

Health Analysis and Evaluation of the Main Forest Types in the Typical Soil-gravel Area in North China

【作者】 谷建才

【导师】 吴斌; 余新晓;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文首先从理论上分析和探讨了生态系统健康和森林健康的概念、内涵和研究进展,将评价森林健康的指标分为了基础性指标、结构性指标、抗干扰性指标和生态服务功能价值指标,并分别建立了四类指标健康标准。基础性指标选择生物量作为研究对象,通过各树种立地指数表的编制、立地指数判别模型的构建和各立地指数下各树种的林分生长模型分析,建立了华北土石山区主要树种不同林龄、不同立地指数下的生物量健康标准模型系统;结构性指标选择了植物多样性作为研究对象,以雾灵山森林群落植物多样性为标准,定量研究了群落种数、总个体数、Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、种间相遇机率随海拔高度、坡向指数、干扰等级、林龄、坡位指数、坡向和土层厚度等因子的变化规律;抗干扰性指标选择了森林火险等级和森林病虫害灾害等级作为研究对象,森林火险等级评价以八达岭林场为例采用聚类分析方法对火险进行等级划分,选择了海拔高度、郁闭度、距旅游点的距离、优势树种、经营措施、林道距离6个成火因子进行计算分析,并通过SAS统计软件对计算结果进行聚类分析,从而将火险等级划分为了Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ三个等级标准。森林病虫害灾害等级划分是通过检疫重要性、危害程度、发生面积、森林类型四个方面,利用模型来计算森林病虫害灾害指数,按照计算出的森林病虫害灾害指数值的大小,可将森林病虫害划分成Ⅰ级、Ⅱ级、Ⅲ级、Ⅳ级四个灾害等级;生态服务功能价值指标健康标准主要用直接价值和间接价值两个部分来反映,并以雾灵山森林单位面积总价值为标准。其次,本论文以八达岭林场为例,在以层次分析法确定林型权重的基础上,采用健康距离法进行健康评价并将评价落实到小班、地块,将八达岭林场小班分为健康、亚健康和不健康三类。结果表明,八达岭林场亚健康状态的森林小班所占比例最大,为61.04%,健康状态的森林小班所占比例最小,为16.88%,不健康状态的森林小班所占比例为22.08%。由于八达岭林场中处于亚健康状态的林地已经超过总面积的50%,因此八达岭整个林场的森林处于亚健康状态。

【Abstract】 In order to provide scienfic basis for forest management ,health analysis and evaluation are given to the main forest types in the typical soil-gravel area in North China.The results are as the follows:Firstly,this paper has theoretically analyzed and discussed the ecosystem health’s concept,connotation and research under progress. The study has divided the indexes which affect the forest health into four parts:foundational index, constitutive index, anti-jamming index and ecological benefit index. On the Foundational index healthy standard,the paper has chosen the biomass to take the expression of forest health’s index,mainly through the site index of each forest differentiation model system,the plot’s site index can be differentiated. Using the site index result,the biomass standard can be calculated by the biomass standard model system. On constitutive index healthy standard,the paper mainly has taken the Wuling Mountain forest community as standard,and studies the species richness,the individual quantity richness,the biodiversity index,the evenness and correlative factors which take as the criterion of the biodiversity index on forest health evaluation meso-scale of the Badaling forest center. On anti-jamming index healthy standard,the paper has chosen the forest fire and forest pest and disease to take the expression of forest health’s index,the forest fire study has used the cluster analysis method to carry on the rank division,in the fire factor,the paper has chosen the altitude, canopy density, management measures,the distance to tourist point,dominant tree species,the distance to logging road,and carried on the result through the SAS statistics software,thus fire insurance rank division for I,II,III; The forest pest and disease study reflect the forest pest and disease disaster index by the quarantine importance,the harm degree,the area,the forest type four aspects through the model,then definite disaster rank. On ecosystem service value index healthy standard,the paper has chosen the direct value and the indirect value to take the expression forest health,and take the value of each hectare in Wuling Mountain as standard.Secondly,the paper evaluates forest health on the above indexes in Badaling forest center,taking AHP to determine the weight of index of travel forest,heath distance as method. The Badaling forest center’s sub compartments divide into the health,the sub health and ill health three kinds,The sub healthy condition forest sub compartments account for the proportion in a big way,61.04%,the healthy condition forest sub compartments account for the proportion to be smallest,16.88%,the ill health condition forest sub compartments account for the proportion 22.08%. Because the sub health forest of


