

【作者】 王光志

【导师】 万德光;

【作者基本信息】 成都中医药大学 , 中药学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 远志为远志科(Polygalaceae)植物远志Polygala tenuifolia Willd.或卵叶远志P.sibirica L.的干燥根,系常用中药。现代研究证明远志具有镇咳祛痰、镇静催眠、降压、改善脑功能、促进体力和智力、抗炎、抗诱变等作用,临床应用较广。随着野生药材资源的过度采挖,资源量不断下降,在山西、陕西等省已开始远志的人工种植。为保护和合理利用远志资源,需要开展远志资源的综合研究以及远志野生、家种药材、远志饮片的综合品质评价。 通过系统的本草考证,阐明了远志古今用药的一致性,产地分布的变迁以及道地性;总结了远志的性效、配伍禁忌以及古今炮制方法的沿革与变迁。 通过标本和相关文献查阅,以及我们实地采集调查的结果,总结出全国远志属药用品种共有23种;川渝地区药用品种共有13种2变种;对远志属民族药药用资源做了整理研究,总结出远志属共有11种植物在14个少数民族地区使用。 首次对远志生长的地理气候因子、土壤营养元素与远志酸含量关系做了研究,初步明确了影响远志酸含量的主要气候因子是年日照时数和无霜期,土壤因子是有效磷及水分含量;对远志产区做了调查及实验研究,结合本草学考证,对远志的栽培适宜区做了区划研究,为远志的合理栽培提供科学依据。 首次建立了远志及卵叶远志的RAPD和ISSR反应扩增体系,并在此基础上首次对远志及卵叶远志的遗传多样性做了RAPD及ISSR研究,并进行了遗传关系聚类分析。 以远志酸含量为指标,采用HPLC法,对野生、栽培及商品远志进行了质量评价,发现远志商品药材远志酸含量在0.64%~4.72%,甘草制远志饮片远志酸含量在0.62%~4.10%,蜜远志远志酸含量在0.23%~6.62%;发现陕西、山西及四川野生远志远志酸含量较高,甘肃庆阳产者最低;山西沁源产栽培远志酸含量最高,为4.69%,其次为山西汾阳、山西繁峙和陕西韩城,分别是3.93%、3.79%和3.26%;以甘肃镇原产者含量最低,为0.88%。 以远志酸含量和醇浸出物为指标,结合药效学实验,首次对不同方法炮制的远志饮片有效成分含量、炮制工艺、炮制前后药效学变化进行了综合评价,为远志药材的综合利用与远志饮片的临床应用、饮片规范化生产以及质量标准化、国际化奠定基础。

【Abstract】 Yuanzhi,Radix Polygalae, the dried root of Polygala tenuifolia Willd. or P.sibirica L. (Polygalaceae), is widely used in Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) for a long history . It is used not only as an expectorant and antitussive, but also as a sedative for the treatment of palpitations and insomnia due to anxiety, It can lower blood pressure, improve the function of brain, boost physical strength and intelligence. It also has the effect of anti-inflammation and anti-mutation. With its wild resources destroyed and decreased, it is now planted widely in Shanxi, Shannxi and Gansu Province of China. In order to protect and utilize the resources of P. tenuifolia Willd. and P. sibirica L. reasonably, investigation on wild resources must be carried out. What’s more, the quality of wild and cultivated Radix Polygalae as well as processed slices needs appraised, which can assure the safety and efficiency of the drugs used in clinic.Systematical herbalogical study was investigated in this paper and the name as well as medicinal history, medicinal variety , habitat and geoherbalism of Yuanzhi was clarified. The properties and efficiency, compatibility and indications of Yuanzhi was analyzed and the technic of picking and processing of Yuanzhi was studied too.We concluded that there were 23 species of Polygala genus used as medicinal plants in China as well as 13 specjes and 2 variations used in Sichuan and Chongin through specimen and literature investigation. There were 11 species of Polygala genus used as ethnomedicine in 14 different minority region in China.The habit, zoologyical community as well as geographical and climatic characteristic of Yuanzhi were investigated and the nutrition eliments of soil was determined in this paper. Results explained that the sunlight and non-frost time of the year, content of available phosphor and moisture were the main impacts on the content of polygalic acid in Yunzhi. Therefore,the feasible cultivated place of Yuanzhi was plotted out according to the results above. All results can be a scientific reference for the good agriculture of Yuanzhi.For the first time DNA Molecular marker of RAPD and ISSR of P. tenuifolia Willd. and P. sibirica L.was studied in this paper and the PCR amplfying reaction system of Yuanzhi was established, Which will be reference for appraisement of germplasm of Polygala genus.In Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2005 edition, Vol. 1), the content of polygalic acid of Yuanzhi was the guideline related with the quality of Yuanzhi. In this paper, the quality of

【关键词】 远志本草考证中药资源RAPDISSR土壤HPLC炮制药效学
【Key words】 Polygala tenuifolia Willd.P. sibirica L.HerbologySoilRAPDISSR HPLCProcessingPharmacology
  • 【分类号】R282
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】819

