

The Study on the Conservation Theory and Method of Heritage

【作者】 陈蔚

【导师】 张兴国;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 历史文化遗产是人类历史文明不可缺少的重要组成部分。历史遗产保护在世界各国受到了越来越广泛的重视。在我国,遗产保护的意识和保护的能力随着国家步入繁荣昌盛的现代社会获得了日益提高。但是近二十年来,随着我国经济持续高速发展,城市建设速度的加快和旧城改造规模的扩大,对遗产保护带来了很大冲击,“保与拆”的矛盾在某些地区日益突出,一些由于管理不善或盲目无知造成的遗产毁坏事件屡屡发生。这种状况和目前各地区各民族日益重视保护自身传统文化,保护历史遗产的大势背道而驰,也严重损害了国家利益。因为随着文化产业化速度的加快,历史文化遗产所蕴涵的丰富资源业已成为国家发展文化经济,民族产业重要的物质基础和文化基础。二十一世纪是我国民族文化复兴与新文化建设的重要时期,建立健全我国历史遗产保护理论与方法体系成为民族文化建设的重要组成部分,具有十分重要的意义。纵观国际社会,许多国家已经摸索出了适合自身条件和社会情况的遗产保护理念与管理方法。我们有必要在系统学习、分析借鉴它国先进经验的基础上,结合中国国情,发扬民族文化精神,建设新时期我国历史文化遗产保护的新观念和新方法。本文正是循着这一思路,从分析我国遗产保护中存在的问题入手,一方面,对西方历史文化遗产保护理论与方法成果进行了较为系统的归纳与总结,并从社会文化背景的角度剖析了西方遗产保护理念形成的深层基础。另一方面,以时间为序对我国建筑遗产保护理论与方法形成与发展的历程进行了较为清晰的梳理,并指出目前我国遗产保护理论与方法研究的趋向和潮流所在。根本目标在于:建立有中国特色的建筑遗产保护理论框架;并分别从“遗产保护修复原则与方法、保护设计方法以及遗产管理方法”等多层面深化对于建筑遗产保护理论的建设,为今后更加广泛深入的研究提供基础。文章共分为五部分:第一部分(2章):反思西方历史文化遗产保护观念发展与变迁背后的社会文化基础。系统总结出西方建筑遗产保护理论与保护方法体系的主要成果。第二部分(3章):系统总结我国建筑遗产保护理论与方法体系形成与发展的历程。在此基础上,建构当代我国历史文化遗产价值体系和保护理论框架。第三部分(4章):展开我国建筑遗产保护修复原则与方法研究。从剖析我国传统建筑价值观对古建筑修缮方法与技术的深刻影响入手,建设具有中国特色的遗产保护修复理论与方法。第四部分(5章):展开我国建筑遗产保护设计方法研究。在对建筑遗产整体价值进行研究探讨与综合评价的基础上,为科学保护措施的制定打下坚实基础,进一步完善我国建筑遗产保护设计方法体系。第五部分(6章):展开我国建筑遗产管理方法研究。针对目前遗产管理中存在的若干问题,就遗产管理的法律建设;行政制度;公众参与方式;保护资金来源等相关问题展开探讨。在学习西方比较成熟的遗产管理模式基础上,完善我国建筑遗产管理方法体系。

【Abstract】 As an integral part of human civilization, historic cultural heritage, as well as its conservation, is being attached increasing importance to all over the world. In China, with the development of modern society, people’s consciousness and ability to conserve historic cultural heritage has been improved gradually. But on the other hand, in the past 20 years, the rapidly developing economy leads to the expansion of urban renewal and redevelopment, which is doing harm to the conservation of the historic cultural heritage. As a result, some historic sites have been destroyed due to ill management and ignorance, which runs contrary to the general trend to conserve national culture and historic heritage, to the detriment of national interests. With the industrialization of culture, the abundant cultural resources hidden in the historic cultural heritage have become the important material and cultural base to develop tourism and national industry. Therefore, it is of great significance to establish and perfect the theories and methods of conservation of historic cultural heritage in China.Take a look at the world. Many countries have worked out the theories and methods of their own, adjusting to their social conditions. As to China, it is necessary to develop new theories and methods with Chinese cultural spirit by making a systematic study of the experience of other countries. For this purpose, the thesis summarizes the theories and methods of conservation in western countries and analyzes the deep roots from the perspective of social and cultural background. Meanwhile, it traces the formation and development of the theories and methods of historic preservation in China, and points out the general trend in this field. The aim is to help forward the study in this field from different levels such as conservation and restoration, its design and management, and so on.The thesis consists of five parts:Part I ( Chapter 2) reviews the development of the mentality of historic preservation and the cognitive process of its total value in the western countries, and makes a systematic summary of those theories and methods.Part II ( Chapter 3 ) traces the formation and development of the theories and methods of historic preservation in China since modern times, and analyzes the new understanding of the value of historic heritage, the changes of the conception of historic cultural buildings and the important achievements both in theory and in practice. PartⅢ(Chapter 4) deals with the principles and methods of historic preservation and restoration in China. It begins with. an analysis of advantages and disadvantages of those methods influenced by the traditional cultural values on architecture. It aims at working out the principles and methods with Chinese cultural characteristics.PartⅣ(Chapter 5) explores the planning and design of historic preservation in China. On the basis of comprehensive evaluation on the total value of historic buildings, it is designed to lay a solid foundation for the establishment of scientific preservation measures to complement the system of historic preservation and restoration.PartⅤ(Chapter 6) deals with the management of historic cultural heritage in China. In view of problems existing in the management, it discusses the legal system, administrative system, public participation and fund protection and management, for the purpose of perfecting the management system of historic preservation in China by means of drawing on useful experience in western countries for reference.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 01期
  • 【分类号】TU-87
  • 【被引频次】120
  • 【下载频次】8597

