

Evolution Trend of Rural-Household Differentiation and Coordinated Development between Household Differentiation and Non-Agriculturalization Urbanization in China’s Coastal Areas

【作者】 秦宏

【导师】 郑少锋;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业经济管理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 党的十五届三中全会指出:“沿海地区要率先基本实现农业现代化”,党的十六大把“全面繁荣农村经济,加快城镇化进程”确立为全面建设小康社会的重要内容。农业现代化、农村非农化、城镇化已成为沿海地区各级政府经济工作的中心。但是发展到今天,沿海地区农业的现实是普遍的小规模兼业经营,这一现状与农业现代化的实现是背道而驰的。如何在工业化、城镇化大潮下,改变农户小规模兼业的现状,促使农户彻底分化,实现农业的适度规模经营和农业现代化的最终实现,以及三农问题的最终解决,是各级政府和广大学者必须认真思考的一个问题。如何使农户动态分化与农业现代化、非农化、城镇化相衔接,如何促进资源在农业、非农业部门合理流动,制定综合的农村发展政策(调整就农业论农业的政策),对于促进我国沿海地区农业现代化的实现,化解沿海地区城乡矛盾,促进区域城乡社会经济协调发展乃至推动整个国民经济的发展都具有重大的理论和现实意义。本文以农户分化与非农化、城镇化的相关理论为指导,在借鉴发达国家农户分化与非农化、城镇化发展经验的基础上,从分析我国沿海地区农户分化的历史与现状入手,找出沿海地区农户分化的形态和特征,归纳、总结农户分化演变趋势,透过这一演变趋势,探寻农户分化与非农化、城镇化的内在关系;对当前沿海地区农户分化与非农化、城镇化发展的情况进行分析,找出制约三者协调发展的制度和政策因素;通过对沿海地区几个典型发展模式的利弊进行剖析,探寻农户分化与非农化、城镇化协调发展的道路,创新促进三者协调发展的宏观调控政策和措施。全文共由八章内容构成。第一章,导言。本章主要阐述了论文的选题背景,研究目的和意义,简要综述了国内外研究动态,阐明了研究思路、方法及可能创新之处。第二章,农户分化与非农化、城镇化相关理论。本章在对农户分化、非农化和城镇化的内涵进行阐述的基础上,着重分析了农户分化与非农化、农户分化与城镇化之间的互动关系,并从一国社会和经济发展的宏观视角对农户分化与非农化、城镇化的发展进行了考察。第三章,发达国家农户分化与非农化、城镇化发展的历程及启示。本章分别对英国、美国和日本的农户分化与非农化、城镇化发展历程进行了介绍,分别对三个国家农户分化与非农化、城镇化发展的原因和特点进行了分析,在此基础上总结了发达国家农户分化与非农化、城镇化的发展带来的启示。第四章,我国沿海地区农户分化的历史及现状。本章分别对改革开放前和改革开放

【Abstract】 The 3rd Plenary Session of the 15th Central Committee of CPC pointed out:“The coastal areas should take the lead in realizing agricultural modernization”. In the 16th National People’s Congress of CPC,“flourishing rural economic and accelerating the urbanization process”was established as an important part of building a well-off society in an all-round way. Agricultural modernization, rural non-agriculturalization and urbanization have become the center of the coastal areas at all levels of government economic work. However, the reality of agriculture in coastal areas is the prevalent small-scale part time farming, which is contrary to the realization of agricultural modernization. In the trend of industrialization and urbanization, how to change the status quo of the small-scale part time farming and accelerate the rural-household differentiation should be seriously considered by the governments at all levels and the vast number of scholars. To resolve this problem can accelerate the realization of the modest size of the agricultural operation, agricultural modernization, and ultimately resolve the issue of“san nong”(agriculture, rural area and famer). It is significant in theory and practice to interface the rural-household dynamic differentiation, agricultural modernization, non-agriculturalization and urbanization. Meanwhile, it can help to collocate reasonably the resources in agriculture and non-agricultural department, realize agricultural modernization in our coastal areas, resolve the contradictions between urban and rural, promote regional socio-economic coordinated development and the national economic development.According to relevant theories of the rural-household differentiation, non-agriculturalization and urbanization, the dissertation finds out the patterns and characteristics of the rural-household differentiation in China’s coastal areas by analyzing the history and the status quo. Moreover, it sums up the evolution trend of the rural-household differentiation, by which mouse out the inherent relationship between the rural-household differentiation and the non-agriculturalization and urbanization. After analyzing the current developing situation of the rural-household differentiation, non-agriculturalization and urbanization in the coastal areas, the dissertation

  • 【分类号】F327;F299.27
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1313
  • 攻读期成果

