

Quarantine Technology and Risk Analysis of Oriental Fruit Fly (Bactrocera Dorsalis)

【作者】 詹开瑞

【导师】 赵士熙;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文采用室内饲养观察、阳间系统调查的方法,研究了桔小实蝇的形态学鉴定与分子生物学快速鉴定技术以及桔小实蝇的生物学、生态学特性,系统分析了桔小实蝇的适生性与风险性,为改进桔小实蝇的口岸检疫技术手段与制定检疫政策提供科学依据。 1.桔小实蝇的鉴定技术 形态特征是种类鉴定的主要依据。根据室内饲养观察记录,本文描述了桔小实蝇的主要鉴定特征,同时与其近缘种进行鉴别特征比较,制作了果实蝇属Bactrocera常见种类的分类检索表,以满足桔小实蝇的快速准确鉴定的需要。根据诱集反应观察,可以利用桔小实蝇对引诱剂Me的特异性反应特征的辅助鉴定方法。利用PCR结合DGGE的技术可以有效分离桔小实蝇及其近缘种的鉴定和分离,这为解决实蝇卵及幼虫无法通过形态特征进行种类鉴定的问题提供了方法学的依据,为实蝇的早期鉴定奠定基础。 2.桔小实蝇的生物学特性 通过室内饲养观察田间系统调查,探明了桔小实蝇卵孵化、幼虫生长发育、化蛹、羽化和成虫繁殖特征;在全省范围内调查了桔小实蝇的主要寄主及寄主的受害程度;记录了桔小实蝇的为害特点和嗜食现象;测定了桔小实蝇的发育起点温度(C)和有效积温(K),探明了福州地区桔小实蝇的年生活史,种群动态及其影响因素。 3.桔小实蝇的种群系统 本文把桔小实蝇种群系统作为果园生态系统的一个组成部分,探明桔小实蝇种群系统与其它种群系统相互联系、相互作用的关系。

【Abstract】 With the method of system investigation, and indoors feed experiment combine together, the morphologic identification and mole-biological identification technology, biological characteristic, ecological characteristic of oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) were studied。 The survival characteristic and introduction risk of oriental fruit fly were system analysised.1. The identification technology of oriental fruit flyMorphologic characteristic was mostly gist for species identification. The most morphologic identification characteristic of oriental fruit fly was described in this paper, and the morphologic identification characteristic of analogous species fly were compared, The adult identification key of constant quarantine fly species of Bactrocera were authorized, to satisfy the usage of oriental fruit fly celerity and authentic identification. According to the observed result of entrapping responses, the especially responses to the attractant Me of oriental fruit fly could was used to assistant identify. With the technology of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), the oriental fruit fly and it’s analogous species could be quickly identify, especially in the identification of flyblow and larva which were difficult to identify by the morphologic characteristic, the foundation of forepart identification of fruit flies was established.2. The biology speciality of oriental fruit flyBy system investigation and indoors feed experiment observe , The emergence, feeding, copulation, oviposit and longevity of oriental fruit fly were particularity described. The host and their suffer injury degree in Fujian province were proved up. The threshold developmental temperature (C) and the total effective temperature (K) were determined . 6 generations per year in Fuzhou city, population dynamic and it’s influence factors of oriental fruit fly were proved up.


