

Establishment and Genetic Evaluation of Waxy Hybrid Rice Breeding Technology System

【作者】 黄荣华

【导师】 杨仁崔;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 用剂量分别为250Gy和350Gy的60C0 γ射线直接辐射诱变杂交稻亲本(保持系、光温敏核不育系和恢复系)干种子约0.5kg,于M2带胚糙米群体获得一批不同遗传背景的胚乳糯质突变体,进而分别育成糯稻不育系和恢复系,并建立起杂交糯稻育种技术体系。对诱变糯质突变基因的遗传、等位性、基因的剂量效应以及基因的回复突变进行了研究;研究了糯稻亲本及杂交糯稻的主要生物学特性;并对杂交糯稻的主要营养成份和品质作了分析。研究的主要结果如下: 1.杂交稻亲本诱变胚乳糯质突变频率为0~12.81×10-4,平均为3.18×10-4。在适宜的剂量范围内,大剂量(350Gy)的诱变频率高于小剂量(250Gy),且品种间有差异。诱变糯质突变体采用救胚成苗的生物技术,可有效提高成苗率,成苗率为50.00%~86.21%,平均为74.80%。遗传分析表明,新获得的糯质突变基因与已知的wx基因等位,胚乳糯质受一对隐性基因wxwx控制,非糯(Wx)对糯(wx)显性。wx基因存在明显的剂量效应,直链淀粉含量随wx基因个数的增加而降低。发现糯质突变(wx)会回复突变为非糯质(Wx)野生型,回复突变频率为0~6.34×10-5,平均为3.74×10-5。 2.应用该育种技术体系育成了一批糯稻不育系、恢复系和杂交糯稻组合,其中通过技术鉴定的7个不育系是龙特浦wxA,冈46wxA,Ⅱ-32wxA,D62wx A,金23wx A,中9wx A和SE21wx S;育成的糯稻恢复系是明恢77wxR,明恢63wxR,明恢86wxR,南恢175wxR,蜀恢527wxR,辐恢838wxR,湘恢288wxR,402wxR;育成并通过审定的杂交糯稻组合是Twx63(龙特浦wxA/明恢63wxR)。 3.生物学特性研究表明,(1)糯与非糯不育系等基因系具有相同的生育期,十分相似的农艺性状、穗部性状、花器性状、花粉不育特性,光温敏核不育系还具有相同的育性转换特性。(2)糯与非糯保持系、恢复系及杂交稻等基因系各时期的分蘖力总体差异不显著。除D62wxB外,糯与非糯保持系、恢复系以及杂交稻等基因系在剑叶长、倒2叶长、倒1节长、倒2节长、倒3节长、倒4节长、生育期诸性状上差异均不显著。(3)糯与非糯保持系、恢复系和杂交稻在有效穗、穗粒数上差异不显著,但糯稻穗粒数均比非糯稻多,而有效穗的变化没有规律,有的糯稻多,有的则相反;除明恢86wxR外,糯稻结实率均比相应的非糯稻高,

【Abstract】 Approximately 0.5kg dried seeds of parents of hybrids (including maintainer lines、photoperiod (temperature) sensitive genic male sterile lines and restorer lines) were treated with 60Co Y -rays at the dosage of 250Gy and 350Gy respectively, a group of waxy mutants with different genetic background were obtained in their M2 brown rice population, then waxy CMS lines, restorer lines and hybrids were developed, and corresponding breeding system of waxy hybrid rice had been established. For genetic analysis, allelic relationship, dosage efficiency as well as mutation reversion of induced waxy gene had been studied. The main biology characteristics of waxy parents and waxy hybrids had been studied. The nutrition components including crude protein content, the amino acid content, the mineral elements content and the fatty acid composition and some of the cooking and eating quality of waxy hybrids had been analysed. The main results were as following:1. The frequency of waxy mutation in parents of hybrids was 0 12.81 × 10-4, the average was 3.18 × 10-4. Under the suitable dosage scope, the bigger dosage (350Gy) had the higher mutation frequency than that of the smaller (250Gy) one, and there existed difference among varieties. The seedling rate of waxy mutants could be effectively improved by using embryo rescuing technology, 50.00% 86.21% of seedling rate and averaged 74.80% had been achieved. It was indicated by genetic analysis that waxy mutation genes newly obtained by radiation were allelics to the known waxy gene, the waxy characteristic of the mutation was dominated by a pair of recessive gene wxwx, whose dominant alle was Wx and was responsible for nonwaxy, and there existed obvious wx dosage efficiency, that amylose content reduced while the dosage of the waxy gene increased. It was discovered that the reversion mutation from induced waxy mutant (wx) to wild nonwaxy (Wx) type, the frequency of waxy mutant reversion was 0 6.34x10-5, the averaged was 3.74x10-5.2. A group of waxy CMS lines, restorer lines and hybrids had been developed by using the waxy hybrid rice breeding technology system. 7 waxy CMS lines including LongtepuwxA, Gang46wxA, II-32wxA, D62wxA, Jin23wxA, Zhong9wxA and SE21wxS had passed the technical appraisal. 8 waxy restorer lines including Minghui77wxR, Minghui63wxR, Minghui86wxR, Nanhui175wxR, Shuhui527wxR, Fuhui838wxR, Xianghui288wxR and 402wxR had been developed. And one waxy hybrid rice named Twx63 which had passed the cultivar examination and approval had been developed.3. Studied of biological characteristic of waxy rice indicated that:(l) waxy and


