

Study on the Floatation of Fine Rutile Ore

【作者】 岳铁兵

【导师】 魏德洲; 冯安生;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 矿物加工工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 我国原生金红石资源储量丰富,但由于其原矿品位低,与其它脉石矿物嵌布关系复杂,且本身金红石嵌布粒度细,目前选矿提纯工艺不过关,导致我国金红石资源一直未能得到合理的开发利用,造成我国需要大量进口金红石原料。解决金红石提纯技术的关键是合理选别工艺流程的制定,针对细粒金红石矿,单一选别工艺流程不能得到令人满意的结果,这在国内原生金红石矿选矿实践中已经得到验证,目前除个别金红石嵌布粒度较粗的金红石选厂,采用重选工艺维持生产外,大部分金红石选厂处于停产状态。解决金红石资源开发利用的关键是浮选技术,因金红石本身的嵌布粒度较细,决定了不能采用单一重选工艺,通过浮选工艺选别提纯金红石是必不可少的作业,但单一的浮选工艺在生产中选别指标仍然不理想,究其原因选别工艺流程不合理及浮选药剂制度的缺陷导致了目前的状况。 通过长期对金红石选别工艺的研究,采用联合选别工艺,即重选抛尾-粗精矿浮选工艺流程,可以获得满意的指标。由于重选粗精矿中的矿物组成与原矿的矿物组成发生了较大的变化,因此重选粗精矿浮选和原矿直接浮选的药剂制度是不完全相同的。本文研究的主要内容是实际研究过程中遇到的密度较大硅酸盐矿物绿帘石和角闪石与有用矿物金红石分离问题,因此本研究课题紧密结合实际,对金红石资源开发利用具有重大的现实意义。 目前金红石提纯研究工作主要是针对现有工艺进行改进,或孤立的分析单一药剂吸附对金红石表面性质的影响,缺乏整体药剂制度研究,对金红石开发利用缺乏实际的指导作用。本研究希望在金红石浮选领域内前人理论研究基础上,结合目前金红石选别状况,通过对药剂在有用矿物和脉石矿物表面吸附作用机理研究,寻找其中差异,建立起新的金红石浮选分离药剂制度和金红石提纯新工艺。金红石属于典型的氧化矿矿物,与硅酸盐矿物之间结构相近,矿物表面性质接近,通过本研究希望能够获得一些新的选别思路,推动其它金属氧化矿矿物与硅酸盐矿物之间的分离。 本文理论研究部分,通过对金红石、绿帘石和角闪石晶体结构分析,结合矿物表面电动电位测定、红外光谱分析、药剂吸附量测定等方法,对不同浮选药剂在金红石、绿帘石和角闪石表面的吸附机理进行深入研究,通过分析不同药剂在

【Abstract】 There was abundance of natured rutile resource in china, but it hadn’t been well exploited for its low-grade、 complex dissemination with other gangue minerals、 fine disseminated size and illogical separation technique, our country had to import a great deal of natured rutile.It had been proved by practice that using single technique procession could not obtain satisfying result on grain rutile.At present time, most of the rutile concentrations plants had been closed down except that very few factories could maintain their production, which had rutile of coarse dissemination size.Rutile’s fine dissemination size determined that single reelect was not enough and floatation was integrant, while the practice index of single floatation was not very good for lacking of reasonable procession and medicament system.After long-range research on rutile, satisfying index was obtained by unite technologic process—discarding tailing via gravity concentration and the flotation of rough concentrate. The raw concentrate’s mineral composition had changed a lot to crude ore, so their regulation of floatation agents were not same. The research laid a strong emphasis on separating rutile from the higher-density silicate minerals (epidote and hornblende), and had great realism significance in rutile’s exploitation and utilization.At the present time, most of the research on rutile aimed at improving technique processing of the day or analyzing adsorbent’s influence on mineral’s surface isolately, which was short of actual guidance on exploitation. By investigating the adsorbent mechanism of usefull mineral and gangue, the author established a new regulation of floatation agent and a new purificatory technique of rutile. Rutile was part of typical oxidation ore, and had similar structure&surface to silicate, so the research could give some ideas,and give an impulse to the separation of other oxidation ore and silicate.In the part of the basic research, electro kinetic potential of mineral’s surface and infrared spectral were mensurated to lucubrate the adsorbent mechanism of rutile 、 epidote and hornblende. The research indicate that catenulate hornblende had less absorbability with collector and was easily to separate from Rutile by floatation, while epidote was difficult to separated from rutile for their similar surface structure which induced similar surface character. We also can separate them by changing the regulation of agent to extend the difference between rutile and epidote.

【关键词】 金红石绿帘石吸附作用浮选药剂制度
【Key words】 rutileepidoteabsorbabilityflotationregulation of agent
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 11期

