

Genetic Resource Evaluation of the Magnoliaceae Species and Cultivar Breeding of Michelia Chapensis Dandy

【作者】 姜景民

【导师】 陈益泰;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 森林培育, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本研究根据发掘我国乡土树种资源,加强林木种质创新利用,服务林业生态建设和产业发展的理念,系统总结了木兰科树种资源在华东地区的引种发展潜力,以乐昌含笑为优先树种,以常规育种方法为主,辅之以现代遗传分析技术,分析了其天然种群遗传多样性格局,探索了杂交育种、选择育种及配套的品种扩繁等技术方法,开展了以观赏利用为目标的新品种选育实践。通过几年来对木兰科等树种资源的调查研究,利用价值的评价,繁殖技术的摸索,我们向社会上推荐了适应华东地区种植、包括木兰科植物在内的一批观赏性状优良、适宜生产发展和城镇绿化应用的新树种,引起苗木培育和园林工程业界的关注,在华东地区以至内地省份自发形成了木兰科树种苗木培育热潮。虽然在后期行业内有许多超越理性的行为非我们所能控制,但从中我们认识到野生树种资源的发掘利用所能产生的巨大经济和社会效应。同时依据林木遗传育种学的知识,我们知道在树种资源的发掘中必须遵循林木引种驯化的规律和程序,必须在认识遗传资源多样性的基础上开展林木品种的创新,虽然这是一个长期的工作,但却是十分有意义的、能够给社会带来效益和财富的工作,也是林木育种工作者的责任。基于这种认识,我们开展了以乐昌含笑为主的木兰科树种种质资源的评价与创新利用研究。本论文是对此系列工作的总结。具体有以下结论: 1.木兰科是重要的森林植物资源,以往除少数传统观赏树种和药用树种外,并未受到重视。通过对木兰科植物资源及其经济价值、濒危情况进行分析,本文认为,由于其生物学生态学因素,更主要的是人类的过度干扰,许多木兰科树种的生存状态不容乐观。木兰科多观赏、药用、芳香种类,并多适合培育大径材和纤维用材,在重视林业多目标功能的今天,应该发挥利用其物种利用价值。文中提出了发掘和创新种质材料,培育人工森林资源,满足社会经济需求的木兰科植物多样性有效保存和持续利用的策略。 2.对在浙江富阳收集引种保存的近70种木兰科树种生存和表现情况进行了调查评价,有36种生长良好,包括来自中亚热带和北亚热带东部地区的大多数木兰属、含笑属、木莲属、和乐东拟单性木兰、鹅掌楸属和观光木等种,大多已完成其正常发育周期,引种驯化已经成功。另有15种不适应以至死亡,主要是分布区南缘和亚热带西部地区的种类。 3.对当前绿化苗木产业中应用的主要木兰科树种的适应性根据抗性表现和生理指标进行了评定。冬季低温,尤其是剧烈变温的出现是引种树种育苗及其绿化应用的主要危害因素,必须坚持树木引种驯化的程序和成功的标准。通过长期的生态适宜性观察和观赏价值评价,本研究推荐了一批可以在华东地区发展的木兰科新的园林绿化树种和速

【Abstract】 Following the strategy of exploiting native tree species resource, breeding and supplying more cultivars for the ecological environment construction and industrial development in forestry, the introduction results and utilization potential of the Magnoliaceae species in eastern China have been analyzed in this paper based on systematical investigation of long-term collection and conservation of the species. Been taken as a prior species for research and development, the genetic diversity pattern of natural populations of Michelia chapensis Dandy has been studied and the breeding methods been groped by means of conventional ways and DNA molecular assistant genetic analyzing methods. And with the innovation of ornamental cultivars as the main goals, crossbreeding and selection breeding have been done and some cultivars been selected, the supporting measures of asexual mass propagation for cultivars have also been developed. The main results of the research are as following:1. Magnoliaceae species are the important constituents of Chinese forest resources, but not being highly valued yet except a few traditional ornamental used and Chinese medicine species. The species resources, their developing values, and the endangering conditions of the family in China have been analyzed in the paper, and it’s concluded that many species in natural forests are in endangering state due to the loss of their biological and ecological habitats, and what’s more to the point is the over-harvesting of the natural resources. It’s suggested that the Magnoliaceae species should be highly valued for their economic use as ornamental, medicinal, perfume plants, and also as the trees suitable for plywood and pulping, and the fair tactics are to exploit the genetic resource and cultivate plantations to satisfy the mankind needs by which in turn relieve the pressure on natural resources.2. The survival and growth status of the introduced Magnoliaceae species in Fuyang, Zhejiang have been evaluated. Among the 70 species, 36 are in good state, mainly from the eastern areas of central and north subtropical regions, including that of Magnolia,


