

The Waring-Goldbach Problems in Short Intervals

【作者】 徐云飞

【导师】 展涛; 刘建亚;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 基础数学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 小区间内的华林-歌德巴赫问题吸引了许多作者并且被许多作者研究过,其中以哥德巴赫-维诺格拉多夫关于几乎相等的素数的定理最为著名(读者可见[1],[2],[3]和[4])。 不同于线性情形,研究非线性情形需克服更大的困难。具体说来,在应用圆法时需处理更大的主区间, 刘建亚和展涛[7]首先在广义黎曼猜想下证明了;每个模24余5的大整数N可以表成5个几乎相等的素数的平方之和,即 N=p12+p22+p32+p42+P52,这里|pj-(N/5)1/2|≤U,j=1,2,…,5,(0.5)其中U=N(1/2)-δ+ε,δ=1/20。 1998年,刘和展在研究华林-哥德巴赫的问题中找到了处理扩大了的主区间的新方法。这一方法被成功地应用到许多关于素数的加性问题,例如[5]和[6],当这一方法被应用到问题(0.5)时,如下的无条件结果被陆续得到:刘和展的δ=1/50,1/48([7],[8]);Bauer的δ=19/180([9]);吕广世的δ=1/35([10]). 在这篇文章里我们将研究两个小区间内的华林-哥德巴赫问题。 首先,在第一章中,我们将研究华罗庚先生的关于一个素数和三个素数的平方和的定理在小区间内的情形(见[11]).定理1.1 对于每个充分大的模3不同于0的整数N,方程对于U=N(1/2)-(1/25)+ε有解。 我们的定理1.1基于下面的结论。

【Abstract】 Waring-Goldbach problems in short intervals have appealed to many authors and have been investigated, among which the Goldbach-Vinogradov theorem with almost equal prime variables may be the most famous one (see for example [1], [2], [3] and[4]).Different from this linear case, non-linear cases have to treat the enlarged major arcs when applying the circle method. In order to avoid this difficulty , Liu and Zhan [15] first studied the quadratic case assuming the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis (GRH). More precisely, they showed that under GRH each large integer TV ≡ 5(mod 24) can be written asN=p12+p22 + p32+p42+p52 (0.1)whereLater Bauer [16] unconditionally showed that the formula (0.1) holds true for U =N(1/2)-δ, where δ ≥0 and its exact value depends on the constants in the Deuring-Heilbronn phenomenon, and is not numerically determined.In 1998 Zhan and Liu [15] found the new approach to treat the enlarged major arcs in which the possible existence of Siegel zero does not have special influence, and hence the Dcuring-Heilbronn phenomenon can be avoided. Due to this approach, they obtained that (0.1) is true for U = N((1/2)-(1/(50)+ε). With the development of this approach, the exponent (1/2) —(1/50) has subsequently reduced to (1/2) — (19/850) by Bauer [9] and then to (1/2) - (1/35) by the first author of [17].In this paper we study two Waring-Goldbach problems in short intervals.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期

