

【作者】 王创峰

【导师】 亓成章;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 国际政治, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 政党外交是一种广义上的外交行为,是指一国政党在国家总体外交战略的指导下,为维护国家利益和促进国家关系与其他主权国家的合法政党及政党国际组织进行的联系和交往。中国共产党自成立之日起就与各国共产党的国际组织——共产国际交往,但是从事真正意义上政党外交还是在建国后以执政党的身份与外国各种类型政党的交往。经过50多年,特别是十一届三中全会以来20多年的探索,中国共产党的对外交往在范围、内容和方式等方面都有了长足的发展,并在实践中初步形成了以党际关系四项原则为核心内容的新型政党外交理论。这一理论的形成对新世纪的中国共产党政党外交具有现实的指导意义。本论文旨在探讨新时期中国共产党政党外交理论的形成过程及内容,并在此基础上对新世纪中国共产党的政党外交前景进行展望。论文首先从外交学和国际政治学的角度对当代政党外交的兴起和动因进行解析,指出政党外交不同于一般意义上的政党对外交往和党际关系,它的交往主体、内容和目的都具有特定性,它是二战后随着政党成为国际关系的行为主体、政党政治的普及和现代外交的发展而兴起的一种新的外交方式。在当代,推动政党作为非国家行为体介入外交领域的因素很多,其中国内政治需要、国家利益、政党意识形态、全球问题等是突出的几个方面。鉴于政党在国家政治生活中的独特地位及其在外交政策的制定与执行过程中的影响和作用,越来越多的国家开始把政党外交作为实现本国外交战略的手段,政党外交成为国家总体外交的重要组成部分。在对政党外交行为进行解析的基础上,论文提出中国共产党在新时期已经形成相对完整的政党外交理论的命题,并从这一理论的思想基础、现实依据、具体内容和实践成果等四个方面对命题进行了论证。论文指出马克思主义的党际关系思想是中国共产党政党外交理论形成的思想基础,并从国际政治学的角度对马克思主义各个发展阶段的党际关系思想做了系统的整理。作者认为,马克思、恩格斯在国际共产主义运动早期提出的无产阶级及其政党的国际联合思想、爱国主义和国际主义相结合以及各国党之间坚持独立自主、平等协商的原则对指导当代中国共产党政党外交仍然具有现实意义。列宁关于帝国主义阶段的“世界革命”和无产阶级国际主义的思想中的部分内容虽然已经不符合当代国际政治的现实,但他关于各国革命道路的统一性与多样性以及尊重各党独立自主权利的观点,仍然是中国共产党制定对外交往原则的理论依据。斯大林及其后的苏联共产党领导人

【Abstract】 As a diplomatic behavior on a kind of broad sense, political party diplomacy refers to the connection and association the political party of a country makes with the legal political parties of other sovereign states and international organizations of political parties under the guidance of the overall national diplomatic strategy to safeguard the national benefit and promote relations with other countries. From the day of establishing, the Communist Party of China (CPC) associated with Comintern, the international organization of Communist Parties of various countries, the political party diplomacy of the CPC in the real meaning, however, refers to contacts the CPC has made in the capacity of the ruling party with different political parties of other countries since the foundation of the People’s Republic of China. After more than 50 years of advancing by fumbling, especially the latest 20 more years, the contacts of the CPC has got considerable development in such aspects as the range, the contents and the way, and progressively formed in practice the new theory of party diplomacy with the four principles guiding party relationship as the core, which has a realistic, directive significance for the CPC to develop the contacts with the political parties of other countries in the new century.The thesis aims at probing into the forming process and the contents of the theory of party diplomacy of the CPC in the new period and then analyzing the prospects of party diplomacy of the CPC in the new century. Firstly, the thesis analyzes the rising of the contemporary diplomacy of the political party and its reason in terms of diplomacy and the international political science, pointing out that political party diplomacy is different from the external contacts of the political party and the relations of the general meaning, its subjects, contents and purposes are all particular, and it is a new behavior way of diplomacy arising with the political party becoming the actor of international relations, popularization of political party politics and the development of modern diplomacy after the World War II. In the contemporary era, there exist numerous factors promoting the political party as a non-state actor getting involved in the field of diplomacy, among which the need of domestic politics, national benefit, political party ideology, the global issue are the outstanding ones. In consideration of the political party’s unique position in the political life the state and its influence and function in the formulation and execution of the foreign policy, more and more countries begin to regard political party diplomacy as a means of implementing their diplomatic strategies. Therefore political party diplomacy has become an important component of the overall of national diplomacy.After analyzing the concept and the rising of political party diplomacy and the reason, the thesis proposes the proposition that the CPC has already formed a relatively integrated theory of political party diplomacy, and proves it from the aspects of thought base, realistic basis, concrete contents and practice achievements. The thesis points out that Marxist thought of party relationship is the thought base of

  • 【分类号】D27
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】956

