

Research into Electro-Hydraulic Control System for a Simulator Test Rig of Shield Tunnelling Machine

【作者】 胡国良

【导师】 杨华勇; 龚国芳;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械电子工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 盾构机是集机械、电气、液压、测量、控制等多学科技术于一体、专用于地下隧道工程开挖的技术密集型重大工程装备。它需要针对不同地层地质要求进行设计制造,而目前国内并没有合适的设计理论和方法来进行指导,也没有掌握相应的设计理论,所以有必要搭建盾构模拟试验平台,用来模拟不同类型的盾构机在不同地层中的掘进过程,开展土压平衡盾构在典型地质条件下的控制策略、设计理论及计算方法的研究。这将有利于提高我国盾构机的设计制造水平,扩大盾构机的国产率。盾构模拟试验平台中,盾构机电液控制系统是其关键和难点所在。 论文以盾构模拟试验平台为研究对象,模拟实际盾构施工过程中的工况要求,采用电液比例控制技术对盾构模拟试验平台液压系统进行了原理设计。设计了一种基于压力流量复合控制的盾构推进电液控制系统,对推进系统中推进压力和推进速度的控制以及同步协调控制进行了分析研究。仿真和实验结果表明采用压力流量复合控制技术可实时控制推进系统的推进压力和推进速度,满足推进过程中随时变化的推进压力和推进速度的要求;同时采用主从式同步PID控制可使液压缸的同步精度范围控制在±3mm之间,满足掘进要求。对土压平衡的控制机理进行了实验研究,通过对密封仓内土仓压力的实时反馈来控制螺旋输送机的转速,可控制土压力在设定范围,基本实现土压平衡,实验结果表明粘土层中的土仓压力值一般控制在20KPa。论文还推导了盾构机总推力和刀盘扭矩的计算公式,对盾构机工作参数与土体的关系进行了实验研究,实验结果表明在土压平衡的情况下,刀盘扭矩和盾构总推力有良好的线性关系,并且盾构总推力随着推进距离的增加而缓慢地增加。本文的研究成果为实际盾构机的设计制造提供了相关参考依据。 论文主要研究内容如下: 第一章,阐述了盾构机以及盾构模拟试验平台的国内外发展概况及现状,论述了盾构机电液控制系统需要解决的关键技术问题。提出了本课题的研究内容以及完成论文所要进行的研究工作。 第二章,在对实际盾构机施工过程中的工况要求进行分析的基础上,采用电液比例控制技术对盾构模拟试验平台电液控制系统进行了原理设计。包括基于压力流量复合控制技术的推进液压系统;采用电比例反馈控制技术的螺旋输送机液压系统以及采用全局功率自适应技术的刀盘驱动液压系统。 第三章,介绍了盾构模拟试验平台监控系统软硬件结构设计。利用基于CC-Link现场总线的PLC控制实现了盾构液压系统的控制功能,同时对盾构液压系统进行了PLC控制设计;采用组态王对盾构机液压监控系统界面进行开发设计。 第四章,采用AMESim和MATLAB仿真软件建立了推进电液控制系统的仿真模型。对盾构推进液压系统的压力控制特性和速度控制特性进行仿真分析。结果表明采用压力

【Abstract】 The shield tunnelling machine is a type of complicated engineering equipment that is widely applied in the underground tunnel excavation, which is related with subjects of machinery, electronics, hydraulics, measurement and control. Based upon the different kinds of geological conditions, each one of shield tunnelling machines has to be designed and manufactured individually. However, the design theory and method of the shield tunnelling machine is not perfect at present, it is necessary to establish a simulator test rig of shield tunnelling machine for simulating the tunnel excavations under the conditions of different local geological structures. In this thesis, a new design theory and a calculation method in the electro-hydraulic control system are proposed to improve the design level of the shield tunnelling machine.Based upon the analysis of the working conditions in the tunnel excavations, a principle design of hydraulic systems for simulator test rig is carried out theoretically with electro-hydraulic proportional control technique. The electro-hydraulic control system of shield thrust system with integration of pressure and flow control is put forward. The control method of both the thrust pressure and the thrust speed is investigated, and the synchronization control of the hydraulic cylinders is also completed. The simulation and experimental results show that the thrust pressure and thrust speed can be controlled through the integration of pressure and flow control technique, and the synchronization precision of the thrust system can be controlled within the range of ±3 mm, which can meet the requirements of the tunnelling process. On the other hand, the earth pressure balance mechanism is analyzed. The earth pressure can be controlled within the range of set value by controlling the revolving speed of the screw conveyor according to the real time feedback of the earth pressure in the working chamber, which can realize the earth pressure balance basically, and the experimental results show that the earth pressure is generally at 20 KPa in the clayey soil. Moreover, the calculation equations of the total thrust force and the torque of the cutting wheel are obtained, and the relationships between the working parameters of the shield and the soils are discussed. The experimental results show that the total thrust force and the torque of the cutting wheel has a good linear relationship, and the thrust force is increased slowly with the increasing of the thrust displacement. These results would provide the theoretical references for the shield design and manufacture.The main content of each chapter is summarized as following:In chapter 1, the history and current research status of the shield tunnelling machine and the simulator test rig are introduced based on a lot of the publications and conference papers. The key techniques of electro-hydraulic control systems of shield tunnelling machine are also described. Consequently, the research and the goal of the project are brought forward.In chapter 2, the electro-hydraulic control systems of the simulator test rig are designed with the proportional electro-hydraulic control technique based on the analyses of the shield tunnelling machines, including the thrust hydraulic system with integration of pressure and flow control technique, the screw conveyor hydraulic system with electric proportional

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期

