

Study on Regional Urbanization in China

【作者】 路明

【导师】 孙钱章;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 政治经济学, 2000, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,特别是改革开放以来,我国转入以经济建设为中心的新的历史时期,中国经济开始进入了持续高速增长的轨道。与此同时,在区域经济发展和城市化进程中也面临着前所未有的一系列新课题。伴随经济发展和国民经济的高速增长,区域经济出现了发展不平衡、区际差异扩大、城乡差距扩大和区域产业结构需要在发展中逐步调整等重大课题,在理论和实践中区域经济发展受到了高度的重视;城市化作为当代各国社会经济中的重要发展过程和引人注目的社会经济现象,无论从理论探讨角度,还是从现实需要看来,都是意义重大的研究课题,也是具有广阔前景的研究领域。区域经济研究和城市化研究是两个相互交叉、相互渗透的领域。本文通过从区域经济和城市化研究的结合点出发,以马克思主义为指导,借鉴当代有关区域经济和城市化研究的理论成果,考察城市化进程,研究区域性城市化发展的现状、模式等问题,探讨中国区域城市化的基本理论和目标原则,对中国的区域城市化进行实证分析,在此基础上提出中国城市化发展战略思路,为现实经济运行中城市化进程的诸多方面探寻一些有效的发展战略思路和政策措施,为城市化理论和实践的深化和创新提出一种可供借鉴的见解,以期对我国未来的城市化和区域经济发展有参考作用。 本文在导论部分首先简要说明了研究区域城市化的理论和实践背景、研究区域经济和城市化相关问题的理论与现实意义。指出了本文研究采用实证分析与规范分析相结合,理论抽象分析与实证比较分析方法相结合,以马克思主义的城市化理论和区域经济理论为基础,充分借鉴西方学者相关理论和多学科知识,适当运用系统分析方法等主要经济学方法,考察区域、城市等复杂的“巨系统”和区域城市化等动态过程。导论还简要说明研究的思路和论文的内容和框架,提出本文的主要观点和创新之处。 正文共分五章。第一章考察城市化的基本概念和理论。首先界定本文研究中城市化的概念,指出城市化是在由农业社会向工业社会转变中,伴随工业化而出现的一个必然的历史发展过程,城市化水平的高低是衡量一个国家社会经济进步状况的重要标志。从经济学意义上来说,城市化的含义是伴随工业化的发展和生产力的进步,农村分散的人口、劳动力和非农业经济活动不断地进行空间上集聚,逐渐形成新型的城市经济要素以及已有城镇通过集聚和扩散作用自身发展并且带动周围地域转变为非农的城市经济要素的过程。进而分析城市化类型,对比城市化相关的概念,如农村城市化、城乡一体化、工业化、非农化和农业现代化等。然后重点对马克思主义城市化理论和西方学者的城市化理论进行讨论评价。阐明城市化理论的主要观点,为随后的区域城市化研究提供理论基础。

【Abstract】 The theme of this dissertation is about regional economics and theories of urbanization. The study of regional urbanization has a theoretical and practical significance for accelerating socialist urbanization of our country, which is related to the city economics, regional economics, the city geography, the city programming and the city administration. This dissertation is under the guide of Marxist economics, under the use for reference of views of western scholars. It closely contacts the plentiful practices of Chinese socialist urbanization process.Introduction shows the background of study on regional urbanization and its significance briefly, explains the study methods, the way how to discuss, the content and frame of the theme, put forwards the main points of view.Chapter 1 studies the fundamental concept and theories of urbanization. First of all, denies the concept of urbanization. Urbanization is an inevitable historical process with agriculture society turning to industry society and industrialization process. Secondly, analyses the types of urbanization and its relative concepts such as rural urbanization, urban-countryside integration, de-agriculturalization etc. At last, stresses on the discussion and evaluation of Marxist urbanization, western urbanization theories, introduces their main points to provide the theory foundation for the further study on regional urbanization.Chapter 2 reviews and analyses regional urbanization theoretically. It points out that regional urbanization contains two aspects of meanings. One means a state of regional development of urbanization; the other means the theory which combines regional economics and urbanization to solve the problems regional economy development and urbanization within certain area (different provinces and regions), studies urbanization according to local characteristics and rules. Not only reflects urbanization in common senses, but also analyses, compares, harmonizes among regions to find out suitable pattern of urbanization. It discusses the base of regional urbanization and gives out the object, principles of this theory in China.Chapter 3 mainly discusses the history and future of urbanization. It shows the historical development of urbanization and the future trends that modern urbanization should embody, which is modernization, internationalization,

  • 【分类号】F299.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1506

