

【作者】 张志庆

【导师】 曾繁仁;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 文艺学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 欧洲中世纪的思想、文化不仅具有上承下传的历史地位,其自身也具有独立的价值。中世纪的思想发展有两个重要的标志性时期:教父时代和经院哲学时期。托马斯·阿奎那作为公认的经院哲学的代表,既是神学发展史上最伟大的神学家之一,也是对整个西方思想、文化发展演变产生了巨大影响的思想家之一。 阿奎那的思想影响之所以不局限于神学界,在于他的思想具有强烈的现实性。阿奎那思想体系的突出特征是试图在信仰与理性、超验与经验之间建立一致性。他在神学基础上改造了柏拉图具有超验性的理念论,全面运用了亚里士多德更具思辨性、经验性的形式质料学说,寻求超验的经验存在,启示的理性证明。因而他更加关注上帝与人的关系,把信仰视为美德,把美德视为向善的道德生活。阿奎那把神学哲学化、伦理化了。在阿奎那哲学化的神学中,信仰是第一位的,而理性、经验是不可或缺的。阿奎那开创的理性辩护主义自阿奎那以后一直持续发展,也是20世纪许多基督教神学家、哲学家的共同立场。 阿奎那的美学思想继承了古希腊的传统,是中世纪美学思想的总结和深化。阿奎那将传统的、中世纪的美学思想统一起来,纳入到自己庞大的思想体系之中,并使它们在这个体系中得到更加充分的阐释。这种阐释与阿奎那试图在信仰与理性、超验与经验之间建立一致性的努力是相同的。因此,阿奎那的美学思想表现出超验性与经验性的统一。美是超验的,超验的美就是善。在本体论上,美善同一。正因为美善同一,所以美的超验性不能也不需要论证,正如善的超验性。上帝是善(本身),是美(本身)。但超验的美必须显现自身,成为可见的、可感的,因而具有经验性。其逻辑依据是,善,作为在,必传达自身,否则,在,不存在;在,作为传达者,必被传达,否则,传达者自身不在。其美学依据是,单纯美的超验性是没有生命力的,必须经由可见的形象显现出来,也就是说,必须让人能够感受得到。

【Abstract】 The medieval ideas and culture of Europe not only have the historical position which forms a connecting link between the preceding and the following but also have their own independent value. The development of medieval ideas has two important symbolic periods: the Philosophia patristica period and the Scholasticism period. Thomas Aquinas is widely regarded as the representative of the Scholastica. He is the one of the greatest theologians in history as well as one of the ideologists who exerted important influence on the development of the overall western ideas and culture.The reason why the influence of Aquinas’s thought is not limited in the theological field is that his idea is strongly realistic. The characteristic of the system of Aquinas’s ideas is the trial to seek the unity between the relief and rationality, transcendence and experience. He reforms Plato’s transcendental rationalism on the basis of theology, takes use of Aristotle’s hylemorphism which is more dialectical and experimental and seeks the transcendental experimental existence and the enlightening rational evidence. Therefore, he is more concerned with the relation between God and human and regards relief as virtue, virtue as morale life. Aquinas’ theology takes on the qualities of philosophy and ethics. In Aquinas’s philosophical theology, belief is always in the first place. Ration and experience are always indispensable.Aquinas’s aesthetic thought carries forwards the tradition of Greece as the conclusion and deepening of the medieval aesthetic ideas. Aquinas unifies the traditional and medieval aesthetic thoughts and takes them into his own large ideological system in which he interprets them thoroughly. This kind of interpretation is similar to Aquinas’s trial to construct the unity between belief and ration, transcendence and experience. Therefore, Aquinas’s aesthetic thought indicates the unity between the transcendental and the experimental. Beauty is transcendental, and the transcendental beauty is the good. In the ontological sense, beauty is unified with good. It is because of the unity

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期

