

【作者】 蔡连卫

【导师】 王平;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古代文学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本论文关注的是杨家将小说的传播问题。杨业祖孙三代英勇卫国的事迹距今已有千年的历史了,杨家将故事的传播却是历千年而不息,至今仍是尽人皆知。郑振铎说:“在中国社会中,北宋杨家将与唐之秦琼、尉迟恭、薛仁贵,汉之关羽、张飞有同样的威权,他们的故事是最为一般民众所喜欢歌唱传说的”。但是,对杨家将故事这个有着广泛影响和知名度的文化传播现象,研究者的关注还远远不够,尤其忽略了其轰轰烈烈传播背后的深层原因,因此有必要以传播的视角对其加以审视。在杨家将故事的流传过程中,杨家将小说是一个重要的承前启后的关节点,它集之前各种片断分散的杨家将故事之大成,在其形成之后,又因其故事的丰富与人物的众多,成为后世各种杨家将文艺作品的素材来源或重要借鉴,因此,杨家将小说堪称杨家将故事的定鼎之作。所以,论文就将关注的重点锁定在杨家将小说上,运用传播学的理论与方法来研究杨家将小说的传播问题。 论文采用由史到论的思路,先以传播学的方法梳理杨家将小说的形成、传播历程与传播过程中的变异,再运用传播学的理论考察其传播背后的深层原因。论文共分七章。 第一章对杨家将本事进行了简单的叙述与考证,因为这是我们研究的史实基础。本章首先略述了杨氏一族的基本史实,指出杨业祖孙三代保家卫国的英勇事迹及其三代不渝为国收复失地的志向,是后世杨家将故事传播的史实基础。其次,对杨业的家世籍贯、杨业入宋的真相、杨家将幽州战功的真伪、杨延昭与“杨六郎”的称谓、佘太君与穆桂英形象的来源等几个存疑问题,作了简略叙述与初步考证,指出后世对杨家将故事的渲染都有一定的史实依据或逻辑的合理性。最后,对孟良、焦赞、八(大、贤)王、寇准、王钦(王强)、潘仁美、萧太后等几个重要人物本事进行了简略述考,初步探索了这些人物进入杨家将故事的原因。 第二章梳理了杨家将小说的形成过程,追索了其形成的原因与意义。首先对杨家将小说形成之前杨家将故事的传播情况作了大体的梳理,通过梳理我们发现,宋元以来不断丰富发展的杨家将故事,是杨家将小说形成的基础,没有宋元以来几百年滚雪球式的累积,也就没有杨家将小说的形成。其次,我们追索了杨家将小说在明后期形成、在清中后期丰富的原因,认为其形成、丰富均与当时特定的

【Abstract】 The dissertation is about the communication of an ancient Chinese novel Yang Jia Jiang. Yang ye and his offspring’s story of defending their own country has a history of about over a thousand years. But the legends about them are still well known now. Zheng zhenduo had said that, in Chinese society, Yang Jia Jiang in north Song Dynasty has the same important position with Qin Qiong, Yu Chigong, Xue Rengui in Tang dynasty and Guan Yu, Zhang Fei in Han dynasty, their story are most popular in common people. But, the research about this influential and popular story is far from enough, especially the research about the deep reason of the story’s comprehensive communication. So, it is very necessary and practical for us to research the deep reason about Yang Jia Jiang story’s communication from the angle of communications. In the spreading of Yang Jia Jiang story, the novel of Yang Jia Jiang is an important connecting link, it collects most of the Yang Jia Jiang story’s segments and make it a whole one, and because of the abundant stories and the numerous characters in the novel, it has become the material resource of the following Yang Jia Jiang literature works and it opening the new era of Yang Jia Jiang story’s transmission. Yang Jia Jiang novel has such a special position so we think it should be paid more attention in all kinds of transmit methods of Yang Jia Jiang story and trying to research Yang Jia Jiang’s spread phenomenon by the method of Communications.The dissertation adopts the thought of from history to demonstration. Firstly, it hackles how the Yang Jia Jiang novel comes into being and how it spreads and how it changes in spreading. Secondly, it researches the deep reason behind the transmission from the angle of communications. It has seven chapters:The First chapter narrates simply about the origin of Yang Jia Jiang, it is the historical facts our research based on. At first, it narrates the Yang’s historical facts, points out Yang Ye and his offspring’s brave story in defending their country and their ambition to reoccupy the lost territory is the historical facts basic for following stories.

【关键词】 杨家将小说传播
【Key words】 Yang Jia Jiangnovelcommunication
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期

