

Empirical Study of Anti-Lung Cancer Effect of Radix Actinidiae Extractive

【作者】 孙雪飞

【导师】 陈景寒;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 胸外科, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 研究背景和目的 原发性支气管肺癌(简称肺癌)是呼吸系统最常见的恶性肿瘤,是近年来发病率较高的恶性肿瘤。手术切除是治疗肺癌的首选方法,但由于肺癌患者早期缺乏特异性临床症状和体征,故其早期诊断率较低,确诊时多数患者已处于中晚期,常失去手术机会,只能辅以放疗和化疗等处理。多数肺癌患者在确诊后1年内死亡,其5年生存率低于15%。化疗仍是肺癌综合治疗的重要手段。目前临床常用的几种联合化疗方案,虽然有效率有所提高,但仍不理想,故国内外学者均在致力于寻找对肺癌更为有效的药物。随着研究的深入,从中草药中提取和寻找防治肿瘤的有效成分已成为治疗肿瘤的希望和新途径。 藤梨根为猕猴桃科猕猴桃属软枣猕猴桃的根,具有清热解毒、消肿疥、祛风湿的功效。临床上常用于抗肿瘤治疗,尤其对消化道肿瘤疗效较佳。近年研究发现,藤梨根复方制剂体外对多种肿瘤有抑制作用,可通过多种途径发挥抗肿瘤作用,其药理研究和临床验证受到广泛关注。有关藤梨根对肺癌的作用尚未见报道,本研究以人肺腺癌细胞株A549细胞作为研究对象,从体内外两条途径观察藤梨根提取物对人肺癌细胞的生长抑制作用和凋亡诱导作用,并对其可能机制进行探讨,以期为进一步临床应用提供实验依据。 方法 本研究分三部分 1.藤梨根提取物对人肺癌细胞体外抑制作用及机制的实验研究。体外培养人肺癌细胞株A549细胞;采用倒置显微镜观察藤梨根提取物作用前后细胞形态学变化;台盼蓝计数活细胞绘制不同浓度药物作用后细胞的生长曲线;四甲基偶氮唑蓝(MTT)比色法测定不同浓度药物作用不同时间对A549细胞生长的抑制率;集落形成试验观察不同浓度药物对细胞集落形成的影响;流式细胞术、~3H-TdR掺入

【Abstract】 Background and Objective:Now in our country, the morbidity and mortality of lung cancer locate the first place in all malignant tumor. Surgical operation excision is the first treatment to cures lung cancer.But due to the lack of specificity sings and symptoms in clinic, the rate of early diagnosis is low.When they obtain final diagnosis, most of them were in a advanced stage and lost the opportunity of surgery .Only radiotherapy, chemotherapy and other conservation treatment can be given to them.So most patients of lung cancer were died in one year.The survival rate of 5 years was lower than 15%. Chemotherapy is main method to treat lung cancer besides surgery.Although effective power has increase to some extent, now the combined chemotherapy scheme that frequently used in clinical was still no do well enough.For the past few years, to extract and look for active component of anti-tumor from Chinese Herbal Medicine become new method and wish to treating cancer.Radix Actinidiae is the root of Actinidia arguta Planch in Actinidiaceae.It have the function of heat-clearing and detoxicating, detumescence , eliminating rheumatic.Frequently to be used to treat tumor in clinic. Especially have good effect to alimentary tract cancer. Recently study surgest that Radix Actinidiae extractive have inhibitory action to many kinds of cancer in vitro.People pay close attention to pharmacoresearch and clinic probation.There is not research were done on if it have function of anti- lung cancer.We apply it to lung adenocarcinoma cell line A549

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期

