

The Biological Study on Comparison of Storage Characteristic in Grape Fruits

【作者】 周会玲

【导师】 李嘉瑞;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 果树学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本试验以红地球(Red Globe)、秋红(Christmas Rose)、秋黑(Autumn Black)与巨峰(kyoho)4个葡萄品种为试材,于2003~2004年分别对其贮藏过程中果实组织结构、离层发育以及生理生化指标进行了研究,主要结果如下:1.通过对四个品种果实形态结构的比较,发现:葡萄浆果耐拉力大小与果柄粗细、果蒂大小成正相关,与果柄、果蒂上所承受的浆果自重成反相关,同时浆果耐拉力还取决于果刷的大小及维管束数量与密度,但与种子数量无明显关系。葡萄耐压力大小与果肉细胞的大小及排列、果皮与果肉结合程度有密切关系,但与果皮厚度关系不大。硬肉葡萄品种的耐压力、耐拉力明显小于脆肉品种,肉质相同的品种之间,耐压力、耐压力大小与果粒大小呈明显的正相关;但不同类型品种之间,耐压力、耐拉力大小与果粒重量无明显关系。浆果耐压力和耐拉力无明显关系。2.通过解剖结构观察,认为葡萄果实的抗性强弱主要取决于果实表面蜡质及果皮结构。巨峰葡萄由于表面蜡质层厚,蜡质分布均匀、致密,因此可以耐受较大的机械伤害,加之其角质层、表皮及亚表皮较厚,表皮及亚表皮细胞排列紧密,因而能抵抗较强的SO2伤害。而红地球葡萄表面蜡质层较薄,蜡质之间存在许多空隙,且角质层、表皮及亚表皮厚度小、排列疏松,因此对SO2十分敏感。秋红、秋黑葡萄表面蜡质均匀、致密,虽然角质层、表皮及亚表皮厚度与巨峰葡萄差异不大,但角质层平整、光滑,因而对SO2抗性反而较巨峰葡萄更强。3.通过对不同品种果梗形态结构观察发现,葡萄采后水分散失速度与果梗结构密切相关。红地球葡萄虽然果梗较细,但果梗角质层及表皮厚度较大,角质层横切面形状为锯齿状,因而比表面积较大,同时红地球葡萄果梗木质化程度低且髓部粗大,因此采后水分从果梗蒸发很快,很易出现果梗干缩的现象。秋红和巨峰葡萄角质层横切面形状为圆柱形,且表皮、髓直径及形成层厚度较小,因而失水速度较慢。秋黑葡萄虽然角质层最薄,但果柄角质层形状与红地球相似,为近锯齿形,因此失水速度大于秋红和巨峰葡萄。4.葡萄采后果穗和果粒呼吸强度较低,为非跃变型呼吸,但果梗呼吸强度是果穗、果粒呼吸强度的5~10倍,表现为明显的跃变型呼吸。红地球葡萄果梗占果穗的比重远小于巨峰葡萄,且果梗木质化程度较高,因此呼吸强度较低;秋红、秋黑葡萄虽然果梗占果穗比重较大,但果梗木质化程度高,因此也具有较低的呼吸强度;巨峰葡萄采后果

【Abstract】 Using Red Globe, Christmas Rose, Autumn Black and kyoho as the test material, experiments were conducted from 2003 to 2004 to study the tissue structure, abscission layer growth and physiochemical changes during their storage. The potential results are as follows.1.By comparing the conformation structure of those four species ,we found that: the pulling resistance was in direct proportion with the size of fruit stalk and fruit peduncle, but in indirect ratio with the self-weight of berries. It was also decided by the bulk of brush and the amount of vascular, but was not clearly relativity with the amount of seeds. At the same time, the stress resistance was close related to the size and the arrangement of the pulp cells and the combinative degree between pulp and pericarp, but almost had nothing to do with the thickness of pericarp. The stress resistance and pulling resistance of the hard pulp species were apparently smaller than those of tender pulp species. There were positive correlations between the stress and pulling resistances and the size of berries among the same pulp species. However, there were no relativity between the pulling and stress resistances and the weight of berries among different species. Also, there was no apparent relation between the stress resistance and pulling resistance.2.The dissection structure indicated that, among the different species, the structure of waxiness and pericarp of fruits were significantly different, therefore, the resistance and SO2 susceptibility would be different. The waxiness layer of kyoho was thick and distributed evenly and compacted, so this species had greater resistance to mechanical damage. In addition, its cutin layer, the epidermis and sub-epidermis were thick, and the cells of epidermis and sub-epidermis were compacted, thus it would have strong resistance to SO2 damage. The waxiness layer of Red Globe was relatively thin, and there was much interspace among the waxiness layers, the thickness of the cutin, epidermis and

【关键词】 葡萄耐拉力脱落离层耐贮性
【Key words】 grapepulling resistanceabscissionabscission layerstorage resistance

