

Research on (?)ahar Mongol’s History

【作者】 宝音初古拉

【导师】 齐木德道尔吉;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 专门史, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 察哈尔蒙古起源于遥远的大蒙古国初期,被成吉思汗当作永久的纪念赐给拖雷家族的主妇,因而形成了这一蒙古社会拖雷家族主妇名下的特殊“领户”。因为成吉思汗的大扎撒是任何人都不得违背和变更的天条,所以从唆儿忽黑塔尼别乞开始,察哈尔人就毫无异议地被拖雷家族的后妃所有。有元一代他们就是汗斡耳朵主人——诸后妃的私人属民,负责侍奉各斡耳朵的日常生活。随着北元汗廷回到漠北草原,察哈尔人的职责也变得日益重要。尤其怯薛军逐渐失去昔日禁卫军的职责后,各斡耳朵察哈尔承担起护卫和侍奉可汗的重任。在蒙古社会四分五裂、皇权旁落、动荡不安的年代,察哈尔确实是可汗身边最忠诚的奴仆和保护伞。所谓“战刀之锋刃,盔甲之表面,这是你的察哈尔万户。”就是蒙古皇帝危机四伏时期的真实写照。从此默默不闻的汗斡耳朵之“怯怜口”(ger-ün keüked),便时来运转,有了大显身手,发展壮大的机会。 从达延汗开始,蒙古可汗就是依靠察哈尔的力量,恢复蒙古皇帝昔日的威风。达延汗时期,以满都海哈屯所属察哈尔(好陈察哈尔)为基础,以拖雷家族传统领户为主体的察哈尔万户群体已经形成。它是以察哈尔的名称命名的可汗直属万户。 从卜赤汗到林丹汗,察哈尔万户经过了较大的变迁过程。几代可汗为其子孙分封察哈尔万户所属传统领户,使察哈尔万户又趋向分裂。但是从好陈察哈尔演变的可汗斡耳朵直属察哈尔本部却一直保持平稳的发展。林丹汗在位的最后十年,以兼并的手段,使察哈尔本部迅速膨胀起来。察哈尔本部,从土蛮汗时期的五万骑达到林丹汗西迁时的控弦十万骑。 林丹汗就是利用这一股量控制了蒙古右翼三万之后,又数次远征漠北。1634年他率领察哈尔本部,企图控制青海、西藏的远征途中病故。察哈尔部众群龙无首,向往安居乐业,成群结队来归附爱新国,北元争权灭亡。 本文由导论、结语等七个部分组成。导论中主要介绍史料概况,研究史等;正文前两章着重介绍察哈尔蒙古历史的背景;第三章主要论述蒙古左翼山阳集团时期的察哈尔历史;第四章重点阐述察哈尔本部的西迁和北征、爱新国远征察哈尔的历史;第五章介绍察哈尔蒙古归附爱新国的经过及清朝初期察哈尔情况;结语中总结了全文。

【Abstract】 Cahar as a special leadership in Mongol society has its beginning in the ancient empire of Mongols, having been blessed Toloi family by Chinggis Khan. Cahar belongs to the wives of Toloi family from Surhagtani according to Chinggis Khan’s the most authoritative law Yehe Jasag. They have been the servants of all the wives who are the hosts of Khan ordon from Yuan dynasty’s first generation forward and taken care of the daily life. Their duties have become more important than before as the palace of North Yuan having been to the grassland. They take the vital roles of both the servants and the guards with Khesigten army losing his responsibility as the guards. In fact, they are both the servants and the loyal guards of Khan under the unsettled political condition. In the yeasty years, Mongol emperor has given them the sensible evaluation of Cahar as the sharp cutting edge of sword and the surface of armor. Hence, they have got the opportunity of being powerful and changing the role of ger-un keuked.Taking advantage of their power, Mongol Khan revives his authority from Dayan Khan. In the period of Dayn Khan, Cahar Tumen has formed based on Mantuhai queen’s Cahar (Haguchin Cahar), whose main part is the servants of Toloi family.From Bodi Khan to Ligden Khan, there is a big change of Cahar Tumen. The Khans of some generations divide it to their own grandchildren. That is why Cahar Tumen tends to become dispersed again. But the base Cahar made up of Khan ordon’s liege subjects whose origin is Haguchin Cahar has kept their smooth process of development. In the last ten years of Ligden Khan, the base Cahar developed a lot taking advantage of the absorption method. Their population has increased to 100 thousands in the period of Ligden Khan from 50 thousands in the period of Tumen Khan.Ligden Khan went on the expeditions some times and controlled Mongolian right three tumen having taken advantage of this power. He passed away in his expedition to Khunuur and Tibetan area in 1634. From that time, Cahar lossed his leader and obeyed Aisin dynasty. It means North Yuan dynasty’s destruction.This paper includes seven parts. The first part of introduction introduces the historical material. The first two chapters describe the background of Cahar Mongol’s history. The third chapter comments on the history of Cahar in the period of Mongolian left three Tumen. The fourth chapter covers the base Cahar’s the expeditions at right and north, the history of Aisin dynasty’s expedition to Cahar. The fifth chapter expounds the process of Cahar’s obeying Aisin dynasty and the state of Qing dynasty’s initial phase. The final chapter is a conclusion of whole article.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期

