

Study on the Protection Skill of Zoology and Environment Aimed at Slope in the Collapse Loess Area

【作者】 杨惠林

【导师】 谢永利;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国经济发展进入一个新的阶段,生态破坏和环境污染已经成为重大的社会问题。生态环境保护的理念逐渐得到普及,并受到重视。近年来,由于高等级公路的大规模建设,经常需要开挖大量边坡。边坡的开挖破坏了原有的植被覆盖层,导致出现大量的次生裸地以及严重的水土流失现象,加剧了生态系统的退化。这种现象在我国北方的干旱地区尤为明显。公路工程建设者受到来自生态环境保护方面的压力越来越大,如何快速恢复开挖边坡的生态环境并实现坡面的植被保护是一个亟需研究和解决的问题。 针对保护生态环境、提高公路旅行的舒适度、改善和弥补工程护坡方法的不足、以及解决北方干旱地区植物在边坡存活与附着技术难题上的迫切需求,本文就黄土地区路基边坡的生态防护技术进行了系统研究。 本文主要从干旱地区湿陷性黄土边坡病害类型和产生机理;干旱地区湿陷性黄土路基边坡防护形式的综合评价分析;复合型植物防护结构形式等三个方面进行研究。研究过程直接针对当前湿陷性黄土地区公路工程中出现的路基路面病害,依托甘肃省的兰临、兰海、白兰、巉柳、尹中等几条高速公路建设,结合己建的多条湿陷性黄土地区公路实际情况,总结和借鉴湿陷性黄土地区和其他一些地区在该方面的最新研究成果和经验。研究借助大量的室内外试验,分析和探求了各种病害产生的原因和机理,并对各种病害提出了切实可行的防治措施,最终形成了一套关于湿陷性黄土地区公路路基路面病害防治的较为系统的理论与方法,为湿陷性黄土地区的公路黄土边坡病害防治工作建立了理论依据。同时,研究中提出的病害处治措施,能直接为该类地区公路工程中采用或作为参考。 通过研究得到以下主要结论:(1)在湿陷性黄土地区,植被护坡作为一种柔性,开放式的防护措施很好地克服了刚性护坡措施的不足;(2)对黄土边坡实施植物防护措施时,土工格室与植草相结合的复合式边坡防护措施能有效保障草种和幼苗免受暴雨冲刷;(3)提出了土工格室+植物复合型护坡设计型式:土工格

【Abstract】 As the economic development of our country enters into the new phase, the zoology demolish and the environment pollution have been the fatal public problem. The idea of the protection of zoology environment gradually is gained ground, and got more and more attention. The slope excavation destroys the intrinsic cladding of vegetation, and leads to abundant badlands, so much as comes forth the serious phenomenon of water loss and soil erosion. Those disadvantage quicken degenerateness of the ecosystem. The phenomenon becomes especially evident in the dry land area at the west-north in China. The erector of highway engineering fall under more and more pressure from the protection of zoology and environment. It is the problem of desiderating study and solve that how to renew quickly the ecosystem on slope, and realize the vegetation protection on the slope surface. It takes on a specified significance and practical application that the achievements improve the quantity of project, save the investment of basic construction, promote the development of senior way in the loess area. So it is indispensable to study on the aspect of environment in favor of the development of high-way.This paper analyses the disease style and engendering mechanism about slope of the collapse loess area in the dry area, the all-around evaluation analyses on slope protection style of the collapse loess area in the dry area, and the structure form on the complex vegetable protection, and so on. The study process sums up and refers to the others latest achievements or experiences in the collapse loess area or other area, according to the arisen roadbed and road surface diseases in the collapse loess area, at the same time, linking the building projects in the dry area at the west-north of China. The study, making use of indoor test and on-site test, analyzes and searches various causation and mechanism on the diseases, and brings forward the feasible prevention and cure measures, comes into being a systemic theory and method on disease prevention and cure of the roadbed or road surface in the collapse loess area. The conclusion sets up the theory gist on the slope disease prevention and cure in the

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期

