

Applications of Bionical Simulation Computation in Bioinformatics

【作者】 宋杰

【导师】 程家兴;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 在过去的几年间,计算机仿生计算在生命科学和医学的各个领域愈来愈起着前所未有的重要作用。计算机在序列分析中的应用,掀起了生物信息学的第一个高潮,但这个方面至今还有许多重要的问题尚未解决,其中的一个重要原因是计算的速度和效率还不能满足数据处理的需要。 随着基因组和其它测序项目的不断进展,研究的重点正逐步从积累数据转移到如何来解释这些数据。生物学的新发现将极大地依赖我们在多个维度和不同尺度下对多样化数据进行组合和关联的分析能力。 在数据量呈几何级数增长的情况下,生物信息的存储、获取、联网、处理和浏览以及可视化等方面,都对理论、算法和软件的发展提出了迫切的需求。 计算机科学也从生命系统中获得启示,通过对生命活动的分析和模仿,产生了许多新的概念,包括:遗传算法、人工神经网络、计算机病毒和人造免疫系统、DNA计算、人工生命。这样的学科交叉丰富了各个相关领域,将在未来的岁月中得到进一步的发展。 在本文中,结合生物信息学中的应用,我们使用了基于生物启发的仿生计算方法,如遗传算法,覆盖算法,蚁群算法等。这些构成了一个有趣的循环,从生命中来,到生命中去,这是本论文的研究特色和中心任务。 在本文中,我们以分子生物学的核心定律——中心法则为框架,简要介绍了生物信息学研究所牵涉到的生物学概念,对生物信息学的研究内容、研究方法作了概要的介绍。着重研究了生物信息学的一个重要研究对象蛋白质的性质和特点,以及蛋白质研究的结构分类方法;介绍了蛋白质结构研究的现状,综合研究和分析了蛋白质研究中所采用的各种方法的技术特点。同时对微阵列基因芯片的原理和作用给予扼要的介绍。 本文具体分析了人工神经网络中的一种——FP神经网络的覆盖算法,讨论了

【Abstract】 In recent years, simulation computation plays more and more important role in the domain of biology and medicine research. The application of computer in sequence analysis is the first great success in bioinformatics. But in this domain, there are still many unsolved problems. One of the reasons is that the speed and the efficiency of computing is not enough to feed up with the needs of data processing.With the continuous progress on genome and other sequence project, the emphasis is gradually shifting from the accumulation of data to explaination to these data. The new discoveries of biology will greatly depand on the analysis ability of combining and conjuncting these different multi-dimention and multi-measure data.Since the amount of biology data increases in a geometric series manner, for the store, the acquisition, the network communication, the processing, the data exploring and visuialisation of biology information, these will bring forward the exigent requests in theory, algorithm and software.Computer science acquires inspirations from life system. Many new concepts are proposed. It includes the Genetic Algorithm (GA), Artifical neural netwrok(ANN), computer virus and immunity system, DNA computing, artificial life. These cross of different studies enrich realtive domain and will have great progress in the future.In this dissertation, combining with the application in bioinformtics, we have used serveral computing methods inspired from life, such as GA, Covering Algorithm, ant colony system. These form a interesting loop, from life, to life. This is the characteristic and central task of the dissertationWith the help of the kernel rule of molecular biology—central dogma, we briefly introduce some basic concepts of biology in bioinformatics and summarily introduced the study contents and methods. We have studied the properties and characteristics of protein— one improtant analysis object of bioinfomatics. And we also studied the structure classification methods. We introduced the study level of protein structure,

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期

