

Comparative Research on Urban Forestry in China and Abroad

【作者】 刘德良

【导师】 李吉跃; 左家哺;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林培育, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 论文在查阅大量中外城市林业/森林研究文献、相关学科对城市植被研究资料的基础上,结合我国城市林业引进、发展的现状,在国内同类研究中首次就城市、城市化与中外城市林业,中外城市林业产生和发展,中外城市林业的绿化实践,中外城市林业的人才培养,中外城市林业的科学研究,中外城市林业的组织保障体系6个方面展开系统、全面的比较研究,在此基础上就中外城市林业的学科地位、21世纪制约中国城市林业发展的3大瓶颈、探索中前进的中国特色的城市林业建设进行了深入的研究。通过中外城市林业的比较研究,以世界的眼光,本文前瞻性的明确和阐明了中国城市林业建设的有利和不利因素、丰富和发展了中国城市林业理论,特别是回答和解决了当前中国城市林业在人才培养、科学研究、绿化实践、行政管理体制、法制法规建设等方面存在的不足和缺陷,并提出了一系列富有针对性的解决方案或措施:①理论研究上,探讨了制约21世纪中国特色城市林业建设的三大瓶颈,其中土地是中国特色城市林业发展的基础瓶颈;资金是推动中国特色城市林业持续发展的不懈动力;机制是中国特色城市林业高效有序运行的保证;提出了城市林业是一门横断学科的观点,因为从研究对象所涉及的领域、对象、范畴、层次、问题和关系的多学科特点和超越各单独学科范畴的特点来看,城市林业不是原有学科的水平交叉,而是更高水平上的整合与提高;②绿化实践上,探讨了加强和改进中国城市森林建设的5项对策:以规划为龙头,坚持以高起点规划带动高标准建设;依法治绿;加强各部门的通力合作,形成社会化兴绿的良好氛围;建绿与护绿并举;树立“近自然”森林和生态绿化的理念;③人才培养上,探讨了如何建设具有中国特色的城市林业高等教育体系,并对拟议中的本科层次的人才培养模式提出了2种对策;一是对风景园林专业进行“城市林业化”改造;二是直接创办城市林业本科教育,并借鉴欧美的经验,提出了相应的课程结构体系;④科学研究上,提出了从5个方面加强和提高城市林业科技创新能力的对策主张,一是建设一批国家城市林业科学中心;二是建设一批国家城市林业科技区域创新中心和创新实验基地;三是以创建森林城市为平台、开展重大研究项目的联合攻关;

【Abstract】 On the basis of surveying large amount of domestic or foreign literatures of urban forestry/forest, research materials of related fields on urban vegetation, considering the current situation of introduction and development of urban forestry in our country, first time among the some kinds of researches in our country, this thesis makes a comprehensive and systematic comparative analysis and research on all of the following six aspects: city and urbanization and urban forestry,the emergence and the development of urban forestry, the greening practice of urban forestry, the training of personnel on urban forestry, the scientific research on urban forestry, the administration and guarantee system of urban forestry in china and abroad. In addition, this thesis also makes a deep exploration on the disciplinary status of urban forestry, the three bottlenecks which will affect the development of urban forestry in China in the 21st century, and construction of urban forestry with Chinese feature which is in progress.Through a comparative analysis of urban forestry in china and abroad, according to the foresight in the world, this thesis has determined the advantage factors and the disadvantage factors in urban forestry construction in China, and stated them clearly. It has enhanced and developed the theory of urban forestry in China. It especially has solved and answered the problems which currently arise in the training of personnel, scientific research, afforestation practice, and administrative system and legislative construction of urban forestry in China. And it puts forward a serious of practical proposals and countermeasures.(1) On theoretical research: It brings out a new thread of thinking that land, fund and mechanism are the three bottle necks which will affect the development of urban forestry in China in the 21st century, among of which land is the primary bottle neck, fund is the force that pushes urban forestry forward consistently, and mechanism is the guarantee that keeps urban forestry move forward orderly and efficiently; It puts forward a new point of view that the urban forestry is a traverse subject. The fields, objects, categories, layers, problems and relationships which are related to its research object involve

  • 【分类号】F316.2;F326.2
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】2206
  • 攻读期成果

