

【作者】 曹艳芳

【导师】 任相宏; 于海广;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 研究意义:山东出土的商代青铜器时代从二里冈上层时期至商代末期,衔接较为紧密,门类分庞杂繁多。廓清山东商代青铜器时代演变规律及各个时期的特征,从小的方面来说,有助于认识山东古代非科学发掘品的时代,有利于建构山东商代青铜器发展变化的时空框架,为山东地区各青铜文化提供可资比较的时间标尺。从大的方面来说,不仅对于认识整个山东的古代青铜文化内涵、区别及传承都具有十分重要的意义,而且对研究整个中国古代青铜器的全面和深化也具有十分重要的意义。 研究方法:立足于考古学基础研究,以古文献记载为纲目,结合出土文献(如甲骨文和金文)对山东地区出土的商代青铜器及其相关问题进行研究和探讨。 新论点、新见解和创造性成果:首次通过细致的类型学对比,确定了山东商代青铜器的较为精确的年代,建构起山东商代青铜器的年代框架;首次对山东商代青铜器进行了型式划分和分期研究,并归纳总结各期特征。综理了目前山东商代国族研究的成果,并对部分铜器所属国族提出自己的见解。主要从以铜器为主的考古学遗存角度,分别对鲁北鲁南地区商文化东进的时间、路线以及夷商文化分界及其历史背景进行相关探讨,提出商文化东进可分为滥觞期、转变期、间歇期、发展期和全盛期五期。 论文框架:全文共分七章。 第一章:绪论。第一节:选题的确定和意义,旨在明确山东商代青铜器研究的时空范围、对象和意义;第二节:研究的基础和现状,目前中原地区商代青铜器无论是相当于二里冈时代的商代前期还是相当于殷墟时代的商代后期青铜器的年代框架均已建立起来,并不断得到完善;山东商代陶器的编年研究虽然有待完善和细化,但年代框架已经基本建立起来;山东商代青铜器研究已经取得一定成就,尤其是山东商代方国研究已经取得很多进展,以上三个方面是本文进行研究的基础和现状。第三节:研究的目的和方法,本文研究的目的是建立起山东商代青铜器的年代框架,进行分期和相关研究,运用的方法主要是考古类型学分析法,并结合相关文献如金文、甲骨文与传世古文献进行相关研究。第四节:对于一些必要问题进行说明。 第二章:山东商代青铜器组群的年代分析。第一节:鲁北地区商代青铜器组群年代分析。第二节:鲁南地区商代青铜器组群年代分析。山东商代青铜器的发表资料的通病即是年代断定失于笼统,多为“商代”、“商代前期”、“商代后期”等宽泛的结论。有鉴于此,本章分鲁北地区和鲁南地区两节,对绝大部分商代青铜器群的年代通过细

【Abstract】 Significance of the research: The time of the bronze of Shang Dynasty found in Shandong province is linked up tightly. It can be from the toplayer of Erligang to the end of Shang Dynasty. On the other hand, the kinds of the bronze is various ,almost including all the kinds of bronze found in Henan, the center of Shang Dynasty. Raveling the evolvement rule of every ages of the bronze has very important significance. Firstly, it can help us cognizing theose bronze without scientific excavation, establishing the age frame of the bronze, and offering a time criterion of the research of Shang Dynasty of Shandong. Secondly, it can be of a vrry importance of deepening our cognition of the ancient bronze and the ancient history.New idea , view and creative conclusion : Fisrt, it is the first time of the accurate age frame of the bronze of Shang Dynasty found in Shandong province. Second, it is also the fist time of the type and phrases study of these bronze.Third, On the base of bronze study, consulting some correlative history literature, we bring forward that the course of the culture invasion of Shang Dynasty to Shandong from the west to the east can be divided into four phrases: the beginning phrase, the climacteric phrase, the expanding phrase and the florescence phrase. At last, we make a comprehensive view of the ancient leuds of of Shang Dynasty in Shandong, and bring forward some new ideas of myself.This thesis includs seven chapters. Chapter one : introduction.Section one: Mainly Introduce the bringing forward and the choosing of the research, make clear the space, the time and the main objects of the thesis.Section two: analyzing the base study of the thesis, the research of bronzes of the center area of Shang Dynasty has established an accurate and consummate time frame, the research of the pottery of Shandong has got great development. and the research of bronze of shandong has also got some achievement, all of thses make up of the bases of my research.Section three: Introduce the aim of my thesis and the main method of the research. The

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期

