮能通量的影响。填海后,内湾口和外湾口附近潮能通量增加2.6%~5.24%,前湾和工程局部区域潮能通量减小20.21%~87.23%。(5)利用泥沙数学模型计算了胶州湾海底应力分布并分析了胶州湾的冲淤趋势。结果表明,胶州湾由于河流泥沙来源减少,只有周边海域和前湾处于微淤趋势,湾中,大沽河水道,沧口水道等海区处于微冲状态,湾口附近处于不冲不淤的状态。定量化评估了填海造地对地形冲淤的影响。主要结论是,填海将促使前湾海区淤积,对工程附近的湾口地区则可导致冲刷。

【Abstract】 Near shore area plays a strategic role in the development of economy for one country. The study on modeling environment and application is very significant. The first object of the paper is to establish current-sediment-biological model for the near shore area. Another one is to applied the environment model to the Jiaozhou bay. The paper have two parts, in the first part, the modeling was studied. In the second one, the environment model was applied to Jiaozhou bay.Significant result has been achieved in the following aspects.1.on the base of ECOM-SI model, a NPZD ecological dynamical module, a sediment module and a wave module with the ECOMSED are coupled. A dry-wet three-dimensional physical-sediment-ecological model has been established, which is a useful tool for the ocean environment management and planning. Some current advanced ocean numerical modules have been integrated. Using the model, the tidal field, sediment concentration, nutrient concentration and the biomass of the phytoplankton have been simulated. The simulation results conform to the observed data.2.In order to meet the need of the near shore area, the mass transport model has been improved by adopting the Euler-Lagrange scheme to the advection term. Through the application to Jiaozhou bay, the numerical results are well. The improvement is more value to the modeling environment of near shore area.3.On the base of simulation of tidal current, the impacts of Qianwan bay marine reclamation land on the hydrodynamic was studied. Some meaningful conclusion has been obtained in the following. The effect on the tide bulge system is very little. The variation range of the amplitude or the phase is less than 1%. As to the effect on the tidal and residual current, the influence is very large in Qianwan bay and the local round the engineering. After sea-filling the tidal current decrease 16.9%~55.7%,and the residual current decrease 29.0~70.1%. in the other sea area the effect is little, the

  • 【分类号】X834
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】1538

