

Recovery and Treatment of Th from RE Ore of Baiyunebo Deposit by Liquid Membrane Emulsion Technology

【作者】 车丽萍

【导师】 余永富; 袁继祖;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 矿物加工工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 位于中国内蒙古包头市的白云鄂博矿床的钍资源特点是储量大(钍总储量为105万吨,如果全部用于核能源,其储量可满足我国核能源需求5000~10000年),品位低(ThO20.2~0.38%),高危害(废水、废渣的放射性污染)。但白云鄂博矿床的钍从开采到目前为止仅带来了放射性污染而未曾加以任何回收利用,白白地浪费了钍资源。 乳状液膜技术的特点是有着极大的富集比,适合于低浓度含量的物质的提取回收。 本研究根据乳状液膜技术的特点和白云鄂博矿床中放射性元素钍的特性,将采用成本低、效率高及选择性好的新型技术——乳状液膜技术用于回收处理白云鄂博矿床中的钍元素,并应用于内蒙古包钢稀土高科技股份有限公司的放射性钍的富集回收和提取分离的工作中,即起到了综合开发和合理利用钍资源的目的,也达到了保护钍资源和保护环境的目的。本论文的研究是将放射性污染废物——钍作为二次资源加以开发利用,该工作可有效治理放射性废物(废渣、废水),合理回收高价值的有用元素,使其变废为宝,同时减少放射性危害,降低核辐射污染,净化周围环境,维持生态平衡,这项工作即利国又利民,可见,这不仅具有可观的经济效益,而且具有极好的社会效益。 本论文基于乳状液膜方法,分别进行了从不同浓度的配制含钍Th4+溶液中提取回收钍的实验研究,以及从不同实际含钍溶液(或废水)中提取回收钍Th4+的试验研究,实际含钍溶液的试验研究包括从稀土浸出液中提取钍的研究、从稀土铁钍渣中回收钍的研究及含钍工业废水的处理等试验研究。在研究中,本文将分别对乳状液膜提取钍Th4+的传输过程(建立模型)、乳状液膜的稳定性(理论应用)、乳状液的破乳(基本原理和设计制作)等进行了探讨和实验,为乳状液膜技术应用于钍的提取回收研究打下了基础。以上的实验(试验)及研究工作表明,乳状液膜方法在处理提取分离回收放射性元素钍的过程中显示出了其卓越无比的特性,效果极佳,获得的提取回收率均大于98%。特别是N1923—N205—磺化煤油—HNO3组成的乳状液膜体系,不论是从配制的不同浓度的含钍溶液还是从实际的不同采点的含钍溶液中都显现了其良好的效果,综合实验表明,Th4+的回收率均在99%以上,从稀土浸出液(含ThO2 0.287g/l)中回收钍的试验

【Abstract】 The total prospective reserves of ThO2 in Baiyunebo deposit, located in Baotou, Inner Mongolia, China, are larger (1,050,000.00 tons which could meet the need of China’s nuclear energy resources for 5,000-10,000 years) , are lower grade (ThO20.20.38% ) and higher harm (radioactive contamination of waste water and waste industrial residue) .But up to now it has created nothing but radioactive contamination, without any recovery use of it.In the present study, a new efficient technology with low cost and goodselectivity------Liquid Membrane Emulsion Technology (LMET) ------was used, inaccordance with the characteristics of LMET and thorium from Baiyunebo deposit, to recover and treat thorium from Baiyunebo deposit and applied to the recovery and separation of thorium conducted in Baogang Rare Earth Science and Technology Co. Ltd., Inner Mongolia, which achieved the goal of both comprehensive exploitation and rational use of Th resources, and the preservation of Th resources and environment. The aim of the study is to make exploitive use of radioactive pollution wastes as secondary resources, which can effectively harness the radioactive wastes (waste water and waste residue in industry) and reasonably recover the useful elements of high value, converting wastes into useful materials, lessening the radioactive harm caused by nuclear radiation pollution, purifying environment, maintaining the ecological balance and benefiting both the country and the people. So it could be believed that the present study can bring about considerable economic returns and tremendous social benefitsIn this doctoral dissertation, the experiment in which thorium was recovered from simulated Th solution of different concentrations and those in which thorium was recovered from the real Th solution of different concentrations were respectively performed on the principles of liquid membrane emulsion method. The real Th solution experiments include those of extracting thorium from rare earth leaching solution, those of recovering thorium from RE-Fe-Th dregs leaching solution and

【关键词】 乳状液膜白云鄂博矿
【Key words】 Liquid Membrane Emulsion (LME)baiyunebo depositThorium
  • 【分类号】TD958
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】776

