

Study on Selection of Plant Materials for Soil and Water Conservation in Southern Section of the Taihang Mountain

【作者】 李新平

【导师】 朱金兆;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 太行山是华北平原及京津地区的天然屏障,由于长期人为破坏和高峻坡陡的地貌,水土流失严重,给华北地区的生态安全带来严重隐患。绿化太行山,治理水土流失一直是我国林业生态建设的重要组成部分。本文以太行山南部中山区为例,从植被群落的分布和自然恢复过程、主要植物材料的抗逆性及水保功能、植物材料多样性及适生立地条件等方面对该区主要树种的适宜性进行了试验分析,主要研究结果如下:研究地区属温带落叶阔叶林带,历史上植被繁茂,有许多天然次生林群落,具备植被恢复与重建的水热条件。松栎混交林(1000~1900m)、落叶松白桦林(1400~2300m)、侧柏林(<1300m)等地带性稳定群落,是关键的斑块和重要的种子资源库,为植被恢复提供了物质基础和模式。封山育林后1~15a以草本群落为主,20~25a灌木成为优势群落,30~50a乔木逐渐占据空间。人工促进植被恢复,引进地带植被中的优势种、关键种,能增加演替速度。樟子松、侧柏、圆柏、杜松、沙地柏、山杏、野皂荚、狼牙刺、山桃、沙棘适宜阳坡造林;刺槐、臭椿、白榆、火炬树、白皮松、紫穗槐、柠条、杠柳、酸枣等树种,不适应土层浅薄的石质山地;海拔高度是影响华北落叶松(>1400m)、黄连木(<500m)分布的限制因子。海拔1300m~1700m土层厚的阴坡是日本落叶松的适生区,22a生树高可达15m。紫花苜蓿、红豆草、矮苔草、白羊草、黄背草、野古草等适应性强,具有较好的生态和经济效益。树种间的抗旱机理不同,沙地柏、杜松、油松、香椿、连翘、侧柏、樟子松等树种蒸腾强度低,平均为5.52mg·min·g;黄刺梅、野皂角、臭椿、山桃等树种蒸腾强度高(平均为13.91mg·min·g),凋萎系数低(平均为4.24%)。不同树种林冠截留率显著差别,针叶树对降水截留率大,平均为22.9%;阔叶树的截留率较小,平均为16.7%。华北落叶松降水截留率为17.8%,枯落物持水量为16mm,是较好的水源涵养林树种。松栎混交林是当地最佳的水土保持植被类型。灌木林能有效减少降雨侵蚀(减少土壤流失量80%、径流量68%);以其发达的根系固持了土壤,狼牙刺、黄刺梅的根系拉力最强。草丛的降雨截留和枯落物吸收量一般为2mm左右,主要水保功能在于能消减雨滴动能,减免雨滴对地面土壤的打击力,阻挡径流,根系网结土壤,并增大了土壤的渗透能力和抗蚀能力。应用归纳集成法,选取与水土保持功能相关的因素构成预选指标集,对在太行山广泛分布的主要植物材料进行了多功能评价,日本落叶松、樟子松、油松、侧柏,辽

【Abstract】 The Taihang Mountain is a natural barrier for the Huabei Plain. As the long-term human activities and the topographical characteristics of the mountain, the soil and water erosion in the Taihang mountain areas is very serious, which has been a hidden trouble to the ecological safety of the Huabei Plain and Beijing and Tianjin areas. Greening the Taihang Mountain and controlling the soil and water erosion in the area has always been an important part of the ecological forestry construction in China. In this paper, the south middle mountainous area of the Taihang Mountain was taken as an example, the following aspects were studied and analyzed including plant material selection in establishment of water conversation forests, distribution and natural rehabilitation of vegetation community; growth, and water conservation capability of main plant materials; and diversity of plant materials and adapted site conditions, etc. The main research results were listed as follows:The research area belongs to the defoliated broad-leaved forest belt of warm temperate zone with rich vegetation in history, which reflects this area has the water and heat condition for vegetation rehabilitation. In the area, mountainous vegetation of moist and temperate in east of China is the dominant community, which has various natural secondary forests. Mixture forest of Pine and Oak trees( with elevation from 1000m to 1900m),larch and birch mixed forest(with elevation from 1400m to 2300m) and Platycladus orientalis forest (with elevation below 1300m) has been key plots of regional ecological landscape and important germplasm resource bank, which also provides material and models of vegetation rehabilitation. With the development of blocking mountain and raising forest, herb communities become domination during the time of 1-15a, shrub becoming superior communities during the time 20-25a and trees gradually occupying habitat space during the time of 30-50a .Natural rehabilitation is a quite easy and economic measure to recover vegetation.An integrated evaluation on growth potential, preserving rate and resistance of various tree species in afforestation were given in the paper. For instance, Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica, Platycladus orientalis, Sabina chinensis,Juniperus rigida,Sabina vulgaris,Prunus armeniaca var.ansu,Gleditsia heterophylla,Sophora viciifolia,prunus davidiana and Hippophae rhamnoides are suitable for afforestation in the sunny slope. Robinia pseudoacacia,Ailanthus altissima,Ulmus pumila,Rhuus typhina,Pinus bungeana,Amorpha fruticosa,Caragana microphylla,Periploca sepium and Zizyphus ujuba are not good species to grow in rocky and in shallow soil layer of mountainous areas. Elevation as a limited factor exerts influence on the distribution of Larix principis-rupprechtii (>1400m) and Onobrychis viciaefolia(<500m) .North slope with thickness of soil layer within elevation from 1300m to 1700m is suitable for growth of Larix leptolepis, attaining to tree height of 15m for growth of 22a.As


