

Studies on the Parasitoids of Hemiberlesia Pitysophila Takagi (Homoptera: Diaspididae) and Their Control Effectiveness

【作者】 王竹红

【导师】 黄建;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 植物检疫, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 松突圆蚧Hemiberlesia pitysophila Takagi是危险的森林检疫性害虫,利用寄生性天敌进行生物防治是有效遏制其危害蔓延的重要途径。本文在系统调查福建省松突圆蚧寄生性天敌资源的基础上,研究了两种重要寄生性天敌-花角蚜小蜂和友恩蚜小蜂的生物学特征,以及寄生蜂触角、足和外生殖器上的感觉系统:分析了寄生蜂的种间竞争关系和花角蚜小蜂在不同条件下的寄生功能反应;探讨了松突圆蚧寄生性天敌的林间放蜂技术;评价了寄生性天敌对松突圆蚧的自然控制作用。主要研究结果如下: 1.福建省松突圆蚧寄生性天敌为蚜小蜂科Aphelinidae的4属6种,其中初级寄生蜂有友恩蚜小蜂Encarsia amicula Viggiani et Ren、长缨恩蚜小蜂Encarsia citrina(Craw)、黄蚜小蜂Aphytis sp.;重寄生蜂有瘦柄花翅蚜小蜂Marietta carnesi(Howard)、双带花角蚜小蜂Ablerus perspeciosus(Girault)、长蚧花角蚜小蜂Ablerus chionaspidis(Howard),其中首次报道双带花角蚜小蜂和长蚧花角蚜小蜂重寄生松突圆蚧。寄生松树的其它介壳虫寄生性天敌也多为蚜小蜂科和跳小蜂科的寄生蜂。松突圆蚧的另一种寄生性天敌-花角蚜小蜂Coccobius azumai Tachikawa是福建省2002年从日本引进的优势种天敌,目前该蜂已在福建省顺利定殖并发挥显著的防治效果。 2.花角蚜小蜂营两性生殖和孤雌生殖两种生殖方式,两性生殖产生雌性后代,为初级寄生;孤雌生殖产生雄性后代,重寄生在同种或它种小蜂的老熟幼虫或蛹体上。友恩蚜小蜂营孤雌生殖。花角蚜小蜂和友恩蚜小蜂的产卵行为分成寻找、试探、产卵针插入、产卵、产卵针拔出、清理等几个步骤。解剖刚羽化的花角蚜小蜂和友恩蚜小蜂的生殖系统发现:花角蚜小蜂的卵巢左右成对,各由3条卵巢管组成,两侧卵巢管前端端丝形成的悬带分离,不形成中悬带;友恩蚜小蜂的卵巢也由3条卵巢管组成,但两侧卵巢管的悬带连接,形成中悬带。 对花角蚜小蜂和友恩蚜小蜂的产卵逐日分配的研究结果表明:饲喂20%蜂蜜水和不补充任何营养两种条件下,花角蚜小蜂产卵集中在羽化后的第1-4d,其中第2d产卵最多,饲喂20%蜂蜜水时为3.8粒(占总产卵量的36.89%),不补充任何营养时为2.6粒(占总产卵量的44.07%)。而友恩蚜小蜂在羽化当天就产下大部分卵,饲喂20%蜂蜜水时羽化当天产5.9粒(占总产卵量的81.94%),不补充任何营养时产2.4粒(占总产卵量的100%)。友恩蚜小蜂偏好寄生孕卵期的松突圆蚧雌成蚧,其次为产卵初期的雌成蚧,不寄生产卵末期的雌成蚧。 花角蚜小蜂对被同种其它个体寄生过的寄主具有明显的识别能力,对被友恩蚜小蜂寄生过的寄主不具有明显识别能力,能在被友恩蚜小蜂产过卵的寄主体内重复产卵。而友恩蚜小蜂对被同种其它个体或花角蚜小蜂寄生过的寄主均不具明显识别能力,可在这些寄主体内再重复产卵。 3.触角、足和外生殖器上的感觉系统在寄生蜂寻找寄主的行为中发挥着重要作用。电镜扫描结果表明:花角蚜小蜂和友恩蚜小蜂雌蜂触角均具有毛形感器(Sensilla trichodea)、板形感器(Sensilla placodea)、坛形感器(Sensilla placodea)、刺形感器(Sensilla chaetica)、B(?)hm氏鬃毛(B(?)hm bristles)等5种感觉器。花角蚜小蜂雄蜂触角除这5种感觉器外,还具有腔锥形感器(Sensilla coeloconica)。花角蚜小蜂和友恩蚜小蜂雌蜂足上除具有“触角清洁器”和“翅膀清洁器”外,还具有具槽感觉毛(Socketed

【Abstract】 Hemiberlesia pitysophila Takagi is a kind of dangerous quarantine pest, which has caused serious damage to forests, and the utilization of parasitoids is an available approach to prevent H. pitysophila from damage and spreading. In this research, on the base of investigations on parasitoids of H. pitysophila in Fujian Province, the biological characteristics and sensory systems of the two important parasitoids Encarsia amicula Viggiani et Ren and Coccobius azumai Tachikawa, were studied. The interspecific competition between E. amicula and C. azumai, and the functional response of C. azumai were also analyzed. Moreover, a method to collect and release C. azumai was set up and the effectiveness of parasitoids on H. pitysophila was evaluated by life table. The main results obtained were as follows:1. The parasitoids of H. pitysophila in Fujian Province were found with 6 species belonging to 4 genus in Aphelinidae. E. amicula, E. citrina (Craw) and Aphytis sp. are primary parasitoids, and Marietta carnesi (Howard), Ablerus perspeciosus (Girault) and Ablerus chionaspidis (Howard) are hyperparasitoids, the two latters are reported as hyperparasitoids of H. pitysophila for the first time. Another parasitoid, C. azumai, introduced from Japan into Fujian Province in 2002, has already established to control H.pitysophila efficiently.2. C. azumai lay eggs with both gamogenesis and parthenogenesis. The females are primary parasitoids of H.pitysophila, which are reproduced by gamogenesis. The males are reproduced by parthenogenesis, hyperparasitizing on the mature larvae or pupae of self individuals or others. E. amicula lay eggs with parthenogenesis. The major phases of oviposition of C. azumai and E. amicula are searching, test, inserting host by ovipositor, laying eggs, drawing out ovipositor and cleaning. The reproductive systems of just emergent female C. azumai and E. amicula were dissected for illustrating. The ovary of C. azumai consists of 3 ovarioles on each side, so is E. amicula. The ligament, composed of terminal filament, of C. azumai is separate, while that of E. amicula joints to median ligament.Daily egg-laying allocation of C. azumai and E. amicula was studied, which indicated that C. azumai may lay most of eggs within the first to the fourth day after emergence, reaching the maximum on the second day with 3.8 eggs while fed on 20% honey solution and 2.6 eggs while fed on nothing. E. amicula may lay lots of eggs on the day emergence with 5.9 eggs while fed on 20% honey solution and 2.4 eggs while fed on nothing. Meanwhile, E. amicula preferred pregnant hosts and the hosts at the preoviposition duration, and had no choice of the hosts at the postoviposition duration.C. azumai could distinguish the hosts parasitized by conspecific parasitoids, but could not distinguish the ones parasitized by E. amicula. E. amicula may lay eggs repeatedly in the hosts parasitized by conspecific


