

Study on the Growth Modeling and Technical System of Ecology-based Harvesting and Regeneration for Larch and Spruce-Fir Stands

【作者】 张会儒

【导师】 唐守正; 鞠洪波;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 森林经理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 森林采伐是森林利用的主要手段,也是调节森林结构、促进森林生长和健康发展的重要措施之一。长期以来,我国的森林采伐以木材利用为主要目的,给森林本身和环境造成了很大的不利影响。随着减少对环境影响的森林采伐(Reduced Impact Logging,简称RIL)和生态采伐(Ecology-based Harvesting)理念的提出,研究如何通过采伐,使森林既有高的经济效益,又不损失生态效益、不降低生物多样性与生态环境质量,正是科学的营林体系过去缺乏研究、现在还没有解决的重要问题。 本研究在系统总结分析林分生长模拟和生态采伐更新研究现状的基础上,以长白山落叶松云冷杉林为研究对象,进行研究对象的生长动态分析和模拟,研究采伐活动对研究对象及其环境的影响,总结提出长白山落叶松云冷杉林生态采伐更新技术体系,包括共性技术原则和个性技术指标。研究主要取得了以下几方面的结论: (1)对于由人工落叶松纯林演变而来的落叶松云冷杉混交林,采伐林分断面积和蓄积表现出相同的生长过程,即林分在采伐后,采伐强度越大,断面积和蓄积的年平均生长率越大;采伐林分的断面积和蓄积在采伐初期要小于未采伐林分,但随着林龄的增大以及林木竞争的加剧,会逐渐的向未采伐林分靠近。 (2)对用罗辑斯蒂(Logistic)函数和理查德(Richards)函数模拟落叶松单木生物量的生长变化规律比较分析表明,罗辑斯蒂函数优于理查德函数。用罗辑斯蒂函数对样本生物量的估计的总相对误差均在±1%以内,预估精度均在92%以上。其中总量、木材和树皮的预估精度在95%以上。落叶松单木生物量各组份的数量成熟龄分别为:总量28年,树干和树皮27年,树枝30年,树叶27年。各组份的比率分别为:树干72%,树皮9%,树枝16%,树叶3%。 (3)通过间伐对落叶松云冷杉林的影响研究分析表明,间伐促进了落叶松云冷杉林保留木生长的显著增加。林分及各树种(组)单木的断面积和蓄积生长率,均随间伐强度的增加而增加。间伐没有对总收获量产生显著的影响。各间伐样地的枯损无显著差异,但强度间伐比中度间伐的枯损蓄积和枯损木平均直径要大。间伐没有显著地改变林分的树种组成。间伐样地的物种多样性略有提高;间伐增加了林下灌草的生物量;间伐样地的土壤物理性质也略有改善。对于乔木层,弱度采伐时树枝和树干材生物量占总生物量比率较大。未间伐林分叶生物量占总生

【Abstract】 Forest cutting is a major method of forest utilization, and also one of the measures for forest structure regulation and acceleration of its growth and healthy development. In China, timber utilization has long been taken as the important objective of forest cutting, which renders a very disadvantageous impact on forest itself and the environment. With the advancing of the concept of RIL (Reduced Impact Logging) and Ecology-based Harvesting, people begin to investigate how to let forest both have high economic benefit, and not reduce ecological benefit, biodiversity and ecological/environmental quality. This is just the important problem past management system has seldom studied and not yet settled.Based on a systematic summing-up of stand growth modeling and on an analysis of present research situation of ecological cutting/regeneration, the paper carried through analysis and modeling of growth dynamic of studied objects, and investigated the impact of logging activity on the objects and environment, thus proposing a technical system for logging regeneration in larch and spruce-fir forest environment on Changbai Mountains, including both common technical principles and individual technical indexes. The major conclusions obtained are as the following aspects:1. The study and analysis on experimentation of cutting (include thinning and selected cutting) of larch and spruce-fir stands showed that the transact area and stock volume of cut stands demonstrated the same growth process as the un-cut stands, that is, the stronger the cut intensity, the greater the annual growth rate after cut. The annual growth rate of cut stands is weaker than that of un-cut stands in the early stage after cut, however, it will approach gradually that of un-cut stands with increase of forest age and with acceleration of competition between forest.2. A comparison analysis of growth change rule modeled on single larch tree biomass by using Logistic function and Richards function demonstrated that the result of Logistic function was better than that of Richards function. The overall relative error for


