

Study on the Cluster Mode of Networked Manufacturing Platforms and Its Operation Method

【作者】 雷琦

【导师】 刘飞;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 网络化制造已成为现代制造业发展的主要趋势之一,能集成多方面的资源、具有多种功能的网络化制造平台作为网络化制造的技术支持工具,其研究和应用正在兴起并成为热点。随着网络化制造平台在国内的逐步发展,各种模式的网络化制造平台在逐步形成和深入应用,网络化制造平台的孤岛问题日益暴露。如何通过网络化制造平台之间的有效集成实现分散资源的共享和集成成为急需思考和解决的问题。本文提出了一种网络化制造平台的集群模式,它是各类网络化制造平台联合形成的一个松散耦合的虚拟组织,通过平台间的联合与协作,对大量分布的资源进行整合,形成一个集成化的资源环境以协同响应用户多变的需求。网络化制造平台集群模式的运行过程实质是集群内部实现资源整合和面向用户需求的资源优化组合与集成运行过程。本文首先对网络化制造平台集群模式进行了总体研究:建立了网络化制造平台集群模式的结构体系、功能体系和技术体系;研究了网络化制造平台集群模式的集成技术;分析了网络化制造平台集群模式的自组织特性,讨论了集群资源的三种自组织聚类形式和集群资源的自组织优化机制。在此基础上,对网络化制造平台集群模式的运行方法和相关技术进行了研究:针对网络化制造平台集群模式的集成需求,讨论了集群模式下的资源集成技术,分析和研究了以资源描述框架(Resource Description Framework, RDF)为技术基础的需求表达和资源描述方法,研究了与集群模式集成技术相关的信息交换技术和资源注册与管理技术;针对网络化制造的多模式特征,建立了集群网络化制造模式库,研究了网络化制造模式的分类管理体系、建模框架以及分布式的网络化制造业务模型库;针对集群模式面向用户需求的资源优化组合与集成运行的需求,研究了用户需求驱动的任务建模、资源匹配、资源优化、任务调度和工作流管理技术。本文的研究内容是国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)课题“网状中心城市型区域性网络化专业平台开发与典型应用”(编号:2002AA414080)的重要组成部分,论文的研究结果和涉及到的技术方法在网络化制造集成服务平台的设计和实施中得到了应用,取得了较好的应用效果;以本文研究内容作为重要组成部分的科技成果“网络化制造系统模式及网络化制造平台的研究开发及应用”获得了2005年度教育部科技进步一等奖。

【Abstract】 Networked Manufacturing has become one of the main development trends of the modern manufacturing. As the technology-supporting tools, the Networked Manufacturing Platforms (NMPs), which can integrate various resources and have various functions, have got a lot of attentions, and the research and application of NMPs has been becoming a hotpot. With the development of NMP in our country, the isolated-islands problem of NMP is emerging. How to integrate distributed NMPs, and make the distributed resources optimized utilized, is urgent to be considered and solved.In view of the situation, this paper advances the cluster mode of NMPs, which is a loose coupled virtual organization forming by different kinds of NMPs. By the interaction and coordination within the NMPs of the cluster, a lot of distributed resources are gathered to form an integrated resource environment to respond the changeful requirements of customers agilely. The operation process of the cluster mode of NMPs is virtually the process of resources gathering and optimized coordination.Firstly, this paper has a general study on the cluster mode of NMPs. This paper sets up the structure architecture, function architecture and technology architecture of the cluster mode of NMPs, researches the integration technologies of the mode of NMPs, and discusses the self-organization characteristic, the three forms of resources gathering , and the self-optimization mechanism of the cluster mode of NMPs.On the basis, this paper has a pertinent study on the operation mode and relative technologies of the cluster mode of NMPs. Aiming at the integration requirement of the mode of NMPs, this paper discussed the technology of resource integration on the cluster mode, analyzed the requirement expression and resource description method on the basis of RDF technology, and researches the information exchange technology and resource registration and management technology correlated with the integration technology of the cluster mode. Considering the muti-modes of NM, this paper establishes the modes library of NM, and constitutes the classified management architecture of NM modes, NM modes modeling framework, and operation model library of NM. To make the resources optimized combination and integrated operation in the face of requirement of customers, this paper studies the task modeling, resource matching, resource optimization, task scheduling, and workflow management technologies.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 01期

