

Study on Sustainable Management of Tropical Forests in Hainan Island, China

【作者】 黄金城

【导师】 洪菊生;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 森林培育, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 海南岛是我国主要的热带地区之一,保存着大面积的原始热带森林,具有很高的科学价值、环境价值和经济价值,是我国和世界的资源宝库。同时海南又是我国最南端的热带岛屿,地处东南亚经济发展圈的周围,发展热带森林资源具有得天独厚的自然优势和极大的经济优势。海南的热带森林不仅是一项产业,还承担着发挥森林的多种生态功能和效益,服务和促进全省经济和社会发展的重要作用。因此,探索海南热带森林可持续经营的方法和途径,对于海南生态省建设有重要意义。 本文从森林资源的调查出发,对海南热带森林资源的现状进行了分析;对海南热带森林的功能和价值进行了系统的评估;首次对海南热带森林可持续性经营能力进行了评价;对海南热带森林进行了经营区划,首次分生态公益林和商品林探讨了海南热带森林可持续经营的途径,提出了一整套经营模式和今后15年内海南热带森林的发展方向。具体研究如下: 1.基于近现代的森林资源统计资料,全面分析了海南省热带森林资源的变迁和现状,重点论述了建国后森林资源的消长动态和现状。结果表明,海南热带森林资源实现了“双增长”;林地利用率高;但森林资源结构较差;森林生产力较低;人均占有量不高;且森林资源分布十分不均。 2.以海南省用材林、经济林和天然林为对象探讨了热带森林服务功能和价值的内涵,使用市场价值法、影子工程法、机会成本法和替代法等方法评估了森林的服务功能和生态经济价值。结果表明,森林的经济效益仅为279423.0万元,而生态效益为749764.7万元。 3.首次计算出海南省现有森林资源的可持续性综合指数为0.747,处于中等偏弱的可持续经营状态。海南热带森林资源具有丰富的生物多样性、较稳定的森林资源结构等特点。但当前影响可持续性实现的主要限制因素是社会经济效能和森林生态效能之间尚存在着一定差距。 4.研究认为,海南森林经营区划可分为中部天然林区、沿海防护林区和平原丘陵商品林区。应以保护中部天然林为基础,以建立沿海防护林体系为保障,以发展平原丘陵商品林为手段来实现可持续经营。实施热带森林的分类经营是实现可持续经营的重要内容和主要途径;按照不同类型区域的特点,搞好重点工程的布局和建设是关键;建立比较发达的林业产业体系和比较完善的林业生态体系是重要目标;充分发挥热带森林的三大效益是战略核心;以“六大”机制和“五大”创新来分别作为公益林和商品林经营的措施保障。

【Abstract】 Hainan Island is one of the major tropical areas in China, where large area of primitive tropical forests occur, which are of high value in scientific, environmental and economic aspects, and a resource treasury for China and the world. As the most south island of China, Hainan is situated in the Southeast Asia economic circle. Obviously, it has the natural and economic advantages to develop tropical forest resources. Tropical forestry in Hainan is not only an industry, but also exerts manifold ecological function and benefit, and play an important role in serving and promoting economic and social development of Hainan Province. Therefore, it is very important for construction of the ecological province of Hainan to explore methods and approaches in sustainable management of tropical forest resources.This paper analyses the present situation of the tropical forest resources on the basis of the forest resources inventory in Hainan; evaluates in a systematic manner the function and value of the tropical forest and capacity of Hainan in sustainable management of tropical forest for the first time; explores the management regionalization of tropical forest in Hainan and approaches in sustainable management of tropical forest in terms of the ecological welfare forest and commodity forest for the first time, and proposes a whole set of management model and the direction of tropical forest development in the next 15 years. The research is as follows:1. The development and the status quo of the tropical forest resources in Hainan was analyzed on the basis of the existing statistical data of tropical forest resources with focus on description of the dynamic change and status quo of the forest resources after the establishment of new China. The result indicated that the tropical forest resources achieved "double increases" in stock volume and area with high utilization rate of the

  • 【分类号】S757
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】791

