

【作者】 刘士军

【导师】 孟祥旭;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 经济全球化使得制造环境发生了根本性的变化,制造业面临全球性的市场、资源、技术和人才的竞争;制造业的技术进步也始终围绕着如何最优化配置企业内外部资源,迅速响应市场需求,更快的生产出高质量、低成本的产品;网格技术的出现,为制造业提供了一个具有集成、开放、虚拟和自主特征的基础设施,可以有效地解决网络化制造面临的资源共享与协作难题。 制造网格(Manufacturing Grid,MG)正是在这一时代背景下出现的新的制造环境。它融合了计算机科学、自动化和先进制造等多学科技术,通过屏蔽资源的异构性和地理分布性,实现不同企业或组织中各类资源的共享,提供协同工作支持环境,以服务方式为用户透明地提供其所需的与制造相关的资源,可满足日益增长的企业间协作的迫切需求。 支持制造资源的共享和制造业务的协同是制造网格研究的两个重要出发点。无论从地理分布性,还是种类繁杂程度等方面,制造网格中的资源管理和调度都要比其它网格应用复杂的多。因此,如何表示网格中制造资源,支持资源的共享,是制造网格需要解决的一个基础问题。另外,制造网格中,资源共享主要是通过将资源进行服务化封装,然后通:过服务及组合服务的方式在制造作业中实现对资源的调度:如何动态、有效地进行服务组合中的流程规划、服务选择、服务实例绑定等工作,解决制造作业中的资源调度和协同管理问题,也是制造网格需要研究的一个重要内容。 制造网格实现了一个开放的和松散耦合的系统,其中的资源共享和业务执行是在跨组织的协同下完成的,资源和服务分属于不同企业或组织,并自主进行管理,带有明显的自治性和自主性特点;如何构建基于这种自治节点之上的制造网格系统架构,有效地聚集系统中的制造资源,支撑协同制造,是实现制造网格需要重点研究的另一基础问题。 本文在对制造企业间协同进行充分地需求调研和分析的基础上,在国家863计划“制造网格与制造资源协同管理技术研究”等科研项目的资助下,针对制造领域的需求特征,围绕上述几个关键技术问题,重点开展了制造网

【Abstract】 Many advanced manufacturing modes such as agile virtual enterprise, networked manufacturing, e-manufacturing were developed along with the progress of computer and internet technology and consequent applications in manufacturing, collaborating and resource sharing among enterprises distributed worldwide is growing frequently too. All these efforts aim at optimization deploying of resource and producing higher quality products faster at lower cost. Even existing technologies contribute to resource sharing in some degree, they can’t satisfy the requirements such as agility of sharing configuration, supporting of resource kinds, and performance of sharing. While the development of grid technology offer new solutions to these requirements.The real and specific problem that underlies the Grid concept is coordinated resource sharing and problem solving in dynamic, multi-institutional virtual organizations. Grid technology improving the performance of networked manufacturing system in resource sharing, cooperation, network security, transparent of using, and so on, which make the base of networked manufacturing system. The term of manufacturing grid (MG) is the applying of grid technologies on manufacturing, which really a cooperation platform and resource sharing system among manufacturing enterprises. In such system, enterprises can obtain resources and services encapsulated in MG like using local resources.MG is a cooperation platform and resource sharing system among manufacturing enterprises. Several special problems related to modern manufacturing that must be considered in MG architecture design: How to manage distributed, heterogeneous and autonomy manufacturing resources in a networked-based manufacturing pattern? How to organize manufacturing resources for easily finding and invoking? How to dynamically organize a manufacturing job from manufacturing services? Aimed at solving these problems, a service oriented Manufacturing Grid is presented in the paper, which based on a peer-to-peer structure.The resource management and scheduling is much more complicated in MG

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期

