

Study on the Data Model of 3DSIS for Real-Time Visualization and Numerical Simulation

【作者】 夏艳华

【导师】 白世伟;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(武汉岩土力学研究所) , 岩土工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 岩土信息发育分布规律及岩土介质稳定性是岩土工程最关心的两个问题,三维地质可视化与数值模拟是解决这两个问题有效途径。但是,目前三维地质模型主要基于三维可视化或数据库技术而构建的,难以进行力学分析;而数值模拟存在着建模困难,甚至无法进行的致命弱点。鉴于此,本文针对3DSIS数据模型难以实现实时可视化与力学分析等不足,提出了一种面向实时可视化和数值模拟三维地质模型——NMTINF-BR模型,并实现了一些初步功能,主要工作概括如下: 1.综合分析研究地质信息特点、三维地质模型、可视化技术及网格剖分技术等表明,采用非流形边界表达不仅能有效表达岩土工程复杂的地质现象,而且可以为岩土工程稳定性分析提供地质力学模型。 2.在数据模型表达上,采用以二维流形(或二维带边流形)不规则三角网为边界面片,通过宏观和微观两个拓扑层次来表示各拓扑实体间拓扑关系的非流形B-Rep来表达复杂的地质现象,建立了一种面向实时可视化和数值模拟三维地质模型——NMTINF-BR模型。 3.在微观拓扑层次(不规则三角网拓扑结构)上,NMTINF-BR模型将非流形信息引入四方边缘结构,既保留了四方边缘结构对流形形体优雅的拓扑操作,同时又将流形形体与非流形形体的表达有机地结合起来。 4.在宏观拓扑层次上,以PES数据结构为基础,对其加以改进使之将不规则三角形网、区域内的单点、线框边等不同维实体之间的拓扑关系表达出来。 5.用面向对象的编程方法实现了上述数据结构C++类的定义,并初步实现了NMTINF-BR模型一些相关的基本拓扑操作。 6.详细探讨了基于钻孔信息NMTINF-BR地层模型建模算法,采用基于数据预处理后,自下而上逐层交叉判断算法能简洁、有效地建立NMTINF-BR地层模型,模型建立关键技术是不规则三角形网格动态更新算法以及求交算法。 7.NMTINF-BR模型能直接被网格剖分器剖分,因而可以有效地为数值模拟提供地质力学模型,本文初步实现了为二维和三维数值模拟提供地质力学模型的功能。

【Abstract】 The most concerned problems in geotechnical engineering are the analysis and tectonic interpretation of geological structures and the stability analysis of rock and (or) soil medium. The available methods to solve the two problems are 3D visualization of geological structures and numerical simulations. However, the most of geological models based on visualization technique or database technique are difficult to mechanical analysis, while the current numerical simulations are difficult in geological modeling, or rather can’t realize. Aiming at the situation, especially the lacks of 3DSIS data model which can’t realize real-time visualization and is difficult to mechanical analysis, this paper present a geological model went by the name of NMTINF_BR for real-time visualization and numerical simulation. The main jobs of this paper are as follows:1. The systematical study on geological features, 3D geological model, visualization technique and automatic mesh generation technique indicates that the non-manifold B-Rep can not only represent the complex geological structures, but also provide the geomechanical model for numerical simulations.2. The data model (NMTINF_BR) in addressing the representation of non-manifold complex geological structures consists of decomposing them into simpler manifold (or manifold with boundary) triangular irregular network and (or) single-vertex and (or) wire edge, and using a two-level representation to stitch them together.3. The lower level data structure represents topological structure of triangular irregular network. NMTINF_BR introduces the non-manifold information into quad-edge data structure. In this way, the elegant topological operations of quad-edge data structure are preserved, while the representation of manifold and non-manifold objects is skillfully integrated.4. The higher level data structure stitches the triangular irregular networks and (or) single-vertexes and (or) wire edges together. It represents topological relationships of the lower level components.5. The implementation of NMTINF_BR data structure is object-oriented design in C++, and


