

A Study of Filling Materials and Pipeline Transportation Systems in Deep Mines

【作者】 王新民

【导师】 古德生;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 采矿工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文在全面分析深井充填特点的基础上,结合近年来在康家湾矿、铜陵新桥硫铁矿、开阳磷矿等矿山的科研实践,运用岩体力学、工程流体力学等相关理论对深井充填材料和管输系统所涉及到的主要理论和工程技术问题进行了系统、全面、深入的理论与应用技术研究,所得出的主要结论和应用技术成果可直接供深井矿山充填系统设计参考应用,研究成果对推动我国深井充填理论与技术创新具有积极的现实意义,对创建我国深井充填理论与技术体系也具有较高的学术价值。完成的主要研究工作及结论包括: (1)深井条件下充填体能有效降低围岩能量耗散率和平均矿柱应力,通过建立能量控制采场围岩失稳风险预测的理论模型,计算采场围岩能量,从而实现对采场围岩失稳风险预测,该方法不仅是深井开采安全程度评价的有效手段,也为合理设计和选择深井采场结构参数、充填工艺及材料提供了重要的理论依据; (2)针对多个矿山所使用的充填材料,进行了大量的物理力学性质、优化组合配比及外加剂试验。建立了充填料浆在采场中流动的坡面形状函数,较好地铨释了充填体的破坏形式;应用梁理论推导出的胶结充填体质量评价公式可以定量确定充填体的安全厚度和采场充填工艺参数,为评价和控制充填体质量提供了重要的理论依据;根据充填接顶率与充填体承载效果的数值分析所得出的充填接顶率超过50%,人工胶结矿柱就具备良好的承载效果的结论具有重要的工程意义,将使接顶充填工艺大大简化; (3)对深井矿山可供选择的几种充填系统的适应性进行了深入分析,并通过临界流态浓度的界定与料浆流态的转化措施的研究,充分论证了膏体自流充填系统将是我国深井矿山应优先选择应用与发展的深井充填系统; (4)在深井矿山两相流输送技术的研究中,综合分析了固体颗粒的静水沉浆特性、料浆特性、管道特性等对水力坡度的主要影响。全面分析了自由降落料浆对深井垂直管路的冲击作用机理,建立了料浆在垂直管路中运动的理论模型,并运用数值模拟的方法对满管流输送系统进行了分析研究,铨释了满管流系统的工作原理及实现的主要技术途径; (5)建立了料浆流速与管道磨损的理论模型,推导出满管流系统垂直管最大安全高度的计算公式,给出了管道磨损的理论计算式,运用该式可对管道磨损进行预测; (6)非机械快速浓缩全尾砂胶结充填技术的研究,突破了以往机械浓缩的旧模式,是成本低、效率高的全尾砂胶结充填的全新工艺,运用DLVO理论分析的高分子絮凝剂对矿物絮凝作用过程和化学机理,对研究不同矿物组成的全尾砂

【Abstract】 Main theoretical and technical problems related to filling materials and pipeline transportation systems are discussed in detail in this paper, in terms of theory of both rock mechanics and engineering hydromechanics, on the basis of comprehensive analyzes of characteristics of deep filling, combined with researching experiences in Kangjiawan Lead-Zinc-Gold Mine, Hunan province, Xinqiao Pyrite Mine, Anhui province, Kaiyang Phosphate Mine, Guizhou Province, and other mines. Researching results not only can be referred by other related deep mines but also can make a great contribution to construction of systematic deep filling theory and technology of China. Major works and main conclusions of this paper are summarized as follows:(1) Energy release rate of surrounding rocks and average stress of pillars can be effectively reduced by filling body in deep mines. Collapse risk of surrounding rocks can be forecast by energy calculated according to risk forecasting model in the view of energy control. The forecasting method supplies an effective means to evaluate safety of deep mining and establishes an important theoretical base of design and choice of deep stope structure, filling materials and filling systems.(2) Physical and mechanical parameters of different filling materials are measured, optimal contents of various parts within mixed filling materials are tested as well as usage effect of addition agents in several mines. Formation function of slope formed when slurry flows in a stope is developed, by which damage types of filling body can be determined. Safety filling height and stope structure can be quantitatively designed and filling quality can be comprehensively evaluated and controlled, based on quality evaluation formula of cemented filling body developed according to trestle beam theory. Numerical simulation of relationship between roof-touched filling proportion and filling effect indicates that cemented artificial pillar poses a good load-bearing capacity so long as roof-touched filling proportion reaches to 50%. The conclusion identical to filling

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期

