

Study on Theory and Technology of Forest Ecological Harvesting Planning at Landscape Level in Northeast Over-cutting Forest Area

【作者】 舒清态

【导师】 唐守正; 陆元昌;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林经理学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本研究以我国东北过伐林区吉林省汪清林业局金沟岭林场为研究对象,从景观水平上探讨了森林生态采伐规划的理论与技术问题。研究方法包括:点抽样技术、RS与GIS技术应用、TWINSPAN景观分类、DCA景观类型演替排序、环境因子CCA相关分析、景观格局现状分析、景观空间趋势面分析、景观变化动态模拟预测、景观规划的近自然设计方法等。主要研究结论包括理论、技术和应用三个方面。理论方面:(1)森林生态采伐规划包括两个层次:景观水平和林分水平。在林分水平上,要求系统地考虑林木及其产量、树种、树种组成和搭配、树木径级、生物多样性的最佳组合,确保生态系统的稳定性和可持续性;在景观水平上,使采伐过程模拟自然景观特征。依据森林群落的演替规律和群落之间的相互关系,通过林分级的采伐与更新加速群落的演替,林分水平的生态采伐应在景观规划的指导下进行。(2)TWINSPAN和DCA能有效的解决景观生态类型数量分类和排序的问题,这两种方法是景观生态数量分类与排序有用的工具。(3)近自然森林发展类型设计,可实现景观对林分经营的调控,群落生境制图是这种自上而下(top-down)的经营关系的“纽带”;(4)森林景观与经营计划的关系通过群落生境编码在生态采伐实践中进行表达,使采伐面积落实到山头地块和具体的经营小班中。技术方面:(1)立地因子数据信息的获取。借助ArcGIS空间分析功能,通过DEM可快捷准确获得研究区地形因子信息。(2)“点”抽样是研究中大尺度的景观层次的森林经营数据采集的有效抽样方法;(3)TWINSPAN不仅可用于植被群落类型的分类排序,同样可用于森林景观分类与排序,对景观演替的时空梯度有一定指示意义;应用方面:(1)按土地利用类型,把金沟岭林场一级景观分类划分11种景观类型。进一步按优势树种和景观生态立地因子(坡向、坡度,海拔和土层厚度),TWINSPAN

【Abstract】 Theory and technology of landscape-level forest ecological harvesting are studied in Jingoulin forest farm, where it is located in Wangqing forestry bureau of Jilin province. The main studied theories and methods include spot sampling, RS & GIS technology application, TWINSPAN landscape classification, DCA landscape succession and ordination, environment factors CCA correlation analysis, landscape pattern analysis, landscape spatial trend surface analysis, landscape development model simulation, landscape planning, etc. The main conclusions are as follows:In theory:(1)Forest ecological harvesting involves landscape and stand levels. At stand level, some related to stand, such as forest volume, trees species, trees groups and its arrangement, trees DBH class, biodiversity optimization combination and forest-land productivity, nutrient, water, exchange process of matter and energy, should be taken into account in order to keep forest ecosystem structure and function, to maintain ecosystem stability and sustainability, to reflect the harmony between nature, society, environment and human eco-society development. At landscape level, the harvesting process should simulate nature landscape character。According to forest community succession ordination and the correlation between them,ecological harvesting at stand level would be implement with landscape-level planning and guidance for maintaining forest landscape integration by stand-level forest logging and regeneration to accelerate community succession.(2)Quantitative classification and ordination of forest landscape can be applied by TWINSPAN and DCA. The two methods are useful tools in landscape ecology quantitative classification.(3)By close-to-nature WET designed, stand management can be realized within landcape controling. Community site mapping is their“ligament”of top-down managemnet


