

Research on the Technique for Pre-estimating Geological Hazard of Landslide

【作者】 邵铁全

【导师】 彭建兵;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 地质工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 工程地质学经过几十年的发展,取得了丰硕的成果,孙广忠先生提出的“地质构造控制论”为滑坡等地质灾害的超前地质预判技术提供了可靠的理论基础,部分研究成果为滑坡的超前地质预判提供了许多实际依据。笔者结合参加的“晋济高速公路的初步勘察”、“黄土暗穴研究”、“陕南公路沿线地质灾害预测预警系统研究”等科研项目,研究了大量文献资料,开展了大量的野外调查研究工作,以地质构造控制论为理论核心,以地层、构造、地形等要素的系统分析为指导,以滑坡的形成、演化及特征为研究对象,首次提出了滑坡地质灾害超前地质预判的概念。滑坡地质灾害超前地质预判主要是指在勘察工作前期,不借助任何勘探手段,运用各种超前地质预判的方法,根据滑坡的地质地貌特征确定滑坡的空间位置及滑坡类型,以预测其未来发展状况的一种技术方法。本文系统地建立了该技术方法的基本体系、预判方法及工作程序,并在陕南公路沿线地质灾害调查过程中进行了初步应用,其成果不仅有重要的理论意义,而且具有重要的实际意义。 根据对前人滑坡分类的分析,结合滑坡超前地质预判的目的,提出了适合滑坡超前地质预判、由基本分类和辅助分类构成的滑坡分类方案。 详细论述了滑坡的易滑地质地貌条件,厘定了易滑地层的概念。将我国主要易滑地层概括为土质型、沉积岩型和变质岩型三大类及粘性土类土、黄土类土、碎石土、泥岩、页岩、泥灰岩、片—板岩和碎裂岩等八小类。并讨论了易滑地层的空间分布特征和时代分布特征及易滑工程地质岩组的基本类型和结构类型;易滑构造包括易滑原生构造和易滑叠加构造两大类,前者主要有沉积地层的泥质层面和变质岩地层的片-板状构造,后者包括断裂构造和褶皱构造。将我国陆地地貌概括为山地、丘陵和盆地等三大宏观地貌单元,其中山地是最为易滑的宏观地貌单元;沟谷地貌,特别是河谷岸坡是滑坡集中发育的细观地貌单元;斜坡形态类型中凸形坡最为易滑;斜坡的结构类型首先有块状、层状、碎裂和散体等四种基本类型,碎裂和散体结构属于易滑结构类型;层状结构类型中顺向坡最为易滑;不同地区形成滑坡的坡度和坡高有较大的差异,但总的看来,坡度在15—60°、坡高在100米到300米的斜坡最易形成滑坡。

【Abstract】 With the several decade years’ development, engineering geology has produced plentiful and substantial fruits. The geologic structure cybernetics, which is put forward by Sun Guang-zhong, supplies reliable theoretical basis for the geological pre-estimating technique of geological disasters including the landslide, and some research productions have supplied many practicable basis for the geological pre-estimating technique. The author in this paper, after participating several projects such as the preliminary reconnaissance of Jinji highway, the research of loess hidden caves, and the research of forecasting and pre-warning system for the geological disasters along highways in Southern Shannxi, and according to the system analysis of stratum, structure and landform, through studying the formation, the development and the characteristics of landslide, firstly puts forward the conception of pre-estimating landslide based on the geologic structure cybernetics. The pre-estimating system for landslide is a technical method, which can determine the space position and the type of landslide, and can pre-estimating its developmental condition in the future without any exploration means, but according to all kinds of geological pre-estimating methods and topographical features of landslide. In this paper, the author builds the basic system, the discriminating method and the working procedure of this technical method, and has applied this method for investigating the geological disasters along highways in Southern Shaanxi. This not only has important theoretical meaning, but also important practical meaning.Based on analyzing the previous classification of landslide and according to the purpose of geological pre-estimating, the author puts forward the classifications of landslide composed by basic classification and subsidiary classification, and summarizes the main markings for pre-estimating landslide, including the 11 landform markings and the 10 geological constructional markings, and illustrates 7 new landslides, 9 old landslides, 8 ancient landslides, 4 traction landslides and 4 removing landslides.The author in this paper detailed discusses the eely geological landform

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期

