

Research on Ethno-ecology of Tujia Nationality in Qingjiang Valley .Hubei Province China

【作者】 艾训儒

【导师】 马钦彦; 谭志松;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 生态学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文首次以湖北清江流域土家族聚居区作为自然-社会-经济复合生态系统,以恩施土家族地区作为研究对象,结合文化人类学与生态学两种学科,运用文化人类学的主位田野调查法和历史资料溯源与生态学基本原理和方法,研究了清江流域土家族族群的生物生态学特性;土家族的生物生态适应、文化生态适应以及土家族聚居区复合生态系统特征等内容,主要包括土家族体质生态,土家族分布格局,土家族族源与民族迁徙,人口生态,土家族衣、食、住、行、用的生态适应特性,土家族生产生存方式与生态平衡,土家族宗教信仰、生死观念、民族礼俗及村寨治理模式的生态内涵,土家族民间文学的生态哲学历史传承,以及不同历史时期土家族地区生态系统的特征等方面,研究结果显示:(1)土家族分布于湘、鄂、川、黔交界的武陵山区的38个山区县市,主要聚居在低山地带(海拔300~800m)和二高山地带(海拔800~1200m),其人口数量分别占土家族总人口数量的47.87%和42.69%。由于,不同海拔高度聚居区的土家族人生存模式因气候和土壤等生境条件差异而不尽相同。(2)历史资料溯源表明湖北武陵地区现今的土家族人系由古巴人、古濮人、乌蛮人以及湘西北土著人等多个民族支系,因不同原因,经不同途径融合,最后聚居于武陵山区。土家族人具有黄色人种的基本特征,由于局部自然地理条件和气候因素的影响,土家族人的体质容貌特征呈现中国南方人向北方人过渡类型趋向。他们的唇形基本直立,上唇高度中等,以中唇或厚唇为主,存在明显性别差异和年龄差异。其唇高─口裂综合分型为中中型;其耳廓大小适中,以中耳型或中长中宽耳型为主,容貌耳长与容貌耳宽之比约为2:1;一般具有达尔文结(67.73%),以圆结型居多;两眼位置适中,虹膜褐色,眼裂水平,开度中等,无蒙古褶,双睑多为细窄眼型或中等眼型;土家族血型以A、O型较多,与本地苗族和汉族血型没有明显差异。(3)土家族的年龄结构、性别结构、文化结构、家庭结构与民族多样性在清江流域不同区域、不同民族之间存在一定差异。清江流域土家族聚居区解放前人口增长缓慢,主要原因是民族之间的战争和自然灾害的影响。土家族人口移动对当地社会、经济、自然环境以及不同区域人群的基因交流发生较大程度的影响,这

【Abstract】 This paper studies the biological and ecological characteristics of Tujia ethnic group in Qingjiang valley, biological and ecological adaptation, cultural ecological adaptation and characteristics of compound ecological system of Tujia ethnic group in Qingjiang valley by taking Tujia-inhabited area in Qingjiang valley of Hubei Province as a compound ecological system of nature-society-economy, taking the Tujia ethnic group in Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture as the research object, combining cultural anthropology with ecology and using the emic field study and historical data of cultural anthropology and the basic principles and methods of ecology. They mainly involve the physique ecology and distribution pattern of Tujia ethnic group, nationality origin, nationality migration, population ecology, ecological adaptation of Tujia ethnic group in food, clothing, shelter, transportation and utilization, the production and living mode and ecological balance of Tujia ethnic group, the ecological meanings of religious belief, views on life and death, rituals and village governance, inheritance of ecological philosophy of Tujia folk literature and the characteristics of the ecological system of Tujia-inhabited area in different periods of time. The research results show:(1)Tujia ethnic group is distributed in 38 mountainous counties/cities in Wuling Mountains at the junction of Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan and Guizhou provinces. They mainly inhabit in low mountains (with an elevation of 300~800m) and middle mountains (with an elevation of 800~1200m), accounting for 47.87% and 42.69% of the total Tujia population respectively. Because of difference in climate and soil conditions, the living models of the Tujia people in different elevations slightly vary.(2)The historical data show that the Tujia people living in Wuling Mountains consist of a number of branch nationalities such as the ancient Ba people, ancient Pu people , Wuman people and aborigines in northwestern Hunan province. They blended and gathered in Wuling Mountains in different ways for different reasons. Tujia people have the basic characteristics of the yellow race. But affected by local natural and geographical conditions and climatic factors, their physique and appearance are the transitional type from the southerners to the northerners. Their lips are generally upright; their upper lip height is medium-sized with medium-sized lip or thick lip dominated. There exist obvious sex difference and age difference. Their lip height and oral fissure belong to medium-sized type; their auricle is moderate with medium-sized ear type or medium-long or medium-wide ear type dominated,


