

On Dual Economy and Social Security Improvement in China

【作者】 张新生

【导师】 严正;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 政治经济学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 我国是具有典型二元经济结构的发展中国家,人口众多、人均收入低下、地区和城乡发展不平衡是其突出的特点。我国的生产力水平决定了具有我国特色的社会保障模式。改革开放以来,虽然我国居民的生活水平有了显著提高,但社会保障发展严重滞后。目前,我国社会保障覆盖面狭小、保障水平低、保障项目不完全、城乡社会保障存在明显差别。为了落实科学发展观,构建和谐社会,进一步健全和完善我国社会保障制度刻不容缓。因此,根据我国的实际情况,大力推进城镇社会保障的扩面工作;积极解决农民工和失地农民的社会保障;认真完善城市社区救助和特殊群体的社会救助;继续巩固农村的社会救助;逐步推广新型农村合作医疗;高度重视弱势群体子女的教育,构建公平均等的教育体制;以解决“三农”问题为契机,统筹城乡社会保障,提高全民的福利水平。

【Abstract】 China is a developing country characteristic of dual economy, with large population, low income, and development imbalance between urban and rural areas. Its present productivity has determined that our social security could only at a comparatively low level include small groups and little varieties. Distinct differences on social security between town and country are inevitable.Although our residents’ living standards have improved greatly since the opening reform, the development of social security is still lagging behind. Therefore, it is urgent to advance our social security policies for a more harmonious society.Considering objective realities of the day, the coverage of social security in urban and rural areas can be expanded. Assistance to peasant workers, the peasants who lost their soil, and some other particular groups should also be further strengthened. Moreover, new urban community and rural assistance as well as rural cooperative medical care may popularize. Offspring of the unprivileged ought to have equal rights to receive education. By solving three peasant problems on agriculture, countryside and peasantry, urban and rural social security can be planned as a whole to meliorate civil welfare generally.

  • 【分类号】F124;D632.1
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】3477
  • 攻读期成果

